A road symbolizes our goals and the path we travel to achieve them.If the road in straight, well marked and lit, it may be an assurance you that your are moving in the right direct...
Ability to bear or to cany what life brings. Idioms: have broad shoulders, put one’s shoulder to the wheel; a shoulder to cry on; rubs shoulder with; chip on the shoulder. ...
To dream of being clothed in rubber garments, is a sign that you will have honors conferred upon you because of your steady and unchanging stand of purity and morality.If the garme...
To dream of passing up a stairs, foretells good fortune and much happiness.If you fall down stairs, you will be the object of hatred and envy.To walk down, you will be unlucky in y...
1. May be slang, disguised expression of desire for a particular female.2. Traveling abroad means one longs to be free from a current situation.3. If actually traveling overseas,...
Example: 4I was standing on a clifftop overlooking the ocean. By my side was a man. He had short cropped silver hair, gleaming, and piercing blue eyes. He seemed old, but was broad...
1- The various organs of the body can represent the different aspects of the self. In dreams thev can signify diverse weaknesses and strengths.A musical organ will tend to highligh...
A broad path in your dream predicts a happy life and good friends, but a narrow one portends struggle and deceit; however, you can overcome it by being cautious in your close assoc...
Things are changing in a dramatic way.The combustion of fire destroys everything in its path. However, remember that fire reduces what it burns to carbon, the building block of all...
To dream of being a long way from your residence, denotes that you will make a journey soon in which you may meet many strangers who will be instrumental in changing life from good...
1. Imagining oneself as a giraffe is to think of oneself as odd.2. One should take a broad, overall view of things.3. To have a giraffe as a pet signals a person wanting to be sepa...
1. If cutting, the need to hone or trim back something in one’s life.2. Refers to some aspect of a vacation.3. If the grass is lush and green, one’s life is full and peaceful.4...
1. The conscious mind, the intellect.2. Fortunes and fortunate love relationships are in the offing.3. Slang for oral sex.4. A need for control, calm in difficult or desperate ci...
1. Work needs to be done before improvements happen.2. Preparations before an important project or undertaking, often emotional (to prepare a field or garden with a hoe).3. Moving...
1. A sense or feeling that deception is occurring; use caution in matters of trust.2. A need or desire for protection for a secret or simply a need to hide—usually emotionally, o...