The meaning of the symbols of drinking, orange and juice seen in a dream.

sleeping boy


I Had A Dream That I Moved Into A Big House With My Family There Were Three Kids And They All Called Me Mom I Went Into The Bedroom When My Husband Was And He Was Sick He Had People Up Under His Nose And Her You Told Me To Go Get Him Some Orange Juice So I Went To Go Get Some Orange Juice But I Ended Up Into A Bedroom With Two Queen Bed‘s Barely Spaced Apart Just Enough Room To Walk By And They Were Red Curtains For Two Girls Who Called Me Mom And We Were Discussing What To Do With The Red Curtains Because They Were Ugly Then I Remembered I Had To Go Get The Orange Juice For My Husband And Then I Woke Up | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Drinking Orange Juice Orange

44 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about drinking, orange and juice related.


A combination of yellow, which is fear, and red, which is anxiety...

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Seeing a number of orange trees in a healthy condition, bearing ripe fruit, is a sign of health and prosperous surroundings.To eat oranges is signally bad. Sickness of friends or r...

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For a woman to dream of hilarious drinking, denotes that she is engaging in affairs which may work to her discredit, though she may now find much pleasure in the same.If she dreams...

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The inside information...

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Orange Blossom

There is peace and tranquility to come . :. but it may not last....

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To be given to dram-drinking in your dreams, omens ill-natured rivalry and contention for small possession.To think you have quit dram-drinking, or find that others have done so, s...

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Drinking Camel Milk

Drinking camel milk without milking it means the person will acquire lawful wealth from someone who is physically strong, wields power and commands respect....

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Drinking Clean Water From The River

Drinking clean water from a river suggests that he will enjoy a certain ni’mah and bounty of Allah and live a clean and pure life....

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Drinking Curd Or Whey

Drinking any of these means loss of wealth as a result of which he will be grieved....

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Drinking Fresh Milk

If a person sees himself drinking fresh milk (not whey or curd) of a known animal, it implies that he will acquire wealth that is halaal and lawful....

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Drinking Hyena Milk

His wife will deceive him and be unfaithful to him....

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Drinking Milk From The Breast

If a person sees himself drinking or being fed milk from the breast of a woman, it means he will either be imprisoned or find himself in utter poverty, as the maximum period for su...

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Drinking Sea Water

If a person dreams that he is drinking sea water and the water is not turbid or muddy nor are any waves seen in such waters it means he will acquire as much of the wealth of this w...

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Drinking The Milk Of A Lioness

The person seeing this is to become prosperous. He will also overpower his enemy....

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Drinking The Milk Of A Panther

The One who drinks the milk will attain much blessings and barakah in the near future....

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Drinking The Milk Of A She-ass

It means severe illness with no hope of recovery.And Allah Subhanahoo Wata’ala knows best....

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Drinking The Milk Of A Sow

Drinking such milk means a person will commit evil through his intellect and wealth....

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Drinking Tiger Milk

It means profound grief and sorrow....

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Drinking Unclean Water From The River

If a person sees himself drinking dirty or muddy water from a river it means he will suffer grief, anguish and heartache, the extend depending on the amount he drinks of such water...

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Drinking Water

Consuming clean, sweet water in the dream means he will enjoy a clean and happy life provided he does not know its quantity nor is he aware of himself being in a state of tuhr nor ...

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Drinking Wine

Drinking win with another means the drinker will quarrel with that person with regards to his livelihood provided there is a dining table between them....

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Drinking Wolf Milk

the one who drinks the milk will attain much goodness in that if he is in grief he will soon find relief and if he is a destitute he will become rich....

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Eating And Drinking In The Wild

This suggest that he will acquire affluence in the world and progress in matters of Deen....

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Grape Juice

(See Juice)...

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Milking A Cow And Drinking Its Milk

If a person sees himself milking and drinking cow milk it is a glad tiding that he will become rich, or if he is rich his wealth will increase; or if he is a slave he will become f...

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Orange-blossom Water

(See Distilled water)...

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Orange (color)

The color orange corresponds to the second chakra and, at times, may be associated with our reproductive system.The second chakra is said to be responsible for our reproductive hea...

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Orange Juice

Usually a sign that you are actually thirsty.See Orange....

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Drinking Glass

To see a number of drinking glasses means there will be sudden arguments between you and your lover.A single glass indicates the need for a short vacation.To break a glass means th...

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Eating / Drinking

Bacon: To slice bacon indicates the coming death of a loved one.To eat bacon means triumph over enemies.If you are smoking or curing bacon, someone close to you will become ill.Bis...

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Bitter Orange

interpreted upon 4 sides: friend, child, dispute, usefulness from a strange man....

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The Orange

Is a wish for good fortune....

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Drinking Fountain

To dream of drinking water from a fountain is a positive omen, meaning that you have the strength of character to solve all your current problems. Look within and trust your instin...

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Orange (the Color)

If your dream strongly features the color orange, you have a lively and outgoing nature. You will have a fascinating life with broad horizons and many interests....

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Orange Soda

To dream of orange soda means you want a boyfriend/girlfriend.If you are already in a couple, this dream suggests you could be having more fun....

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Straws (drinking Straws)

To see or use a drinking straw in your dream suggests that you have been taking some things for granted. Pay more attention to the people around you. You will find that you will bu...

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Autumn Colored Trees (orange Gold Red)

Family issues bring out the truth of God-Mind that makes you angry...

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Cover, Orange

Overall truth and creativity....

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Drink / Drinking

If you are drinking usually this will mean your unconscious is offering you something which, if accepted, will improve the quality of your life.If you do not, in the dream, accept ...

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Drinks / Drinking

This symbol has a wide trajectory in the continuum of fun and relaxation on the one end and excessive escapism on the other. This activity in a dream may point to a need for more b...

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Orange / Peach

Symbols of health and prosperity, oranges in dreams recall the sunny times in your life. To see orange trees in your dream signifies health and prosperity. In dreams, peaches indic...

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Automobile Lights Yellow Orange And Red

Dream Interpretation: Automobile lights yellow orange and redPositive Interpretation: The dream involving automobile lights of yellow, orange, and red could signify personal growth...

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Dreaming Of A Dead Elder Brother Selling Chromium Selling G Chromium White Humming Bird About Wedding Again I Was Drinking Blood Tonic In A Dream Dog

Positive InterpretationThis dream seems packed with powerful symbols. Dreaming of a dead elder brother simply implies that you miss or value the wisdom your elder brother might hav...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation