Bull Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 29 Unique Sources About Bull

bull image


Dream Meanings About The Bull

(1) In a woman’s dream the animus may appear as a bull (for animus)-(6)).

(2) The bull may refer to your masculinity (whether you are a man or a woman).

If you are a woman, it may refer to the opposite sex - perhaps expressing your (unconscious) feelings about men in general or a particular man.

(3) Animality’ may be symbolized. A man may experience his own sexuality as something bestial, getting in the way of his ‘higher5 pursuits; an object of disgust or fear.

Similarly, a woman may, consciously or unconsciously, see male sexuality as nasty and brutish; the same may apply to other aspects of masculinity - for example, the fighting, competitive aspect.

If a woman dreams of being chased by a bull, the meaning may be that she is afraid of sexual relations with men. The bull may represent the woman’s father - in which case she may need to dissolve her father fixation. In any case, the woman would need to assert her femininity, not repress it: her own confident femininity has power to tame wild male lust and transform it into tender sensual adoration.

(4) The taming or tethering of a bull may signify the harmonious integration of your animality, especially your sexuality, or the whole of the hidden, unconscious part of your psyche.

See Also: section(8) below.

(5) The sacrifice of a bull may signify a victory (achieved or needed) of spirituality over animality. Sacrifice is the relinquishing or transforming of something in order to attain something more desirable. But the mere killing of a bull might signify the repression of emotion or instinct, or of your masculinity.

(6) Is it the proverbial bull in a china shop: the accident-prone blunderer, the person who never seems to have any luck and for whom everything goes wrong?

If so, the image may be seen as a warning that you need to change your self-image - which may entail changing your job or even your domestic situation.

It is no good thinking of making a living as a concert pianist if you have fingers missing. Take an honest look at yourself and build your career and your life on your strong points, not your weak ones. Give up your fantasies and take a good look at reality. Pay special attention to your dreams: they may now begin to reveal to

you your real strengths - buried talents, perhaps, that need to be dug up from your unconscious. (On persona)

Resist putting the blame for your ‘bad luck’ on someone or something else. Perhaps what we call ‘bad luck’ is actually brought about, not by chance, but by our innermost attitude towards life, which in turn is generated by a negative attitude towards ourselves.

(7) The bull may symbolize fertility (as in mythology). Your unconscious has the power to bring about new life if you allow it to penetrate your conscious mind.

(8) The bull may represent the self (in the Jungian sense), your true nature. Yes, those depths of the psyche that are despised or feared by the conscious ego may eventually be seen - by dint of constant self-exploration - as your true self.

(There are links here with (4) above. There is a famous series of Zen Buddhist drawings depicting the finding, tethering and taming of an ox, representing the search for one’s true nature and its discovery and realization through wrestling with and controlling one’s wild and stubborn egoistic self.)


(Cow, Ox, Steer) A bull in a dream represents the chief of the council or the mayor of the town or village. Seeing a bull in a dream also means winning the mayoral seat for a term or losing it after one year.

If one sees himself owning a herd of steers in a dream, it means receiving a governmental office and a vast authority should he qualify for it. His employees’ support depends on how manageable is his herd. Ifa man sees himselfriding a steer in a dream, it means dealing with a government employee. It also means that he will acquire what he intends. Seeing a bull in a dream also means fame. Ifone sees himselfeating the head of a steer or a bull in a dream, it also means winning a leadership seat in the government, except if the bull is red. Ifone is a merchant, then it means profit and prosperity for that year.

If a steer is transformed into a wolf in a dream, it means that a government’s employee will turn corrupt.

A white bull in a dream means glad tidings and profits.

If a steer or a cow butts against someone in the dream, it means that God is displeased with him. Eating bull’s meat in a dream means financial comfort.

If a bull bites someone in a dream, it means suffering from an illness or begetting children who will grow to be honorable and righteous people. Ifone sees an ox mooing at him in the dream, it means undertaking a distant or a longjourney. Ifa farmer sees an ox plowing his fields in a dream, it means a good harvest for that year.


When bulls appear in dreams they might refer to powerful instinctual responses that can sweep us along or cause problems if we try to deny them. Such instinctual urges may be to do with lust and desire, anger at people invading our space, paternal or maternal love and protectiveness, or simply an aggressive bullish trait within ourselves or someone else. It can also suggest personal traits to do with being earthy, basic or sexual in our approach as well as strength, obstinacy and power.

If the bull is aggressive, this shows the frustration that can arise from basic drives being thwarted. For example, a person may have a high libido and feel frustrated with a partner who does not care for sex as much.

If the bull is wounded or killed, this suggests a killing of natural urges or drives for sex and procreation.

If the bull is sacrificed, this can suggest generosity and self giving. The ridden bull indicates harmony between instinct and decision making.

In many cultures or myths around the bull there is the theme of the Hero confronting and overcoming the bull; for instance Theseus and the Minotaur. Victory over the bull therefore represents the human struggle and victory over instinctual or reactive forces influencing consciousness. From this victory a new life or consciousness can be born.


(See Also: Animal)

A potent masculine nature evidencing itself. Stubbornness (e.g., being “bull headed”).


The Sumerians believed that the stomping hooves of a bull could bring nourishing rain to the land. Minoans also used bulls as a fertility emblem.

Inventive inception. Zoroastrian priests (the Magi) taught that a slain bull’s soul became the germ of creation.

Leadership skills, or their development. In Egypt, the kings and Pharaohs were often called bulls. Among the ancient Israelites, Yahweh was called the Bull of Israel.

Buddhist: The ego and mortal self.

Taming a bull: Bringing your anger or masculine side under control, or taking control of a situation (e.g., “seize the bull by the horns”).

A situation that was handled clumsily (e.g., a “hull in a china shop”).

Sacrifice of one valued thing in the hopes of obtaining another. Bulls were regularly used as offerings to the gods, like El in Phoenicia, Attis and Mithras in Rome, and the Oak god of the Druids (See Also: Altar, Carcass).


The bull symbolizes the more powerful and primitive forces of your basic instincts.

Dreaming of a wild bull signals that you have a great capacity for creativity.

If it pursues you, if means that you can no longer contain your impulses. You should find a way to free them, as they could lead to an internal disequilibrium. You should not forget that the bull is a frequently used symbol to refer to procreation and sexual wantonness. In this sense, if a man dreams of a bull, it represents his virility.

If it is a woman, it refers to someone of the opposite sex.

If the bull is wild and unbroken, then your passions are out of control.

If you dream of a bullfight, it expresses the power that you have over your lustful and negative feelings.

In mythology, the bull is considered a symbol of fertility. On the other hand, in antiquity there existed the belief that the roar of the bull produced in storms. Further, this animal is associated with the creative power of spring.

Dreaming of a bull is generally a sign of fertility and sexual power.


With Taureans, may depict their innate charactenstics and how they are dealing with them. Sex drive, the basic drives towards parenthood, and caring and providing via sex.

The aggressive bull often shows the frustration ansing from these basic drives being taunted or thwarted; for instance a person may wish for a family, yet be frustrated by a form ol sexuality in their partner which does not care for the instinc­tive drive for children.

The killed bull is a killing of these drives; if sacrificed, though, it may show self-giving.

The rid den bull in dreams shows a harmony between self awareness and its decision making, and the basic ‘animal’ drives. Idi­oms: like a bull at a gate, bull in a china shop, red rag to a bull; score a bull’s eye; take the bull by the horns.


Depending on the details of the dream, this dream symbol could have several different meanings.

The bull in your dream could represent powerful sexual energy, stubbornness, strength, and, at times, clumsiness. It could also symbolize optimism about the future and an ability to focus on a specific goal. Bulls can represent tenacity and a very strong will. Finally, since the bull is associated with the color red, some believe that it symbolizes the first chakra, which is the energy center located at the base of the spine that represents this material world.


To dream of a bull indicates areas of your personality that are persistent and tenacious. This suggests that you need to stand up and take control. It can also symbolize wealth and great success. Perhaps you need to be more open-minded and accept the views and opinions of others. Bulls can also represent hidden passion, enthusiasm, strength, and masculinity.

To see an untamed raging bull suggests that you may be expressing your sexuality too openly.

The bull may also reflect someone you know who was born under the astrological sign of Taurus.


To see one pursuing you, business trouble, through envious and jealous competitors, will harass you.

If a young woman meets a bull, she will have an offer of marriage, but, by declining this offer, she will better her fortune.

To see a bull goring a person, misfortune from unwisely using another’s possessions will overtake you.

To dream of a white bull, denotes that you will lift yourself up to a higher plane of life than those who persist in making material things their God. It usually denotes gain.


To see a bull in your dream, symbolizes stubbornness, strong will, strength, and power.

It is time for you to take some action and be more assertive. Alternatively, it may indicate that you are “being bull-headed”. May you need to make a little compromise in a situation.

To see an untamed, raging bull represents that your passions may be out of control. Finally, the bull may represent a person in your life who is born under the Taurus sign. Also see “Bullfight”, below.


Violent enemies and slander are forecast by this dream (Artemidorus); an erotic dream (Freud and Jung); the Assyrian symbol of royal authority and of the sun, sacred also to the Egyptians and the Romans; its modern symbolism is strength, yet throughout the whole of. the gypsy dream interpretation it bears an evil meaning, due either to the legend of the golden calf, or to the apparently evil construction of all erotic and phallic symbols.


