A good dream according to Artemidorus, auguring health, wealth and happiness.If single, a happy marriage. Frazier describes acorns as articles of food through certain parts of Euro...
Freud and others attach sexual significance to dreams of animals; dream interpreters, however, regard the dream of a number of domestic animals as auguring happiness, while wild an...
Any dream of breakage implies misfortune; to break a limb denotes sickness; furniture, loss of money; a looking glass, death; a broken window, danger of fire (Gypsy); the logic of ...
A dream auguring successful wrestling with obstacles, and final promotion, honor, etc.(Artemidorus). An interpretation of the character whose subconscious desire is for attainment....
A dream auguring suffering and misfortune (Gypsy). Inman and Freud regard it as a phallic symbol, although it denoted strength and power amongst the ancients, bearing no erotic sig...
A good dream in spring or summer, auguring a true lover; bad in winter or autumn (Raphael); symbol the eye of day, the sun, also see the charm of daisy petals....
Invariably a happy dream, auguring beautiful things to come. Modern dream interpreters, however, classify it as a typical dream induced by vertigo, etc....
A bad dream for a single man auguring a silly and incompetent wife (Raphael). Modern nursery lore represents the goose as an emblem of silliness, despite that fowl’s illustrious ...
To dream of being hanged prognosticates success in proportion to the gibbet; if the dreamer be ill he will find joy and contentment; the dream of condemning another to be hanged si...
A dream auguring elevation in life; should the string break, sudden downfall (Raphael); Kite (the bird); a dream portending danger of robbers (Artemidorus). Kites and buzzards are ...