Birth Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 34 Unique Sources About Birth

birth image


Dream Meanings About The Birth

(1) If you are a woman, the birth in your dream may refer either to an unfulfilled desire for a child or - if the associated feeling is bad - to an unwanted pregnancy.’Otherwise, it will almost certainly represent some possibility of new experience (inner or outer) and new personal growth.

(2) Just possibly it is your own birth you are dreaming about.

If so, it might mean, especially if you are depressed, that you are asking why you were bom. But don’t miss the opportunity to relive your dream and note the emotions - positive or negative - associated with the birth. By ‘reliving your dream’ I mean closing your eyes and taking yourself all the way through the dream again.

‘... the act of birth is the first experience of anxiety and therefore source and model of the affect of anxiety (Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams). This idea of birth as the prototype of all anxiety, which all later feelings of anguish revive and reinforce, was developed by Otto Rank (Trauma of Birth), who singled out the birth trauma as the decisive psychological event and the ultimate origin of all neuroses. So, it may be worth asking yourself if the birth image in your dream could possibly be associated with an anxiety, either conscious or repressed. For example, it might be that such an anxiety-associated birth image is telling you to sort out some unfinished business with your mother - by which I mean what your mother symbolized for you as a child or young adolescent, as well as your real relationship with your mother as she actually is or was. (Even when dead your mother may live on in your psyche, perhaps preventing you from being your own person. In such cases some people find it helpful to ask their unconscious to let them meet their deceased mother in dreams, where they can engage in dialogue with her.)

(3) For Jung, birth, life, death and rebirth all function as symbols of aspects of what he calls the ‘individuation’ process, which is the development of the human psyche to full maturation, wholeness and harmony. In Jungian terms, therefore, birth may symbolize the beginning - actual or potential - of a new phase in your personal development.

If you feel some such intimation of a possible new phase in your life (inner or outer - though for Jung the stress is on the inner), you would be well advised to work seriously and purposefully towards its realization, even if this means giving up something: the death of something - an old negative attitude, old anxieties or guilt-feelings, for example - is nearly always a precondition of new life.

the unconscious and rise again renewed or transformed. Only thus can one grow inwardly, in wisdom and strength and wholeness (See Also: Sun).

Understood in this way, the birth image may still have connections with mother or mother image (as in (2) above): the ocean commonly symbolizes mother, or simply the feminine.

If you are male, the feminine symbolism may refer to either your mother or your anima, the feminine side of vour personality (for anima, see Brother / Sister, section (4)).

(5) Giving birth in a dream may symbolize the (sometimes painful) process of bringing something new into your life, fashioning a new lifestyle for yourself, achieving a greater degree of maturity, or releasing and expressing in an appropriately creative way some psychic function hitherto repressed.

See Also: Baby, Child.


General Meaning: If you are dreaming of giving birth, it means that there is something new that you are busy entering into in the spiritual realm.

• Positive: To dream of giving birth means that the season of preparation that you have been in has come to an end and that you are now ready to walk in what God conceived in you.

• If you have a ministry calling and dreamed previously that you were pregnant and then later dream that you are giving birth, this means that your season of training for that call is coming to an end.

• Galatians 4:19 My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you, • If you dream that you give birth and it is painless, this is positive and means that whatever it is that God is giving you right now, you will enter into it easily.

• If you dream that the labor is difficult, this means that whatever new thing that is coming into your life - you will need to work at it.

• To dream that you did not know you were pregnant, but now are suddenly giving birth, also has a good interpretation.

• It means that although you did not know it, the Lord had been doing a work in you behind the scenes and now you are ready to walk into it. Expect something new to open up in your life at the Lord’s hand.

Negative: To dream that you give birth of a baby that is deformed is negative. This also goes for giving birth to anything that is unclean or not human.

• This means that you have conceived something in your heart that is not of the Lord and has its roots in sin.

• Psalms 7:14 Behold, he is in labour with iniquity, and has conceived mischief, and given birth to falsehood.

• James 1:15 Then when lust has conceived, it bears sin: and sin, when it is finished, bears death.

• To dream of giving birth prematurely and the baby dies is also negative. This means that you ran ahead of the Lord and did not wait until you had reached maturity.

See Also: Baby, Child, Pregnant.


To dream of giving or viewing birth represents a flourishing suggestion or notion. It may also symbolize a new start or an anticipated occurrence. In addition, this dream could be tapping into more innocent and undeveloped characteristics that need to be nurtured.

A more direct interpretation of this dream may mean that you are nervous about having a child or you are impatient for this to happen.

To dream that you are giving birth to a non-human creature indicates that you have great concerns regarding your child’s well-being. You are being extremely paranoid that your child will be born with serious disabilities.

If you are not pregnant, then this could symbolize anxieties you hold regarding a task or obligation that you are in charge of. You wish to grow to your full potential and be able to defeat any obstacles that may get in your way. In particular, if you dream that you are giving birth to a monster, it indicates that you are not yet ready to communicate your feelings because you feel that others will not consent.

To dream that the mother dies during birth symbolizes a drastic change or alteration.

The dream suggests that you are discarding an old attitude or belief and adopting a new one. This could be a major decision that will greatly affect your future.


To dream of giving birth can represent the beginning of a new project or stage of life. More obviously, it can also represent anxiety about being pregnant.

If you dream that you are giving birth to a monster (or anything non-human), this suggests that you are holding back from expressing your inner creativity and “real” self, because you fear that others will judge your or that they will not accept your ideals. This dream is also very common among pregnant women and represents anxieties over the health of their baby.

To dream of a stillborn baby, or giving birth to a stillborn, symbolizes your loss of trust in someone or something. It may also represent lost innocence.

To dream that you help to deliver a baby means that you will soon undergo an important life change. You may be making life changes or getting rid of your old habits and ways.

The change will begin within you, but will probably require the cooperation of others to be completed.

If the mother dies during the birth, the transformation in your life will be very significant.


VT: Dreaming about a birth could be a sign of the birth of a new idea, a new task, a new plan, or even an idea for a book (usually in a man’s dream). In women’s dreams, it refers to the birth of a new attitude toward life.

If you are giving birth: a job change for more money. Having an easy birth; a long-held wish will be granted along with freedom from many worries. Dreaming about a difficult birth: you have to let go of something you love very much; sometimes it also refers to an illness. Watching an animal giving birth means a positive new phase and new opportunities.

Depth Psychology: Women’s dreams about birth are a sign of personal growth, implying that the process will be painful. In men’s dreams, it usually indicates the “birth of new ideas,” new work, or extraordinary deeds. Dreaming about birth is always a signal of a new beginning or personal growth. It also is a sign of emotional health or of regaining emotional health. Birth is always a beautiful, positive symbol!


Woman’s dream: desire to have a baby. Man’s dream: envy of the creative ability of women. When we were born, one world of experience ended for us and another began. Binh in a dream has the same meaning.

The beginning of a new way of life; new attitude; new ability; new project. But also the death of the old. Can be about our own physical birth, its difficulties and trauma. But most difficult birth dreams are about coming to terms with our existence. Many of us are still wondering whether we wanted to be, or want to be, born. Lots of us live at a remove from life because of this.

Birth of a shining, talking or holy child: the beginning of awareness (not intellectual knowledge) of how the conscious self is interwoven with the forces and beings of the cosmos. Birth pains: the creative process; pain of arriving at a wider vision. Giving birth to a more mature self is a struggle; the new in our life is born out of such pains.

See Also: baby.


First, this image expresses actual birth, maybe your own, that of your children, or others’. Wishes, fears, pain, and the joy of becoming “a human being” may be expressed here, as well as the dreamer’s interaction with his or her children. In addition, the beginning of a generally promising, creative time. Creating something new. Complete state of happiness and clarity. On the other hand, often a longing for rebirth, in the sense of personal changes. This image also appears frequently just before or just after having started a new project. Occasionally, it also may express a resistance to letting go of the old, to maturity and completion. With this symbol the question is: What do you want to do with your life and where do your desires lead you? See Child.


To dream of a birth predicts the beginning of something new, be it a friend, a job, a project, or a business.

It is the beginning of an evolution, something that can satisfy your deepest longings. These images suggest a period of greater happiness will begin, in which you can direct your actions at will.

If you are a woman who dreams of a birth, it could reflect your desires and feelings about motherhood. For Jung, this type of dream represented a very important stage in the process of individualization. Birth, in this case, is essential for maturation and completeness of the human psyche. Thus, it is essential for psychological development.

For married people, this dream is an omen of good luck. For single women, it predicts problems.


Women who are pregnant and men who are going to be fathers commonly have dreams about giving birth.

It is not an omen of anything to come, but simply the mind trying to cope with a significant anxiety-provoking event.

If you or your mate are not pregnant, this dream could symbolize new beginnings (i.e. giving birth to new ideas, new ways of living, or a new stage in life). Superstition-based dream interpretations say that giving birth in a dream is a sign of good luck, while multiple births are omens of forthcoming material wealth.


(See Also: Adoption, Baby, Miscarriage, Pregnancy)

The desire to have a child, or to have something important develop in your life, be it a project or characteristic.

Memory of one’s own birth, and / or unsettled psychological issues that stem from this transition, especially births that are particularly difficult.

The technique of rebirthing through guided visualization and hypnosis sometimes resolves the latter matter.

Awakening potentials and opportunity.

A new start..

Necessary pain or difficulties that result in something positive.


Dreams of oneself or others giving birth most obviously relate to actual physical birth. Pregnant women and the husbands of pregnant women often dream about strange or difficult births (e.g., giving birth to puppies).

This merely reflects anxiety about the birth process and should not be taken as indicating a difficult birth or a deformed child. Birth can also symbolize the beginning of a new idea or project. It also often represents the beginning of a new stage of life, in which one feels “reborn” in some sense.


The birth of a human child is a universal symbol for good news, happiness, and/or a whole new life.

The birth of twins or triplets indicates wealth.

If the birth involved friendly animals such as dogs, cats, horses or dolphins, then allies who will be of great assistance to you soon surround you.

The birth of scary animals, however, such as predators of all kinds, indicates the opposite: Your adversaries are gaining ground and you need to strengthen your resources.


If the dreamer is pregnant the dream will be an acting out of hidden wishes, fears or desires, but, soon after you dream of giving birth to a child, or someone else giving birth, you will hear some good news.

If the birth is in relation to animals this shows that any enemies working against your best interests will be defeated, and if the birth is multiple then you will gain a larger monetary reward for your labors.


It is a good sign when a married woman dreams of giving birth to a child; but for a single woman, it foretells trouble in the near future. BIRTHDAY.-—To dream that it is your own Birthday is a fortunate sign for money matters or business affairs.

To dream that it is the Birthday of some friend or relative is a sign that they will benefit shortly, probably in connection with yourself.


1- We tend to dream of birth at the beginning of a new way of life, a new attitude, new ability, or a new- project also when we become aware of the death of the old.

2- Psychologically we are coming to terms with our existence.

3- The urge to care, to love and to give birth arc all suggested by dreams of birth. It may be both a spiritual and a physical need.


Dreams of a birth represent renewal, transformation a fresh start, and the manifestation of a creative project or a new opportunity for more life to be experienced and expressed. Keep in mind that the process of birthing a new dimension of yourself can be laborious and painful, but the result is well worth the sacrifice.

See Also: Infant, Baby, Lamaze.


You are sure to have good news soon after a dream of the birth of, or giving birth to, a child.

If the birth involved animals, it signifies defeat for anyone working against your interests.

Multiple births indicate an increase in material wealth.

Of course if the dreamer happens to be pregnant, there is no significance.


Giving birth represents giving life, not just the new life of a baby, but the new life of an idea or creative project. Difficulties with the birth process, such as hemorrhaging, may mean that you are losing your life force in order to birth someone else’s product or project, or it may announce a new beginning.


1. Joy.

2. Anxiety (if the dreamer is pregnant).

3. Good fortune (depending on the marital status of the woman giving birth).

4. A new project or concept emerges into the consciousness.

5. Advancing from one phase of life to the next.

6. A new spiri­tual principle emerges.


Gives gender-specific: A woman will often dream of small animals and fish as she approaches pregnancy and birth.

A man is more likely to dream of protecting the child or the mother in some fashion.


