The meaning of the symbols of de seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Today's Dream Interpretation


48 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about de related.


To dream of seeing any of your people dead, warns you of coming dissolution or sorrow. Disappointments always follow dreams of this nature.To hear of any friend or relative being d...

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For farmers to dream of the devil, denotes blasted crops and death among stock, also family sickness. Sporting people should heed this dream as a warning to be careful of their aff...

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To dream of wandering through a gloomy and barren desert, denotes famine and uprisal of races and great loss of life and property.For a young woman to find herself alone in a deser...

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This is a favorable dream, denoting pure and deep friendships for the young and a quiet and even life for the married.To kill a deer, denotes that you will be hounded by enemies.Fo...

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To dream of a dentist working on your teeth, denotes that you will have occasion to doubt the sincerity and honor of some person with whom you have dealings.To see him at work on a...

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To be using a desk in a dream, denotes unforeseen ill luck will rise before you.To see money on your desk, brings you unexpected extrication from private difficulties....

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Debt is rather a bad dream, foretelling worries in business and love, and struggles for a competency; but if you have plenty to meet all your obligations, your affairs will assume ...

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To dream of a detective keeping in your wake when you are innocent of charges preferred, denotes that fortune and honor are drawing nearer to you each day; but if you feel yourself...

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To feel the dew falling on you in your dreams, portends that you will be attacked by fever or some malignant disease; but to see the dew sparkling through the grass in the sunlight...

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To be delayed in a dream, warns you of the scheming of enemies to prevent your progress. ...

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The final result of gradual neglect, literally and spiritually...

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Evil spirit; revealing one’s problems are spiritual not carnal; see “spirit” and “witchcraft”...

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To dream of eating a rich dessert indicates that you will enjoy some luxury that formerly you have had to go without....

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Dreams involving the dead are often seen as warnings or messages urging caution and introspection. Below are various interpretations based on different encounters with the dead in ...

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Dead End

See cul de sac. ...

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To dream of being on a ship and that a storm is raging, great disasters and unfortunate alliances will overtake you; but if the sea is calm and the light distinct, your way is clea...

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Ears that can hear, but will not adhere...

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To be in despair in dreams, denotes that you will have many and cruel vexations in the working world.To see others in despair, foretells the distress and unhappy position of some r...

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A deep pit in a dream is a warning to cancel the plan before it fails...

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Revealed for the sake of encouragement and restoration...

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A warning given in order that one not become the prey...

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Major changes in dreamer’s inner or outer life have been, or are being, undertaken; breakdown of old atti­tudes and approaches. ...

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To dream of decorating a place with bright-hued flowers for some festive occasion, is significant of favorable turns in business, and, to the young, of continued rounds of social p...

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For a farmer to dream of showing his devotion to God, or to his family, denotes plenteous crops and peaceful neighbors.To business people, this is a warning that nothing is to be g...

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Revealed to prepare one to meet the demanding situation...

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A literal warning, but given to prepare for victory or be prepared for defeat...

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Advice to change one’s course of action...

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(See Beheading, Cutting off)...

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To dream of experiencing delight over any event, signifies a favorable turn in affairs.For lovers to be delighted with the conduct of their sweethearts, denotes pleasant greetings....

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A spiritual flaw that needs spiritual help; research anatomical location...

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A warning in order to prevent a state of desolation...

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Used to cleanse spiritual impurities...

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1. Relief or elimination of burdens.2. Unloading unex­pressed fears and anxieties.3. Low self-worth, self-esteem (to be defecated on). ...

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Because the unconscious has a powerful faculty for synthesising our experience, it frequently arrives at a sense of what we most wish for or want to create through our life. Yet we...

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To dream of December, foretells accumulation of wealth, but loss of friendship. Strangers will occupy the position in the affections of some friend which was formerly held by you. ...

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To dream of seeing or signing deeds, portends a law suit, to gain which you should be careful in selecting your counsel, as you are likely to be the loser.To dream of signing any k...

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See “bowels”...

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If defense is shown to be necessary, research details for instruction...

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See “room”...

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1. Isolation and seclusion.2. Feeling withdrawn from peo­ple or activities, possible neglect in relationships.3. Good for­tune is in the offing. ...

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An obvious reference to material that burdens you and to real debts and mortgages. Your life is out of balance, meaning you are confronted with guilt feelings in order to resolve t...

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Dead People

1- Dead people we have known appearing in dreams usually refer back to strong emotions we have had about those people, whether they are negative or positive.For instance, there may...

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1. Self-doubt or contempt.2. Negative or self-defeating forces at work in decision-making or judgment.3. Need to loosen up a little, have a little fun. ...

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(Milk, War.See Advice, Con artist, Fraudulent bankruptcy)...

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(See Assault, Wrecker)...

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(Admonition, Cave in, Earthquake, Harvest, Violation) In a dream, destruction means dispersion of people, or it could mean death. Destruction in a dream also means the leveling ...

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Overwhelming business loss (Artemidorus); symbolism obvious, financial affairs are usually indicated by storms, rain, etc....

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This is the world of instincts and physical perceptions. As in Abyss, Cliff, Diving, we are talking here about delving into the unconscious. This image often points to the world of...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation