sleeping boy


Black Oil Front House | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Black Oil Front House

48 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about black, oil, front and house related.


To dream of building a house, you will make wise changes in your present affairs.To dream that you own an elegant house, denotes that you will soon leave your home for a better, an...

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To dream of anointing with oil, foretells events in which you will be the particular moving power. Quantities of oil, prognosticates excesses in pleasurable enterprises.For a man t...

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Glass House

To see a glass house, foretells you are likely to be injured by listening to flattery.For a young woman to dream that she is living in a glass house, her coming trouble and threate...

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Front of body, house, etc.: the more public or ex­pressed part of one’s nature, or attitudes used to meet the world’; a ‘front’ or facade, used to create an impression, th...

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Castor Oil

To dream of castor oil, denotes that you will seek to overthrow a friend who is secretly abetting your advancement. ...

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Black Hole

In spiritual terms a black hole has the same connotation as the void or the abyss....

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To dream of a bake-house, demands caution in making changes in one’s career. Pitfalls may reveal themselves on every hand.For a young woman to dream that she is in a bake house, ...

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To dream of a slaughter-house, denotes that you will be feared more than loved by your sweetheart or mistress. Your business will divulge a private drain, and there will be unkind ...

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Public House

Social, free and easy side of self; alcohol depen­dency. ...

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Haunted House

Dreaming of a haunted house represents an unsettled past. You may have unresolved problems with past friends or family which are causing you feelings of guilt or anxiety. Dreaming ...

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Boarding House

To dream of a boarding house, foretells that you will suffer entanglement and disorder in your enterprises, and you are likely to change your residence. ...

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To dream of oilcloth is a warning that you will meet coldness and treachery.To deal in it, denotes uncertain speculations. ...

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Work House

To dream that you are in a workhouse denotes that some event will work you harm and loss.See Prison. ...

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Black Widow

1. Insecurities, often regarding relationships.2. Fem­inine power, often hostile in nature. ...

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Black Horse

The owner will acquire abundant wealth and tremendous happiness....

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Black Cat

A black cat can symbolize evil or bad luck for many non-Christians and is a common dream symbol in many nightmares...

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Black Sheep

An outcast or misfit ...

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Black And White

If your dream is all in black and white (with no color), you are experiencing an internal change. Your conscious and unconscious selves are merging to create a greater self. This i...

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Black Eye

To dream of having a black eye symbolizes your refusal to see the truth about something. This dream often suggests that the dreamer is experiencing emotional pain, possibly related...

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White House

To dream about the White House symbolizes authority, power and control. It may also represent your own personal views and opinions of the President and his actions....

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Yard (front)

1. Present and future2. Expectancy; John 18:20...

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The dreamer of an ale-house should be very cautious of his affairs. Enemies are watching him. ...

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For a young woman to dream of an alms-house, denotes she will meet failure in her efforts to contract a worldly marriage....

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Coffee House

To see or visit a coffee house in your dreams, foretells that you will unwisely entertain friendly relations with persons known to be your enemies. Designing women may intrigue aga...

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To dream of a custom-house, denotes you will have rivalries and competition in your labors.To enter a custom-house, foretells that you will strive for, or have offered you, a posit...

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To dream that you are gambling and win, signifies low associations and pleasure at the expense of others.If you lose, it foretells that your disgraceful conduct will be the undoing...

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Linseed Oil

To see linseed oil in your dreams, denotes your impetuous extravagance will be checked by the kindly interference of a friend....

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To see a poor-house in your dream, denotes you have unfaithful friends, who will care for you only as they can use your money and belongings....

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Sweet Oil

Sweet oil in dreams, implies considerate treatment will be withheld from you in some unfortunate occurrence. ...

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A professional service; research the name for relevance...

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Tree House

A temporary dwelling without a foundation and under the care of another; a troubled house; see “foundation”...

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Fun House

1. Irony under difficult circumstances.2. A strong sense that difficulties will be overcome; worry and fear are no longer necessary. ...

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White House, The

1. Leadership, power.2. Concern over national issues or problems.3. Knowledge or wisdom. ...

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Black Ass

It means prosperity and becoming a leader in his community....

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Black Coin

Black coins that are counterfeit symbolise deception, lies and quarrelling....

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Black Coins Contained In A Bag

If a person sees himself as receiving black coins contained in a bag or pocket, it means a secret will be told to him which he will guard as a trust to his utmost ability....

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Black Colour

Black colour in all things is regarded as good and pleasant except in grapes. There is no good to be expected in them....

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Black Cow

It symbolises a good and prosperous year....

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Black Grapes

Black grapes, although in reality are excellent buit in a dream they do not augur well for the one who sees them.The reason being that Hadhrat Nooh (AS) cursed his son out of anger...

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Black Hair

If a woman sees herselfhaving a thick black hair in a dream, it means that she will marry a respected and a handsome looking husband.If she sees herself having a charcoal colored h...

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Black Mare

he will marry a wealthy woman....

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Black Mud

(See Sludge)...

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Black Or Red Raisins

They signify blessings, prosperity, livelihood and wealth....

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Black Pepper

(See Pepper)...

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Black Stone

(The corner stone of the Ka’aba, God’s House in Mecca) Seeing or holding the Black Stone of the Ka’aba in one’s dream means paying allegiance to the ruler, or it could mean...

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Building A House

The building of one’s own house or another’s suggest pursuit of worldly gains proportionate to the construction....

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Building A House In An Unknown Locality

The building of a house in an unknown locality suggest that the beholder will accomplish good deeds and that he will secure for himself a favourable position in the hereafter....

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A to Z Dream Interpretation