Corn Dream Interpretation

Corn Dream Interpretation: Insights from 22 Unique Sources

corn image

Corn Dream Meaning

(See Eating, Vegetables)

Gathering corn represents rejoicing in the prosperity of friends and relatives.

A rich harvest of corn speaks of prosperity. Since this was a popular early grain crop, the presence of corn on the land directly reflected the wealth of a farmer. In your dreams, the condition of the corn or how it’s taken to market may hold more significance here.

For example, if the corn is transported via horse and buggy, maybe you need to update your outlooks to experience success.

The cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Egyptian, Christian, and Celtic traditions often draw parallels between corn’s cycle and that of the soul.

A popular pagan song tells of corn and grain, adding that “all that falls shall rise again.”

Passing through a field of corn symbolizes harmony in the home and figurative wealth that comes from having true friends. It may also portend a temporary increase in funds.

A newly planted corn field is an omen of forthcoming success.

Popcorn is an emblem of excitement from an unexpected gift or some good news. Among Native Americans, it may also represent divinatory skills “popping” up.


Corn Dream Meaning

To see corn in your dream signifies abundance, growth and fertility. Also consider the pun that something is ‘corny’. Cornbread and corn on the cob represent nourishment through personal efforts. Corn chips signify small benefits in life, a cornfield signifies an abundance of inner strength, cornflakes and corn oil suggest motivation and new beginnings, whilst cornflour stands for inner strength.

Corn Dream Interpretation

1- Most dreams containing images of corn or wheat symbolise fertility or fruitfulness. They may also represent new life either pregnancy or new developments in other ways.

2- To be harvesting corn is to be reaping the rewards of hard work. We may be linking with some very primeval needs and requirements.

3- The Great Mother in her nurturing aspect is always shown with corn.


Corn Dream Meaning

Throughout history corn has been celebrated, symbolized, sanctified, ceremonialized, ritualized and even used to describe substandard humor (“corny”). Corn dreams may thus indicate anything from nourishment to the kind of humor the dreamer may be inflicting upon others. Corn may also represent abundance, growth, or fertility.

Corn Dream Meaning

Green corn growing foretells a happy married life, with healthy and joyous children.

To dream of eating it from the cob is a prediction of success in money matters.

Popping com in a dream is propitious if the popping is brisk and the com is white; but if it burns, the prediction is toward an opposite state of affairs.


Corn Dream Meaning

Com is a symbol of fertility in Native American cultures. Having the same connotation as wheat and barley, it may represent the sustaining power of the feminine nurturing principle. Spitting corn may indicate that someone is acting corny or silly.

Corn Dream Interpretation

To see corn in your dream represents prosperity, development, and productivity. It may be a play on the word ‘corny.’ Perhaps some experience or matter in your life seems silly or doesn’t make sense.

Corn Dream Interpretation

A dream of riches (Artemidorus); ears of corn, symbol of the Holy Eucharist (Clement); ear of corn also the symbol of Horus bringing light and plenty to the world (Churchward).

Corn Dream Interpretation

Material aspects: Most dreams containing images of corn or wheat symbolize fertility or fruitfulness. They may also represent new life – either pregnancy or new developments in other ways.

Corn Dream Meaning

To dream of husking pied ears of corn, denotes you will enjoy varied success and pleasure.

To see others gathering corn, foretells you will rejoice in the prosperity of friends or relatives.


Corn Dream Meaning

Psychological / emotional perspective: To be harvesting corn is to be reaping the rewards of hard work. We may be linking with some very primeval needs and requirements.

Corn Dream Meaning

Dreams of corn symbolize gold, wealth, health and riches. This dream is a sign that abundant blessings are yours and you’ll be rewarded for your hard work.

See Harvest.


Corn Dream Interpretation

Gives gender-specific: Women are much more in touch with the natural forces so tend to dream of goddesses and their attributes.

Corn Dream Interpretation

Corn is a symbol of prosperity and fertility. To dream that you eat this grain can also manifest a need to nourish yourself spiritually.

Corn Dream Interpretation

The great mother, or mother nature, in her nurturing aspect is always shown with corn representing fertility and fecundity.

Corn Dream Meaning

Corn is viewed as a symbol of fertility. As such, in dreams corn may represent new birth.

Corn Dream Interpretation

1. Harvest;

2. Increase;

3. Blessing; Word of God; Is 28:28 Deut. 7:13; Prov. 11:26.


Corn Dream Meaning

1. Someone is telling one untruths.

2. One is telling untruths.


Corn Dream Interpretation

1. Harvest increase and blessing; Is 28:28

Corn Dream Meaning

Financial prosperity

Corn Dream Interpretation

To dream you see fields of corn, or that you are among unthreshed corn, is a very favorable omen; it denotes success in business; to the lover it announces that vou will marry, have many children and become rich and happy. If you are a sailor, it denotes a lucrative voyage and fine weather, and that you will be near marrying in the next port you touch at. If you dream you are gathering ripe corn, it is the most fortunate dream you can have.

Corn Dream Meaning

lucky numbers: 04-08-11-18-33-43

eating: sustenance and strength in times of trial.

feet, on the: enemies endeavoring to undermine you.

getting rid of: a legacy from an unknown source.

field with large ears of: wil rejoice in prosperity of a friend.

small yield of: expect trouble in your love affairs.

without ears still on the stalks: a plethora of worldly experience available for harvest.

grinding: are in this life for the duration.

growing: your gentle elegance can sway with the winds of action.

harvesting: your investments are sound, but must be cultivated.

hominy, eating: dul days of boredom that need spicing up.

husking: level of success wil vary, your pleasure in it should be constant.

meal, eating: throw up obstructions to make the boring, easy tasks into a chal enge.

planting: future success is secure, if others bid high.

tassels: advancement within your own position.


Sources and Authors

  1. Category: The Language of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  2. Category: The Element Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  3. Category: Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  4. Category: Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  5. Category: The Complete Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  6. Category: Ariadne's Book of Dream by [Back to dream]
  7. Category: Dream Symbols and Analysis by [Back to dream]
  8. Category: The Fabric of Dream by [Back to dream]
  9. Category: Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  10. Category: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  11. Category: Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  12. Category: Strangest Dream Explanations by [Back to dream]
  13. Category: Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  14. Category: The Big Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  15. Category: Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  16. Category: Dream Meanings and Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  17. Category: Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by [Back to dream]
  18. Category: New American Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  19. Category: Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by [Back to dream]
  20. Category: Dream Dictionary Unlimited by [Back to dream]
  21. Category: The Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  22. Category: Zolar’s Book of Dreams Numbers and Lucky Days by [Back to dream]

34 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about corn related.


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1. Totality.2. Four points of the world. ...

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