An astrological symbol. In ancient times, the bull was a symbol of fertility, and so if you want a baby, dreaming of a bull is a surefire sign that this is the right time to try.

The bull also symbolizes wisdom and security, so a strong and calm bull indicates financial growth through one’s own efforts.

A mad, raging bull, however, hints at financial reverses due to rash and impulsive spending or investing.

See “Calf”, “Cow”.


Sometimes the greatest display of power is stillness, and the bull reminds of this.

The bull is a mighty animal that spends most of its time not moving.

The medicine involved here is to know your own strength and trust your ability to take powerful action when the timing is right.

The bull is also connected to prosperity through several traditions, most notably Western astrology, where Taurus the Bull rules money and comfort.


The Romani belief is that to dream of a bull means you are going to experience financial gain.

If it is a white bull, then it will be a gain in love and friendship.

To be chased by a bull means you should be careful in your business dealings.

To fight a bull or be at a bullfight means there are many different forces at work and you need to concentrate your efforts on one particular path of advancement.


Usually the bull in a dream denotes the negative side of behaviour, such as destructiveness, fear or anger (for example, a bull in a china shop). However, more positively, the bull is recognized as sexual passion or creative power. Slaying the bull indicates initiation into the world of the mature adult who succeeds in mastering his instincts, and can also represent the sign of taurus in the zodiac.


You have some tough competition facing you in business and/or love if your dream featured this animal, unless it was very light or white, in which case you’ll have a stroke of great luck when you least expect it.

If you dreamed of a bullfight, you are being warned to take decisive action to clear up an unpleasant personal situation.


Dreams of a bull symbolize energy that is masculine and unbending. You are venting pent up feelings of anger and hostility. Perhaps your subconscious is calling you to stand up for yourself. This also may be suggesting that you slow down in a new relationship or business venture. Don’t be a bull in a china shop.

See Also: Taurus.


The bull is a rich dream symbol. Perhaps the dreamer is being too bullheaded about some issue and needs to seek compromise.

The bull can also symbolize a large, powerful, and somewhat clumsy person (“a bull in a china shop”), as well as a person optimistic (bullish) about the future course of events, as in business.


See Also: Animals

1- In dreams the bull represents the masculine principle and fertility. It also can indicate the way we handle male sexuality.

2- The bull appearing in a dream can point to the dreamer’s own stubbornness.

3- fhe bull is connected with the moon goddesses and also represents Taurus in the Zodiac.


Material aspects: In dreams, the bull represents the masculine principle and fertility. It also can indicate the way we handle male sexuality. You might also like to consult the entry for animals.


The bull in pursuit, in a dream for a man, signifies competitive business troubles.

To a woman, an offer of marriage.

A white bull usually indicates an increase in money.

See Also: Animals.


1. Power, potency, strength and persistence.

2. Obstinate (as in “bullheaded”).

3. Fertility and strength.

4. Will soon receive a gift (chased by a bull).


Controlling, head-strong, foolish talking bully; a cover-up for one with low self-esteem, trying to appear self-confident; see “pride”


Psychological / emotional perspective: The bull appearing in a dream can point to the dreamer’s own stubbornness and tenacity.


The bull is connected with the moon goddesses and also represents taurus in the zodiac.


Strong; stubborn, bull-headed. Masculine aggressiveness.


The sign of some enemy or rival in love or business.


A bull is symbolic of a strong enemy, Ps. 22:12


lucky numbers: 15-30-37-38-45-47

being chased by: your lover is overly optimistic about your sexual prowess.

fighter: wil have an interesting friend from Latin America.

furious: your rashness is creating havoc in your love life.

goring you: bad luck wil overtake you in your race to escape.

liver, finding a: wil suffer a big business loss through hardheadedness.

many: wil receive high honors with your brute force.

not running away from a: situation of envious competitors is harmless.

of a: wil make good investments, but not in anger at the opposite sex.


Sources and Authors

  1. A Dictionary of Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  2. Islamic Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  3. The Element Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  4. The Language of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  5. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  6. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by [Back to dream]
  7. The Bedside Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  8. Dream Symbols and Analysis by [Back to dream]
  9. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  10. My Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  11. The Fabric of Dream by [Back to dream]
  12. Dream Explanations of Astro Center by [Back to dream]
  13. Complete Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  14. Gypsy Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  15. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  16. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by [Back to dream]
  17. Strangest Dream Explanations by [Back to dream]
  18. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  19. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  20. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  21. Psycho Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  22. New American Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  23. Dream Dictionary Unlimited by [Back to dream]
  24. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  25. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  26. The Dream Books Symbols by [Back to dream]
  27. Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  28. Christian Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  29. Zolar’s Book of Dreams Numbers and Lucky Days by [Back to dream]

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