sleeping boy


In The Dream I Was Heading Somewhere And Unknowingly I Passed A Compound Where There Were Bunch Of Security Dogs The Dogs Were Walking Towards Me In A Form To Attack But Did Not Attack Me So I Took Another Path Of The Compound To The Next Compound To Continue My Journey Then I Met Another Set Of Giant And Security Dogs I Passed Their Midst But Did Not Attack Me Though They Were Moving Towards In A Form Of Attack But They Did Not Attack Me So Out Of Fear I Climbed On A Tall Wall Where They Could Not Get Me On The Other Side Of The Tall Wall Was A Deep Fit Of Close To 30 Fits So There Was No Way For Me To Jump To The Other Side To Continue My Journey So I Was Stocked Up On The Wall Till I Woke Up | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Bat Attack

48 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about bat and attack related.


Represents an unenlightened person with a negative and oppressive personality...

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Battle signifies striving with difficulties, but a final victory over the same.If you are defeated in battle, it denotes that bad deals made by others will mar your prospects for g...

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For a young person to dream of taking a bath, means much solicitude for one of the opposite sex, fearing to lose his good opinion through the influence of others.For a pregnant wom...

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To see white roses in a bathroom, and yellow ones in a box, denote that sickness will interfere with pleasure; but more lasting joys will result from this disappointment.For a youn...

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(Charge against, Comeback) Charging against one’s enemy in a dream means victory in wakefulness, or it could mean disturbance, anxiety, concern, going through a mental conflict o...

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Necessary “power” needed to accomplish a task...

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Symbolic of cleansing yourself, Ex. 30:19-21. Also symbolic of a place of intimacy and exposure, 2 Sam. 11:2 ...

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Awful is the fate of the unfortunate dreamer of this ugly animal. Sorrows and calamities from hosts of evil work against you. Death of parents and friends, loss of limbs or sight, ...

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See Rod....

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Bath, Bathing

1- When we dream of being in the bath, it may indicate the need for cleansing of some old feelings, the need to relax, to let go. We have an opportunity to contemplate what has occ...

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Heart Attack

An attack of great emotional distress, causing heartache...

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Turkish Bath

1. Feelings of being overwhelmed or frustrated with health issues.2. A good omen for social affairs.3. A need or de­sire to be more open-minded, likely regarding health and sense ...

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In a dream, a battlefield represents actions, accomplishments, activities, fulfillments, success, victory, warning to children or training them to become professional soldiers....

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Dreams of a bathtub symbolize a womb and that you are feeling contained as you are cleansed in a healing environment.See Water....

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1. May indicate the need to address issues regarding inti­macy.2. A need or desire for time off, time away from routines in the outside world, usually for healing. ...

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Attack Or Assault

If a person sees an enemy attacking or assaulting a group of people, it means a calamity in the form of a storm or flood is imminent....

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Battering Ram

(See Missile launcher)...

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Bathing Suit

If you dream of shopping for bathing suits, you may be worrying about being judged by others.If all the suits feel tight or ill-fitting, you need to protect your reputation by cool...

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Storage Battery

To dream of a storage battery, opportune speculations will return you handsome gains. ...

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Turkish Baths

To dream of taking a Turkish bath, foretells that you will seek health far from your home and friends, but you will have much pleasurable enjoyment To see others take a Turkish bat...

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Vapor Bath

To dream of a vapor bath, you will have fretful people for companions, unless you dream of emerging from one, and then you will find that your cares will be temporary....

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(Sauna, Steam room, Sweat room, Rest room) Washing one’s dirt with hot water in a dream brings benefits.If one builds a bathhouse in his dream, it means committing a sin or sea...

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Bathing In The River

Bathing in the river or sea and not experiencing any fear, panic or humiliation suggest deliverance from afflictions: if the observer of the dream is grief stricken, his grief will...

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(See Citadel)...

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Dog That Attacks

If a dog is seen attacking and biting a person it means that the harm caused by his enemy ill not be confined to unpleasant words only but bodily harm as well....

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Public Bath

(See Bathhouse, Turkish bath)...

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Riding An Elephant In Battle

He will gain victory over his enemy in battle....

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Ritual Bath

(Ablution, Ghusul, Ritual ablution, Wash)A ritual bath (arb. Ghusul. Islamic Law) is customarily performed on a festival day, or before the Friday congregational prayers, before ...

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Urinating In A Bathroom

Urinating in a bathroom or removing hair with lime or any shaving cram is regarded as a good ream; If in misery, the observer will soon find relief from his misery; if in fear, he ...

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To dream of being Batman can symbolize fighting against spiritual forces of wickedness, 2 Cor. 10:4-5...

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Symbolic of heavy spiritual bombardment ...

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Bathroom / Bathhouse

A place for cleansing, as in Bath.An erotic place where clothes are taken off (see Physician). Often refers to the psychoanalyst’s office, particularly during sessions.A place of...

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Carefully using your resources or energy so as to have enough left over for needful times (see Electricity).Dead batteries indicate that you’ve overstretched yourself and now nee...

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Bubble Bath

Running a bubble bath may suggest the need to relax and soothe the senses. It may also indicate the need to pamper oneself...

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Eveready Batteries

With its mascot, the Eveready Bunny, a pack of this brand name of batteries may remark your stored-up energy as being “ever ready” to be used; it needs only to be applied.The p...

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Bathing, Swimming

Symbol: Dreams about bathing and swimming are always symbols of cleansing and renewal.Vision: Dreaming about swimming outdoors: everything is looking up because you are gaining s...

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Froth, Bubble Bath

Vision: Eating something frothy or taking a bubble bath: you are very idealistic, and in your love life you are easily deceived.Depth Psychology: See Bath, Soap....

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Vapor Bath (sauna)

To dream of a Sauna, or vapor bath, you will be surrounded by bickering, fretful people in your business world.If you see someone else leaving the bath then your cares will be few ...

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Wading (bathing)

Wading in clear water is a very good omen as it shows luck in all you are undertaking. Muddy water is a sign of bad luck, illness, or losses in love and money.To dream of playing i...

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Bath And Bathing

The meaning of this dream depends entirely upon what is happening.If it is in tbe open and the water is clear, then it shows success in business. But if the water is dirty, or mudd...

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Naval Battle

Promotion in the Service for a great friend or relative....

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Anxiety Attacks

If you dream of an anxiety attack, then you are confronting your fear of death and being out of control. Your dream is showing you that you’ve been out of sync with the grace and...

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Attack / Assault / Military Campaign

interpreted upon 6 sides: good & usefulness & revival of the traditions (Sunnah) of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhahf) & victory over enemies, good health from sickness, obedience to...

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Battle / Battleground

See arena, fighting and war...

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Secret places, where the company of others is usually not desired.Cleanliness, (next to godliness); ritual cleansing. Astrological parallel: Scorpio...

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Baseball Bat

To dream about a baseball bat foretells success in love, but only after annoying delays.If you dream of being struck (or striking someone) with a baseball bat, you should postpone ...

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Baton Twirling

To dream of you or someone else twirling a baton represents your desire to associate with people in high social positions....

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A to Z Dream Interpretation