Material aspects: We tend to dream of birth at the beginning of a new way of life, a new attitude, new ability, or a new project – also when we become aware of the death of old ways of being.


The urge to care, to love and to give birth are all suggested by dreams of birth. It may be both a spiritual – and, therefore, an unselfish – need as well as an emotional one.


For a married woman to dream of giving birth to a child, great joy and a handsome legacy is foretold.

For a single woman, loss of virtue and abandonment by her lover.


If one sees his mother giving birth to him in a dream, and should he be ill, it means the approach of his death.

(See Also: Childbirth, Giuing birth)


Psychological / emotional perspective: Psychologically, we are coming to terms with our own existence and perhaps are recognizing our own validity.


For unmarried women to dream of giving of birth to children, is indicative of inevitable adultery.

For married women it indicates happy confinement.


1. Birthing a new ministry/church/venture;

2. Beginning of something new; Jer. 31:8; Mic. 4:10;


It is a warning against loose friendships for a maiden to dream of giving birth to a child.


Opening a new direction, new possibilities.

See Also: Baby.


Symbolic of a new thing in your life, Isa. 42:9


A new beginning; see “baby”


To dream of one's birth is good for him that is poor; but to him that is rich, this dream signifies that others shall rule over him against his will.


lucky numbers: 09-21-24-37-41-45

announcing, a: work out the future of your cherished possession.

assisting with a cesarean: your development wil require assistance.

child’s: joy and prosperity awaits your new self.

dead: present projects wil fail when someone misunderstands your motives.

twins or triplets, of: anxiety over effect of child on relationship.

children, having: crave independent children who make their own important decisions.

control: have excessively high ambitions and wil stop at nothing to gain them.

cutting the cord: your children are ready to leave the nest.

difficult, a: major issues wil be resolved in your favor.

easy, an: a reprieve from long-held worry.

embryo, of an: a new idea is evolving in you.

endangering life of pregnant woman: settle in to your cool rational mind.

giving: promotion through job change wil open up grand opportunities.

grotesque, baby being: fear monster or baby with defect.

father receiving news of a, while away: actual, infantile memories of birth.

labor, being in: your plans are incomplete; you are prone to be impatient.

man: wil lose wife’s affections from inability to perform.

unmarried: loss of reputation and abandonment by lover.

married woman dreaming of: no amount of accomplishments can equal childbirth.

miscarriage, having a: are justifiably frightened that your self includes your treason.

occurring: a painful process wil result in prosperity and abundance.

of the embryo: regression to earlier levels of consciousness.

one baby being born, only: birth of one cannot help but be the death of another.

twins: comfort when life seems overwhelming.

your: have considerable resistance to pain and suffering.

premature, a: ambitions crowned with scholarly success.

relative’s, close: separation anxiety from a loved one.

right, demanding your: innate abilities present at birth have been exploited.

stillborn, being: certain pursuits should be abandoned.

triplets, having: your judgment is solid, fair and wise; proceed with your plans.

of different sex: dignity, happiness and pleasure wil fol ow pain.

same: enemies are conspiring against you with unjustifiable gossip.

watching animal give: begin a new phase with positive results.

womb, returning to the: growth is insufficiently developed, al ow exposure.


Sources and Authors

  1. A Dictionary of Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  2. The Way of Dreams and Visions by [Back to dream]
  3. Dream Symbols and Analysis by [Back to dream]
  4. My Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  5. Dreamers Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  6. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by [Back to dream]
  7. Little Giant Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  8. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  9. The Bedside Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  10. The Language of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  11. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  12. Dream Explanations of Astro Center by [Back to dream]
  13. Tryskelion Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  14. Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  15. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  16. Strangest Dream Explanations by [Back to dream]
  17. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by [Back to dream]
  18. Ariadne's Book of Dream by [Back to dream]
  19. New American Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  20. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  21. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  22. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  23. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  24. Islamic Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  25. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  26. Indian Interpretation of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  27. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by [Back to dream]
  28. The Complete Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  29. The Dream Books Symbols by [Back to dream]
  30. Christian Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  31. Dream Dictionary Unlimited by [Back to dream]
  32. The Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  33. Zolar’s Book of Dreams Numbers and Lucky Days by [Back to dream]

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A to Z Dream Interpretation