The meaning of the symbols of drinking, glass and milk seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Today's Dream Interpretation


Drinking A Glass Milk | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Drinking Glass Milk

48 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about drinking, glass and milk related.


To dream of drinking milk, denotes abundant harvest to the farmer and pleasure in the home; for a traveler, it foretells a fortunate voyage. This is a very propitious dream for wom...

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To dream that you are looking through glass, denotes that bitter disappointments will cloud your brightest hopes.To see your image in a mirror, foretells unfaithfulness and neglect...

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Magnifying Glass

To look through a magnifying-glass in your dreams, means failure to accomplish your work in a satisfactory manner.For a woman to think she owns one, foretells she will encourage th...

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For a woman to dream of hilarious drinking, denotes that she is engaging in affairs which may work to her discredit, though she may now find much pleasure in the same.If she dreams...

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Looking Glass

For a woman to dream of a looking-glass, denotes that she is soon to be confronted with shocking deceitfulness and discrepancies, which may result in tragic scenes or separations.S...

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To dream of milking, and it flows in great streams from the udder, while the cow is restless and threatening, signifies you will see great opportunities withheld from you, but whic...

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Glass House

To see a glass house, foretells you are likely to be injured by listening to flattery.For a young woman to dream that she is living in a glass house, her coming trouble and threate...

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To dream that you see glass-blowers at their work, denotes you will contemplate change in your business, which will appear for the better, but you will make it at a loss to yoursel...

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To dream that you are looking through a spy-glass, denotes that changes will soon occur to your disadvantage.To see a broken or imperfect one, foretells unhappy dissensions and los...

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Glass Slipper

One has hope for future success. ...

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Milking A She-camel

(See Milk, Milking)...

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Broken Glass

Dreams of walking on broken glass, seeing or being surrounded by shards of glass or, even worse (and far from everyday), having to eat broken glass may represent cutting words or w...

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To be given to dram-drinking in your dreams, omens ill-natured rivalry and contention for small possession.To think you have quit dram-drinking, or find that others have done so, s...

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Pane Of Glass

To dream that you handle a pane of glass, denotes that you are dealing in uncertainties.If you break it, your failure will be accentuated.To talk to a person through a pane of glas...

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To dream of a wine-glass, foretells that a disappointment will affect you seriously, as you will fail to see anything pleasing until shocked into the realization of trouble. ...

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Condensed Milk

The water is removed, so it is sweeter, but less nourishing; see “milk” and “water”...

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Milky Way

Viewing the milky way is searching for divine intervention...

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Safety Glass

Wisdom that keeps one safe; see “glass”...

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Milk, which is the immature word, is even more immature when “skimmed”...

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Ice Milk

Falseness. ...

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Magnesia, Milk Of

1. One is sick of oneself.2. One is sick of some­one else. ...

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Breast Filling With Milk

If a woman sees here breasts filling with milk or milk flowing from her breasts, it is interpreted as prosperity and wealth in abundance coming her way....

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Cow Milk, Camel Milk And Buffalo Milk

All three symbolise prosperity and goodness, sheep milk also symbolises prosperity and goodness but to a lesser degree than the former....

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Donkey Milk

A tamed donkey’s milk represents serious illness but he will be cured....

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Drinking Camel Milk

Drinking camel milk without milking it means the person will acquire lawful wealth from someone who is physically strong, wields power and commands respect....

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Drinking Clean Water From The River

Drinking clean water from a river suggests that he will enjoy a certain ni’mah and bounty of Allah and live a clean and pure life....

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Drinking Curd Or Whey

Drinking any of these means loss of wealth as a result of which he will be grieved....

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Drinking Fresh Milk

If a person sees himself drinking fresh milk (not whey or curd) of a known animal, it implies that he will acquire wealth that is halaal and lawful....

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Drinking Hyena Milk

His wife will deceive him and be unfaithful to him....

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Drinking Milk From The Breast

If a person sees himself drinking or being fed milk from the breast of a woman, it means he will either be imprisoned or find himself in utter poverty, as the maximum period for su...

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Drinking Sea Water

If a person dreams that he is drinking sea water and the water is not turbid or muddy nor are any waves seen in such waters it means he will acquire as much of the wealth of this w...

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Drinking The Milk Of A Lioness

The person seeing this is to become prosperous. He will also overpower his enemy....

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Drinking The Milk Of A Panther

The One who drinks the milk will attain much blessings and barakah in the near future....

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Drinking The Milk Of A She-ass

It means severe illness with no hope of recovery.And Allah Subhanahoo Wata’ala knows best....

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Drinking The Milk Of A Sow

Drinking such milk means a person will commit evil through his intellect and wealth....

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Drinking Tiger Milk

It means profound grief and sorrow....

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Drinking Unclean Water From The River

If a person sees himself drinking dirty or muddy water from a river it means he will suffer grief, anguish and heartache, the extend depending on the amount he drinks of such water...

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Drinking Water

Consuming clean, sweet water in the dream means he will enjoy a clean and happy life provided he does not know its quantity nor is he aware of himself being in a state of tuhr nor ...

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Drinking Wine

Drinking win with another means the drinker will quarrel with that person with regards to his livelihood provided there is a dining table between them....

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Drinking Wolf Milk

the one who drinks the milk will attain much goodness in that if he is in grief he will soon find relief and if he is a destitute he will become rich....

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Eating And Drinking In The Wild

This suggest that he will acquire affluence in the world and progress in matters of Deen....

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Ghee And Milk

They represent wealth and prosperity for the person who acquires or takes ownership for them....

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Glass Pitcher

For an unwed person, seeing a glass pitcher in a dream means marriage to a rich and a beautiful woman.(Also see Bottle)...

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Horse Milk

The drinker will acquire a good reputation....

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Limbs Of The Body Becoming Glass

If any of the limbs becomes glass, the person has a very short life span....

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