Dream about flying Dream Interpretation

Dream About Flying Dream Interpretation: Analysis from 1 Unique Sources

dream-about-flying image


Dream About Flying Dream Meanings

Flying in dreams represents liberation, personal will, & aspirations. It indicates freedom from past issues, success, and a new outlook. It can also symbolize escaping reality.

General Meaning

The dream of flying generally symbolizes liberation and a sense of freedom. It suggests your strong will, goals, and aspirations. This is one of the most common dreams because it can hold a number of different meanings depending on the context. Your subconscious could be telling you that you are letting go of past issues and are looking at the world from a new point of view. Flying dreams are usually associated with one\'s desire to succeed, express themselves freely without any social or physical constraints and achieve a sense of power and relief.

Furthermore, the way you are flying and the feelings associated with it during your dream indicate a lot. If you are flying with ease and enjoying the scene and landscape below, it suggests that you are in control and on top of a situation. If you are having difficulties staying in the air, it indicates a lack of power or uncertainty in achieving your goals.

Positive and Negative Interpretation


The positive aspect of a flying dream is an affirmation of your strong personal will and determination. You are feeling free, allowing yourself to explore all possibilities of life and not be bound by challenges or rules. It signifies your ambition, highs in life, new perspectives and control over the issues. This dream can encourage and inspire you to pursue your passions fearlessly and go after your dreams.


On the negative side, a flying dream could indicate that you are trying too hard to escape from the realities of life. It could reflect your inability to deal with grounded issues and your strong desire to flee. Difficulty in flying or suddenly falling from the sky indicates your fear of challenges, failure, and the inability to keep up with the pace of life. It may also represent feelings of confusion, lack of confidence and direction.

Future Outlook

Depending on your feelings during your dream, the dream of flying can predict your future outlook. If you are enjoying the flight, then your future will be full of success and happiness. You are about to embark on an exciting journey filled with discovery, achievement, and personal growth. Opportunities will present themselves allowing you to explore different facets of life.

Conversely, if your flying experience was full of fear and uncertainty, you may be heading toward obstacles and difficulties. These challenges could make you feel overwhelmed and unsure of your next step. However, such dreams also serve as warnings, preparing you to be more vigilant, strong and ready to face any situation.

Psychological Interpretation

Psychologically, a dream about flying may represent feelings of independence, escaping constraints or rising above situations. It may symbolize a profound desire to break free from restrictions, stress, or emotional burden. This liberation from all anxieties and problems offers a sense of peace and tranquility to the dreamer.

On the other hand, it can also reflect your desire to express yourself and your creative thoughts freely. If you are going through a transitional phase in your life, flying dreams could signify your growth and development, when you break free from your cocoon and become a butterfly. Nevertheless, these dreams always come with a caveat. They encourage the dreamer to remain grounded and connected to their roots while flying high in the sky of ambition and freedom.


Sources and Authors

  1. Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]

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