The meaning of the symbols of chathalic, cross and blood seen in a dream.

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Today's Dream Interpretation


Chathalic Cross With Blood | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Chathalic Cross Blood

41 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about chathalic, cross and blood related.


Blood-stained garments, indicate enemies who seek to tear down a successful career that is opening up before you.The dreamer should beware of strange friendships.To see blood flowi...

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To dream of seeing a cross, indicates trouble ahead for you. Shape your affairs accordingly.To dream of seeing a person bearing a cross, you will be called on by missionaries to ai...

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Decisions or choices in life, Jer. 6:16 NLT ...

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THE RIVER-Change, choice, attitude, emotions. ...

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Example: ‘I keep in touch with an old boyfriend who I have not seen since I was 18, which is 14 years ago. In my dream I was on holiday on a coach which stopped at the crossroads...

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Crossword Puzzle

Seeking and finding the answers to puzzling questions in one’s life...

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Cross Dressing

If you dream about a man dressed like a woman, or a woman dressed like a man (or if you cross-dressed in the dream), this signifies that you are uncomfortable in some way with the ...

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Blood Stone

To dream of seeing a blood stone, denotes that you will be unfortunate in your engagements.For a young woman to receive one as a gift, denotes she will suffer estrangement from one...

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Cross Roads

To dream of cross roads, denotes you will be unable to hold some former favorable opportunity for reaching your desires.If you are undecided which one to take, you are likely to le...

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Crossing A River

Crossing a river or stream suggests relief from grief, sorrow and fear. But if such a river or stream contain mud, filth or continues to swell, it suggest the observer of the dram ...

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To dream you are at Cross- purposes with someone signifies joy, pleasure, health and concord among friends and relations, and prosperity. ...

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To dream of cross-bones, foretells you will be troubled by the evil influence of others, and prosperity will assume other than promising aspects.To see cross-bones as a monogram on...

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Payment for betrayal; debasing one’s religious morals for self-gratification, i.E. Thirty pieces of silver, drug- dealing money...

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Doing good works...

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Crossing Over

Leaving one’s past and crossing over to a new beginning...

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1. Some sort of problem that must be figured out.2. Hint that one is overcomplicating particular problems, that one should simplify and use plain emotional insights rather than in...

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Blood Disease

If one is presented in his dream with red unripened dates, then they represent some type of blood disease where the red cells exceed the white cells in number.(Also see Dates)...

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Blood In A Cup, Bowl Or Tray

This symbolises sickness and the spending of one’s wealth on some woman. Some say spending it on onseself....

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Blood Ties

(Debts, Veins)...

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Blood, Pus Etc. Without Any Wound

Bleeding without any wound means he will acquire unlawful wealth. Similarly, pus or blood gushing forth from a fountain in the body and such pus or blood staining his body also mea...

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(See Betrayal)...

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Drawing Blood From The Vein

It implies a person losing part of his wealth to the king or authorities....

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To Be Stained With Blood, Dung Etc.

If the body is seen stained with blood, dung, excreta and all that issues from the body, it symbolises unlawful wealth owned by him or it means he will receive haraam wealth in the...

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Red Cross

Symbolic of Christian service or belonging to Christ ...

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Crucifix (cross)

A cross can have several seemingly varying connotations, or the interpretation may be multifaceted. It may represent your spirituality and the coming together of all different part...

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Signpost / Crossroads

The crossroads is a place where one must decide which way to go. It points out to the dreamer which road should be taken in life.See Cross, Fork (as in fork in the road), Division,...

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Skull And Crossbones

A symbol of poison, a skull and cross- bones may come to reflect the poisoned ideals or negative influences that present a clear danger in your life. It may also indicate that you ...

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Barrier (railroad Or Border Crossing)

Vision: Looking at a barrier: many obstacles are ahead.If something is stopping you, think about what it might be and make sure that you’re on the right path.If the barrier is o...

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Being Cross-eyed

Vision: Is your view of reality distorted? Is it difficult to see yourself or others as they really are? Do you have a hard time making yourself understood? See Blindness, Eyes, G...

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Cross, Crossroads

Symbol: The cross ii> a symbol of the integration of extremes, the synthesis, and the moderation—the cross is the connection between time and space.Vision: A cross is a sign of...

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Victoria Cross

To dream you are presented with this honour is a sign that you will win your good fortune by merit alone....

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Cross Dresser

See Transsexual....

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Dreams of a crosswalk symbolize that you are following the rules, staying within the lines, and perhaps are being overly careful. Or, this dream may be a message to be more careful...

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Signify the realization (in the sense of making real) of spirit into matter....

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Tau Cross

See spiritual imagery in the introduction...

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Cross, Crucifix

Dreaming of any sort of cross - the Christian cross, the Maltese cross, the ancient cross of the Goddess - indicates joy, happiness and fulfillment after a long and difficult strug...

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Cross Walk

If you dream of standing at a crosswalk, you need help dealing with a situation in real life. Look to a trusted guardian or a close friend for guidance....

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Crossing / Corridor

If you are crossing a road in your dream, this is an image of potential danger, fear and uncertainty in waking life.If you are crossing a field, you may need to bring your feelings...

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Blood Pressure

1. Opposing the Holy Spirit (high blood pressure);2. Missing spiritual intimacy (low blood pressure); Lev. 17:11) Isa. 40 30-31;...

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Blood Transfusion

1. Salvation2. Spiritual life renewed. 1 John 1:7; Lev. 17:11....

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