sleeping boy


Death Sucide With Thread On Her Neck | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Death Sucide Thread Neck

42 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about death, sucide, thread and neck related.


To dream of seeing any of your people dead, warns you of coming dissolution or sorrow. Disappointments always follow dreams of this nature.To hear of any friend or relative being d...

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To dream that you see your own neck, foretells that vexatious family relations will interfere with your business.To admire the neck of another, signifies your worldly mindedness wi...

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To dream of thread, denotes that your fortune lies beyond intricate paths.To see broken threads, you will suffer loss through the faithlessness of friends.See Spools....

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Death Sentence

(See Death, Destruction)...

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Life After Death

See philosophy of dreams; death; murder; out of body experience. ...

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Death’s Head

You may discover some hidden secret....

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Life-and-death Struggle

Life-and-death struggles are common in dreams, but in some cases these dreams end with a struggle to avoid catastrophe. These are the sorts of dream in which almost every stranger ...

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Warrant, Death

1. One has done something very wrong.2. Loved one has done something very wrong. ...

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Agony Of Death

If one sees himself struggling with death in a dream, it means arguing about his religion, or doubt about God’s revelations. Death rattling in a dream also signifies preparing to...

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Ball Of Thread

(Hank of yarn, Spool, Thread) For pensioners, seeing a ball of thread in a dream signifies increase in one’s benefits or receiving extra income.A ball of thread in a dream also ...

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Cupping On The Neck

Either he will commit brech of trust or breach of trust will be committed in his property....

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Death By Hanging

In a dream, to see someone or oneself being brought to the gallows to be hung means malice, rejoicing at the misfortune of others, fame or perhaps it could mean rising in station. ...

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Death Of A King

In a dream, it means destruction of a town.(Also see Death)...

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Itngel Of Death

(See ‘Izrii’i’l, Robbery, Osprey)...

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Neck Pain

(See Pain)...

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Sewing With A Threaded Needle.

This means that his affairs will be set aright and he will attain respectability amongs the people....

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Stoning To Death

(See Stoning)...

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The Neck

If the neck is severed from the body it means that the person will become free if he is a slave or he will recover from his illness or he will soon be freed of his debts.The same d...

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The Sword-belt Hanging From The Neck

If a person sees a sword-belt handing from his neck in such a manner that the sword hangs on the ground, it means he will wield power proportionate to the length of the sword. But ...

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Threading A Needle

Threading a needle as long as it is not used for sewing also symbolises a dutiful wife....

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Threading And Sewing With A Needle

If a man sees himself as threading a needle and sewing the clothes of people it means he will counsel them. Some interpreters say it is a message for him to reform and put right hi...

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Death Row

Inescapable punishment ...

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Spools Of Thread

A dream of many serious worries (Gypsy). ...

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Death And Rebirth

The symbols of death or the fear of death can be: sunset; evening; a crossed river or falling in a river, a skeleton; snarling dogs; sleep; anaesthetic; gravestones; ceme­tery; bl...

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Neck / Throat

When dreaming about a sore or painful throat, make sure that you are not being bothered by a real health issue, like a cold. Other than that, people you deal with, or annoying situ...

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Death Of Oneself

1- To dream of our own death is to be exploring our own feelings about death; the retreat from the challenge of life or the split between mind and body. Leaving the body is frequen...

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Dead Or Death

This omen depends upon the circumstances, but on the whole, it concerns other people, not the dreamer.If you speak to friends or relatives who are Dead, it means news of some livin...

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Death-watch Beetle

To dream of this ill- omened insect presages a speedy marriage. ...

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Death & Dying

Death in dreams is rarely, if ever, literal. Rather it is a metaphor for letting go, change and transformation.• Some part of your behaviour, your life or a habit has to “die�...

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Death / Killing

If it is the dreamer dying, it never has any connection to a real impending physical death. Rather, it is a reference to the need to change one’s path in life and allow old attit...

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Dead / Death

Dreams about the dead or about death are not usually omens of literal death, although they may indicate anxiety about death. Violent death may represent anger and aggression, altho...

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Neck / Shoulder

To see your own or another person’s neck in your dream signifies your need to control your feelings and keep them in check. Consider the familiar phrase, ‘don’t stick your ne...

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Death Of A Family Member Or Partner

A close family member has died and the remaining family are attending the funeral. Everyone, including you, is crying. Such dreams can be very unnerving because you may worry that ...

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Violent Death

If you watch a murder, this refers to aspects of yourself that have been denied expression.If you are running from a murder in your dream, it depicts something you feel threatened ...

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Near-death Experience

A near-death experience (NDE) is a phenomenon reported by people who have been declared clinically dead by medical experts, or passed close to death through accident or illness, bu...

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Your Own Death

Dreams in which you appear dead or are dying are unlikely to presage your actual death.If you were struck down by a disease in your dream, then your unconscious may have been ampli...

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lucky numbers: 08-14-24-34-37-46brass: wil be introduced to artists and enjoy the benevolent sharing of their creativity. broken: faithless friends cause your losses, strengthen bo...

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Cracking Your Neck

General MeaningA dream where you, or someone else, is cracking their neck can symbolize a need for flexibility and adaptability in life. Your neck symbolizes the ability to transce...

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Breaking Someones Neck

General MeaningDreams where you break someone\'s neck represents feelings of conflict, aggression, and power. It may symbolize a desire to disable, overpower or stop someone in you...

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Faked Death

General MeaningIn the context of dream interpretation, dreaming about faking your own death suggests a desire for a fresh start or change in your life. In other words, this dream m...

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My Deceased Husband Faked His Death

General MeaningSeeing a deceased loved one symbolizes an aspect of yourself that is repressed or hidden. If your dream involves your deceased husband faking his death, this could b...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation