Many dreams evoke emotions more intense than those we feel in waking life. If these emotions are frightening or disgusting, we call the dream a nightmare. A common feature of night...
Read More1. Urges for a family, to have a baby.2. A need or desire to care for the child within. ...
Read MoreIt must be borne in mind that the most authentic dreams are the ones observed in the latter part of the night and during Qayloolah (sleeping at midday ) and during the day. Dreams ...
Read MoreOne of the most frequent dream themes is that of anxiety in some form. This may not be because most dreams are about things we fear, but simply because we remember those dreams m...
Read MoreBeing conscious during the dream state represents a high level of mastery. You are realizing your ability to powerfully orchestrate your life that will help you achieve clarity and...
Read MoreThe following dreams are typical of childhood and mirror the stresses, experiences and questions associated with this stage in life. It is possible, however, to have one of these d...
Read MoreInterpreting Your Dreams Interpreting your dreams can be an immensely rewarding endeavor. As we have previously emphasized, it not only offers the prospect of amusement but als...
Read MoreAn unresolved problem or an incomplete event of destiny; when resolved, the dreams will cease...
Read MoreIf a person sees Allah giving him something pertaining to the world, it means he will soon be afflicted with sickness. It may also mean that some hardship will befall him. As recom...
Read MoreThe sensation of spiritual possession in a dream is symbolic of demonic influences in your life, Mk. 3:11 ...
Read MoreBecause of the ease with which computers can file, son, cross reference and present information, a great deal of work has been done in analysing the content of thousands of dream...
Read MoreExample: ‘My husband’s mother, no longer alive, came and slid her arms carefully under me and lifted me up. I shouted “Put me down! Put me down! I don’t want to go yet.” ...
Read MoreOne hundred and forty dreams were collected from a group of patients suffering depression.The same number of dreams were collected from people similar in age and social backgroun...
Read MoreIn psychodrama there is no interpretation’ of a dream.The dreamer unravels the meaning of the dream by acting it out with the help of others.The dreamer acts the main role of h...
Read MoreBelow are described simple techniques which make it possible to gain information quickly from dreams. They have been put as a series of questions. What is the background to the dre...
Read MoreGreece Antiphon, a Greek living in the fourth century bc. wrote the first known descriptive book of dreams. It was designed to be used for practical and professional interpretati...
Read MoreMany experiments have been done using hypnosis in connection with dreams. In the early pan of this century Carl Schroetter hypnotised Miss E, a pharmacist, in an attempt to test Fr...
Read MoreIn most ancient cultures, consideration and even veneration of dreams played a great pan. Some groups felt that dream life was more real and imponant than waking life. Not only w...
Read MoreThese are usually a sign of much activity during the day (less often, a suggestion to be more active). In contrast, being an observer in the dream means to be less passive. These d...
Read MoreWhen people of antiquity had dreams of strange cosmic events, like fire raining down from heaven, comets, etc., they would report them to the Areopagus in Athens or to the Senate i...
Read MoreTo dream of eating a sack-posset signifies to women much gossiping; and to a man that he shall obtain his sweetheart, of whom a sack-posset is the emblem....
Read MoreTo have a sense of personal existence distinct from others may be unique to human beings, and in large measure due to the learning of language. Jung and Neumann’s studies of the ...
Read MoreTo dream of Steven Spielberg or of his motion picture production company is about opening your creativity to the skies and beyond. You are beginning an out of the box creative expl...
Read MoreVenting dreams represent your subconscious mind’s attempt to assist you with the process of cleaning out the old in order to make room for the new. You may be playing out a a fri...
Read MoreIt is reasonable and healthy for all of us to have a dream which surprises us or shocks us occasionally. As dreams partly deal with aspects of our urges and fantasies which we do n...
Read MoreRecurring dreams are a common phenomenon experienced by many people. These dreams may contain familiar themes, characters, or places that repeat themselves over time. Understanding...
Read MoreTo dream that you are able to control the action in your dreams, indicates your growing confidence, high self-esteem and increasing skills. Alternatively, this type of dream may be...
Read MoreThis dictionary of India, interpretation of dreams contains over 93 indexed entries. Indian Interpretation of Dreams ...
Read MoreConsidering that each of us has four or five periods of dreaming each night, most of our dreams are forgotten. But for people who observe family or friends regularly remembering ...
Read MoreHaving written a dream down, by using highlighting pens to make all matching words the same colour, one can immediately see the main issues in some dreams.Example: ‘We walk aroun...
