To dream you have a beard long, thick and unhandsome, is of a good signification to an orator, or an ambassador, lawyer, philospher, or any who desires to speak well, or to learn a...
If anyone dreams that he hath encountered a cat or killed one, he will commit a thief to prison and prosecute him to the death; for the cat signifies a common thief.If he dreams th...
To dream one is drunk, is very bad for all, for it signifieth great folly.It is only good to such as are in fear; for drunkards doubt or fear nothing.To dream one is drunk is incre...
To dream that an eagle is seen in some high place, is a good sign to those that undertake some weighty business, and especially to soldiers.If one dream that an eagle Lights upon h...
To dream your clothes are embroidered with gold signifies joy and honor.If a man dreams that he gathers up gold and silver, that signifies deceit and loss.If anyone dreams that his...
If a man dreams that he is put into a grave and buried, it presageth he will die in a mean condition; yet some believe (grounded on experience) that to dream that one is dead and b...
If anyone dreams he hath found the marrow of a horned beast, it denotes that the party so dreaming shall enjoy the goods and estate of some person of quality, who shall make him hi...
If anyone dreams tliat he hath a pain in his navel, if the grief be great he shall receive bad news of his father and mother, who will be in danger of death. If he hath neither fat...
To dream that you see a lion signifies you shall discourse with the ting or some great captain, or other valiant warrior.If any dreams he combats with a lion, it signifies a quarre...
To dream one has a fair and great nose is good to all; for it signifies subtlety of sense, providence in affairs, and acquaintance with great personages. But to dream one has no no...
If anyone dreams he perfumes his head with oils, essence, or sweet-scented powders, that signifies that he who dreams hath too great an opinion of himself, and will be haughty and ...
Playing at tables in dreams is the representation of a field prepared for the battle.The two gamesters are the generals, the tables are the held, and the men are the soldiers that ...
To dream of these industrious little insects, hath a variety of interpretations, and depends upon the manner in which you dream of them; if you see them running about, it denotes t...
To dream one hath cheeks plump, fat, and of vermilion tincture, is good to all especially to women; but to dream that you are lean, pale, and full of wrinkles signifies grief and h...
lf any man having become poor after he hath been rich, dreams he hath the same land and possessions he had before, signifies that his good fortune will return....
lf any one dreams that his hands are comelier and stronger than ordinary, he will be employed in some important affairs, which he will bring to a happy issue. If one dreams that hi...
To dream one hath horns on his head, signifies dominion, grandeur, and royalty. To dream you see a man with horns on his head, signifies he is in danger both of the loss of his per...