Material aspects: When we find ourselves making copies we are aware that we need to retain information for ourselves. Such a dream can suggest the idea of reproduction....
(Qur’an, The Last Revelation) In a dream, the Holy Book, or the Qur’an represents a king or a judge who deals with Islamic jurisprudence.If a king, a ruler, or a judge sees tha...
Dreams of Kinko’s represent copying someone or that someone is copying you. This dream may be a sign to get organized, down to brass tacks, and to duplicate your power, work and ...
Dreams of any winged animal represents spirit or a closeness to the heavens.A parrot repeats and copies what it hears is a symbol that you mimicking someone else, not allowing your...
Toys, as small copies of larger objects, symbolize the microcosm within the macrocosm. Appearing in dreams, they may be alerting us to our ability to create our own lives. Just as ...