Read MoreHere are 30 different dream symbol that appear most common in the world and these dreams meanings. Animals Animals can usually be linked to survival or the instinct to keep g...
Read MoreDreams! What do they mean? You probably recognize a connection between the dream world and the “real” world, but did you know that you can actually do things to nurture your d...
Read MoreTEETH My most popular requests for dream interpretation are by far, dreams about teeth falling out. Apparently this is quite disturbing to people who have this dream...they simply...
Read MoreACORNS To dream of acorns and that you eat one denotes you will rise gradually to riches and honour. If you do not eat it and throw it on the ground, you will quickly get rich, but...
Read MoreDreams Beyond Dreams: Mystical Experiences Recalled as Dreams Not all dreams are merely dreams. According to author Stase Michaels, a dream serves as a bridge between our nightly ...
Read MoreThis overview will provide a brief account of earlier views on dreams and the current status of the dream-problem in contemporary science. Despite thousands of years of study, litt...
Read MoreA number of well-recorded dreams have appeared to foretell accidents and some researchers believe that accidents in dreams are a warning. Research, however, does not support the id...
Read MorePregnancy is one of the most life-changing, and physically and emotionally demanding challenges a woman can face in her lifetime. Research shows that the dreams of pregnant women c...
Read MoreThis partial excerpt from “Dream Language” by Jim & Michal Ann Goll explains some of the most common dreams that people experience. Thousands of dreams have been logged by vari...
Read MoreTo dream in black and white suggests that you need to be more objective in formulating your decisions. You may be a little too unyielding in your thought processes, and thus need t...
Read MoreCarl Jung believed that the unconscious could be revealed through dreams, premonitions, or synchronistic experiences. These revelations often offer insights into an individual's li...
Read MorePrecognitive disaster dreams often challenge our preconceptions about how the world and the dreaming mind are connected. Below are several remarkable examples of such dreams that f...
Read MoreAnthropologists, psychologists and dream analysts often find similar themes in dreams that appear to transcend all generations and cultures. Whilst not all experts agree on the sam...
Read MoreJung thought that dreams tell us things about ourselves that we might not already know, giving us information that contrasts with our conscious understanding of our feelings, thoug...
Read MoreTibetan Buddhists refer to these as "dreams of clarity" because they transcend everyday concerns and take you into a space of the divine. You may wake from such a dream with a feel...
Read MoreIf your life is particularly difficult, you may have a dream in which you feel blissfully carefree and happy.If you are feeling lonely and unloved, you may have a dream in which yo...
Read MoreDreams about relationships are extremely common. This is because the health and survival of your relationships is a primary goal for your unconscious; in your dreams it constantly ...
Read MoreYou may experience dreams in which you pick up emotions or experience the same situations as others. For example, you dream of a loved one being rushed to hospital only to find in ...
Read MoreThere is a long tradition in almost every religion of dreams with messages from a supernatural power. Many people are inclined to accept that dreams containing religious symbols, s...
Read MoreYou may have dreams that appear to predict the future. Whilst many of these dreams can be easily explained, there are a few that seem impossible to explain and which might therefor...
Read MoreAlthough the following dreams can be experienced at any life stage, they are believed to be amongst the most common for teenage dreamers.If you dream of burying a dead body, you ma...
Read MoreDreams that focus on the early stages of mourning after the loss of a loved one are often dreams in which the dead person is still alive and well, and continuing to participate in ...
Read MoreDreams in later life can be extremely tense and memorable; two of the most common are dreams of losing your purse or wallet and dreams of getting lost. The former dream reflects fr...
Read MoreMost dreams have an element of fantasy or the surreal in them, but when the events or images in your dream are so fantastic or have absolutely nothing to do with your waking realit...
Read MoreTraveling dreams can offer profound insights into what is preventing you from achieving your goals in life. Always pay attention to the mode of transportation and whether the vehic...
Read MoreSigmund Freud actually called dreams the “royal road to the unconscious,” That statement will probably remain true in psychology forever. Freud’s classic text, The Interpreta...
Read MoreJung studied under the tutelage of Sigmund Freud. Their differing views on dreams and dream interpretations led to a permanent rift that led them to go their separate ways. Like F...
Read MoreCayce was able to obtain virtually an unlimited amount of knowledge on an unlimited number of subjects. One of these subjects was dreams and dream interpretation. Cayce was able to...
Read MoreYour dreaming mind has access to information that is not readily available to you when you are awake. Dreams can reveal your secret desires and subconscious feelings. By rememberin...
Read MoreWhen starting the process of interpreting your dreams, many people find it helpful to keep a notebook or dream journal beside their bed. As soon as you wake up, physically able to ...
