Abraham Dream Interpretation

abraham image


A Dream Interpretation About The Abraham

(God’s bosom friend, upon whom be peace. arb. khali”l) To see the Prophet Abraham, upon whom be peace, in a dream is a good sign of wealth, blessings, glad tidings, devotion, long life, assiduousness, healing of a sick, noble goals, righteous progeny, commanding good and forbidding evil, discarding bad company, compliance with the divine ruling, knowledge, guidance, success after failure and separation from one’s family and kin to seek God’s nearness and pleasure. In a dream, Abraham represents the element of compassion toward one’s son and family and sometime he represents the element of adversities and finally ofreachingsafety.

(See Also: Feast ofImmolation, Stotion. of Abraham)


Sources and Authors

  1. Islamic Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]

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