The meaning of the symbols of board, plane broken and wings seen in a dream.

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Board In A Plane Which Has Broken Wings | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Board Plane Broken Wings

44 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about board, plane broken and wings related.


To dream that you have wings, foretells that you will experience grave fears for the safety of some one gone on a long journey away from you.To see the wings of fowls or birds, den...

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To dream that you use a plane, denotes that your liberality and successful efforts will be highly commended.To see carpenters using their planes, denotes that you will progress smo...

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Ouija Board

1. Unpredictability or uncertainty about the future.2. Acceptance of destiny.3. Mystery and curiosity. ...

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Board Game

Playing a board game may represent a strategic- decision that you have just made in a business deal.A board game in a dream may also indicate that you arc facing competition or opp...

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See “break”...

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Feather And Wings

If a person sees himself having feathers and two wings it suggests that he will acquire wealth and riches.If he sees himself flying it means he will undertake a journey....

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That which is flat, smooth, and connects.The function of the board is important....

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Broken Bones

You are dreaming of a loss to the foundational integrity of some aspect of your life. Bones as foundational elements indicate that the essence of the stressor that is being express...

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Broken Glass

Dreams of walking on broken glass, seeing or being surrounded by shards of glass or, even worse (and far from everyday), having to eat broken glass may represent cutting words or w...

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Board Meeting

1. Communing over business matters; Matt. 5:22; 10:17....

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Cooling Board

For a young woman to see a cooling board in her dreams, foretells sickness and quarrels with her lover.To dream of some living person as dead and rising up from a cooling board, de...

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A figurative protection from mud-slinging, etc.; See “mud”...

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Inn (broken Down Or Dilapidated)

1. Unhappy or unrewarding journey or situation.2. Need to continue or strive for new situa­tion or places. ...

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Plane (airplane)

1. Mobility, often vertical; achievements.2. A journey to a higher consciousness.3. Feelings of control. ...

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Plane (tool, Carpenter’s)

1. Successful projects are underway.2. A desire to make things work well, “smooth” out difficulties, remove obstacles. ...

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Windows (broken)

1. Change or upheaval.2. Violence.3. Fear of self-destruction.4. Lost opportunities. ...

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Broken Bow

it is an omen that either he or his son or his brother will lose respectability and honour....

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Broken Bucket

If the bucket used for drawing water is seen as broken it means the help he used to render to the people will cease.Sometimes the well is interpreted as cunningness, cheating, grie...

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Broken Gate Of A Garden

If one side of the gate leading to the garden is seen as broken, it means the observer will divorce his wife.An Unknown Garden : It stands for Jannah. Entering and touring such a g...

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Broken Minaret

A broken or fallen minaret suggests the people of that locality will become corrupt in matters of religions by dividing into numerous sects....

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Broken Sword In A Sheath

If a persons dreams that a sword is given to him in its sheath and it breaks in the sheath it means his son will die while it is in its mother’s womb....

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Broken Waist-band

If a person sees his waist-band as broken, snatched or altered in any way, it means harm coming his way....

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Checker Board

(See Chessboard)...

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Hearing Board

(Cabinet, Council, Court, Inquisitional court) If one’s name is presented before a hearing board for review, and ifhe is nominated to fill a seat in any governmental department...

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Sword In A Broken Sheath

If a person dreams that a sword is given to him in a broken sheath then the mother will die but his son will be saved....

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Sword With A Broken Handle

The father, paternal uncle or their equivalent will die....

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The Broken Point Of A Sword

A person’s mother, paternal grandmother, maternal aunt or some lady equal in status to any of these will die....

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(See Air, Arm’)...

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Broken Arms

Symbolic of being powerless, Ps. 37:17...

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Broken Pot

This is a symbol of someone who has died or passed away because of grief in life or having been crushed by sin, Ps. 31:12...

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Broken Window

This can symbolize having your peace or joy stolen by a spiritual thief, Joel 2:9 ...

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Plane / Slicer

A very focused attempt to create order, smoothing things out at any price. This dream often indicates a process of elimination.In its connection to “airplane,” see Flying and P...

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Wings (for Flying)

You need to live an easier life, be more open to playful energies, be more spiritual (soar). This is a direct challenge to think big and to have courage to do great things. This im...

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Boogie Board

A boogie board is used to ride the waves on your belly and may suggest riding an emotional or creative wave and enjoying it.The board might also suggest that it is “time to boogi...

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Fragments, Broken Pieces

Vision: Looking at something broken or breaking something: your present pleasant situation will take a turn for the worse due to your own actions. Breaking porcelain: the “old�...

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Black Board

Dreams of a black board signify a profound message for you. Consider the message written on the board.If it is a clean slate, then this represents that you have an open mind.If you...

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Broken Limb

To dream of breaking any of your limbs suggests you are not managing a situation as well as you could....

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Diving Board

A dream of standing on a diving board, symbolizes a serious temptation or ordeal with which you are or will soon be faced.If you were unable to jump, you are not yet ready to deal ...

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See under individual listings of kinds of wood....

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Broken / Break-in

The state of brokenness can be used to symbolize everything from poverty (“broke”) to forcible entry (a “break-in”) to fundamental damage (“broken down”) to emotional a...

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Plane Crash

Dreams of plane crashes are typically provoked by worries about over- extending yourself, such as a project or business collapsing, or not being able to pay bills. It is likely tha...

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Board Room

1. Secular leadership;2. Religious council;3. Elders;...

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Paper Plane

1. Carried by the Holy Spirit; 1 Sam. 3:19;2. Words carried by a spirit good or bad) Eph. 6:16;3. Prayer requests (thrown into the air);4. Someone trying to get your attention by s...

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Dart Board

1. Shield of Faith;2. Dart board have numbers look at the number for the answer, negative and positive,3. Bullseye, (red) fierce anger; Eph. 6:16....

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