Read MoreDreams are like enigmatic puzzles, offering glimpses into the intricate workings of our subconscious minds. While interpreting dream symbols can be a fascinating endeavor, it's...
Read MoreDisturbing dreams are different from nightmares. They may leave you wondering what your subconscious mind is trying to communicate. Below are some potential reasons behind these ty...
Read MoreThe idea that dreams can be healing is not new. In the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Greece, patients who did not respond to medical treatments could sleep in a temple dedicat...
Read MoreMany people are convinced that they do not dream, often saying, “My head hits the pillow and I’m out for the count,” and when they wake up, they cannot recall having any drea...
Read MoreAustrian psychologist Alfred Adler (1870-1937) suggested that dreams are all about wish-fulfillment because they allow the dreamer to have skills and powers denied to them in wakin...
Read MoreHistorical Figures and Their Dream Revelations Throughout history, the dreaming mind has been credited with inspiring ideas, insights, revelations, and guidance that have shaped th...
Read More"Dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you." – Marsha Norman We all dream several times a night, and it's been suggested that we each experience 100,0...
Read MoreDream interpretation provides powerful knowledge about yourself that you might not discover otherwise, if you can understand the language of dream symbols. Encoded within dream sym...
Read MoreDream symbols are highly personal and specific to each dreamer, and their meaning can vary even from one dream to another for the same individual. Your subconscious mind chooses pa...
Read MoreDreams can come in almost any form, using a wide variety of symbols and storylines. To understand their meaning, it is important to recognize the feeling level within the dream as ...
Read MoreDreams offer us a mirror to see our true selves—our inner beauty, potential, and the lessons we are learning. They show us where we are succeeding and where we might be missing i...
Read MoreIn 1953, to test the possibility of ESP through dreaming—that is, dreams that predict the future or contact others telepathically—a New York psychiatrist named Montague Ulman d...
Read MoreThe Power of Dreams as a Personal Resource Your dream world is an invisible but extremely powerful inner resource, one that you can learn to access freely. By learning to command a...
Read MoreSleep patterns vary significantly across different age groups, with people generally sleeping less soundly as they age. Stage 4, or deep sleep, almost disappears among the elderly....
Read MoreIn Dream Encyclopedia, we provide comprehensive guidance on each step required for dream interpretation. Here, we'll offer a brief overview to get you started on interpreting your ...
Read MoreAnthropology has made significant strides in understanding dreams across different cultures. Early research in the late nineteenth century often viewed the dream beliefs and practi...
Read MoreDreams of Animals: A Historical Perspective Humans have been dreaming about animals for ages. It has been speculated that some of the ancient cave paintings of animals may perhaps ...
Read MoreDreams hold deep significance in Arabic culture, reflecting complex ideas about the nature of the soul and perception. According to some beliefs, sleep is a preoccupation of the so...
Read More"Trust in Dreams, for in Them the Gateway to Eternity is Hidden."—KHALIL GIBRAN Dreams and Their Profound Purpose Imagine dreams as personal movies, crafted in response to our d...
Read MoreThe Meaning of Symbols in Dreams Interpreting dreams often requires a deep understanding of one's religious and socio-cultural environment. For example, if someone is offered a lem...
Read MoreYou live two lives: an outer life of actions and an inner, hidden life of emotions and thoughts. These inner and outer parts of you are mediated by “the psyche,” which in the c...
Read MoreThe meaning of a dream is believed to be stronger when experienced during certain times of day or under specific conditions. Dreams seen at dawn, during an afternoon nap, or when f...
Read MoreThere is an ongoing debate about whether dreams are a vehicle for messages or merely random by-products of the brain. Both sides of the argument are briefly summarized here. The O...
Read MoreLike adding a G.P.S. system to a car, these facts and tips can steer you in the right direction to maximize your dream analysis benefits. Dreams Communicate in Images Because of H...
Read MoreWhether you have trouble recalling dreams in general or want to remember more, try these tips to enhance your dream recall: 1: Get Enough Sleep If you're tired, you are less likel...
Read MoreAs you develop your skill in interpreting dreams, you'll notice deeper insights and patterns. Establishing a dialogue with your psyche opens new levels of dream understanding, from...
Read MoreNightmares are easy to recognize: you wake up feeling anything from mild fright to complete terror. Despite the fear they evoke, even the scariest dreams come to help you. The comm...
Read MoreGenerally, nightmares come from a range of emotions, including anxiety, guilt, confusion and stress. If you are going through a tough time in your life, then you’re more suscepti...
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