sleeping boy


Black Rim Bottom Of The Sun | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Black Rim Bottom Sun

48 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about black, rim, bottom and sun related.


To dream of seeing a clear, shining sunrise, foretells joyous events and prosperity, which give delightful promises.To see the sun at noontide, denotes the maturity of ambitions an...

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Indication of a new beginning...

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See “flower” and “light”...

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Indication of a conclusion...

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1. Unrealistic activities.2. Old-fashioned. ...

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Rest.Folklore: Changes....

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Symbolic of someone who is trying to mask their true feelings, thoughts, and intentions ...

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The lower, the more abase the situation...

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(See Light, Sun)...

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Black Hole

In spiritual terms a black hole has the same connotation as the void or the abyss....

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Burned by fiery trials; see “fire”...

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Dreams of an ice cream sundae symbolize a treat, reward, pleasure and satisfaction with your life....

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Black Widow

1. Insecurities, often regarding relationships.2. Fem­inine power, often hostile in nature. ...

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One is concerned with one’s image. ...

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Black Horse

The owner will acquire abundant wealth and tremendous happiness....

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Black Cat

A black cat can symbolize evil or bad luck for many non-Christians and is a common dream symbol in many nightmares...

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Black Sheep

An outcast or misfit ...

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Sunrise / Sunset

A beautiful sunrise presages success in a new venture.A beautiful sunset tells of rewards to come from work already done....

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To dream that you have this complaint means that you will be much envied and with reason....

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Black And White

If your dream is all in black and white (with no color), you are experiencing an internal change. Your conscious and unconscious selves are merging to create a greater self. This i...

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Black Eye

To dream of having a black eye symbolizes your refusal to see the truth about something. This dream often suggests that the dreamer is experiencing emotional pain, possibly related...

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To dream of seeing young girls carrying sunshades, foretells prosperity and exquisite delights.A broken one, foretells sickness and death to the young....

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Black Ass

It means prosperity and becoming a leader in his community....

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Black Coin

Black coins that are counterfeit symbolise deception, lies and quarrelling....

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Black Coins Contained In A Bag

If a person sees himself as receiving black coins contained in a bag or pocket, it means a secret will be told to him which he will guard as a trust to his utmost ability....

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Black Colour

Black colour in all things is regarded as good and pleasant except in grapes. There is no good to be expected in them....

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Black Cow

It symbolises a good and prosperous year....

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Black Grapes

Black grapes, although in reality are excellent buit in a dream they do not augur well for the one who sees them.The reason being that Hadhrat Nooh (AS) cursed his son out of anger...

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Black Hair

If a woman sees herselfhaving a thick black hair in a dream, it means that she will marry a respected and a handsome looking husband.If she sees herself having a charcoal colored h...

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Black Mare

he will marry a wealthy woman....

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Black Mud

(See Sludge)...

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Black Or Red Raisins

They signify blessings, prosperity, livelihood and wealth....

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Black Pepper

(See Pepper)...

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Black Stone

(The corner stone of the Ka’aba, God’s House in Mecca) Seeing or holding the Black Stone of the Ka’aba in one’s dream means paying allegiance to the ruler, or it could mean...

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Clouds Enshrouding The Sun

If the sun is seen covered or shrouded by clouds or any thing else, this is an omen that the observer of such a dream will either fall ill or he will become perturbed due to some c...

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Donning Black Clothes

If it is a person who is in the habit of wearing black clothes, it means he will acquire steadfastness, power, wealth and soundness in all his affairs....

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Giving Someone Black Coins

A secret will be divulged to him....

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Herd Of Black Cows

It symbolises many prosperous years depending on how fat they are....

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Holding The Sun

Holding or grasping the sum and having fullcontrol over it means that the observer of the dream will acquire dominion (or Land) in proportion to the amount he grasps provided the s...

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Quarrelling Or Disputing With The Sun

Quarrelling and fighting with the sun suggests that the observer will enter into disputes regarding his domain (or properties) or he will enter into a dispute with one of his paren...

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Sunrise In The House

If a person sees the sun rising in his house it is a tiding that he willsoon marry if he is a bachelor. Otherwise the kings and rulers will confer great honour upon him....

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The Sun

It represents kingdom and at times, one of both parents....

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White Mare With Black Spots

He will marry an exceptionally beautiful woman....

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Black Belt

An expert in spiritual warfare ...

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Black Widow Spider

A demonic spirit, Isa. 59:4-5 ...

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Flowers in bloom are symbolic of an awakening love, Song. 2:7-12 ...

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Black Bird

Unconscious drives; death; the negative aspect of mother. ...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation