Faithful defender, leader
[1]Faithful defender, leader
[1]1. Fear of rejection.2. Feelings of alienation, social awkwardness, low self-esteem.3. Extreme fear of rejection (to “dump” someone). ...
Read MoreIf he acquires its feathers or eggs by trapping it, it means he will coin some deceptive methods of trapping a woman....
Read MoreIf a person sees himself as allowing another person to ride with him on his horse it means he will have his mission accomplished through that person....
Read MoreIf a person sees himself as becoming the owner of a flock of sheep it means he will gain superiority over some noblemen and great personalities.A similar interpretation is given if...
Read MoreThis symbolises sickness and the spending of one’s wealth on some woman. Some say spending it on onseself....
Read MoreA brick falling from a wall means a male or female member of his family will either get lost or run away or pass away....
Read MoreIf a person sees himself cutting or clipping hair or wool using scissors it means he will amass great material wealth....
Read MoreIf a woman sees a crown in her dream. It symbolises her husband.If she is unmarried, she will soon marry a very dignified, respectable and influential man....
Read MoreThe person seeing this is to become prosperous. He will also overpower his enemy....
Read MoreIt means severe illness with no hope of recovery.And Allah Subhanahoo Wata’ala knows best....
Read MoreDrinking such milk means a person will commit evil through his intellect and wealth....
Read MoreIf a person sees himself eating specific number of grapes (ie he counts them while eating them) it suggest that he will either be given the same number of lashes or the same number...
Read MoreIf a person dreams that he is eating any portion of the innards (such as the liver, fat, spleen, heart etc.) of a goat, it means acquiring wealth.The same is the case if the become...
Read MoreEating raw meat of goat or striking someone with such meat means he will slander someone or speak ill behind his back....
Read MoreHunting it by any means such as a spear or stone means he will make false accusation against a woman....
Read MoreIf a person sees himself irrigating his land or sprinkling water on his crops it suggest that he will spend his wealth in Allah’s way....
Read MoreThis means that the victim will acquire some good from the killer in real life....
Read MoreThe Arabic word for pudenda is farj which connotes openness, vastness, ease, comfort, luxury, joy and relief after sorrow. Thus, if an man sees himself with one it means comfort, a...
Read MoreIn a dream, it means sorrow, or earnestly seeking knowledge, desiring to become wealthy, preparing to perform a pilgrimage, or celebrating a religious festival. Ifone sees himselfm...
Read MoreIf a person sees his wife getting married to someone else, it means her household will become wealthy and prosperous....
Read MoreIt represents intense fear and that the observer’s foe will gain vicotyr over him....
Read MoreMounting a she-mule which is well saddled and well-bridled symbolises a barren woman.The same is the interpretation if ownership is taken of such a mule....
Read MoreHe represents a person who is master at the art of convincing people by the sweetness of his tongue....
Read MoreIf the house whose door is being opened is known to him it means he will marry.If not, it means his Dua’s will be granted....
Read MoreIfone sees himselfpiercing a hole in a pearl in a dream, it means that he will give a valuable commentary on Qur’anic interpretations.(See Daniel, Nose ring)...
Read MorePossessing, gathering, walking in a cloud or mounting a cloud means the observer of the dream will acquire much wealth and prosperity....
Read MoreIf someone sees the Holy Prophet (sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) in a happy and pleasant mood then such a dream is in reality a harbinger of goodness and happiness. And seeing him in...
Read MoreThis means that his affairs will be set aright and he will attain respectability amongs the people....
Read MoreIf a person sees himself as shooting someone with a firearm it means he will abuse and humiliate the person whom he shot....
Read MoreIf a person sees the door of his house displaced or dislodged and another person sitting on it, it means he will sell his house and his wife will marry someone else....
Read MoreIf a person dreams that a sword is given to him in a broken sheath then the mother will die but his son will be saved....
Read MoreThe liver, fat, spleen hear and kidneys of a goat symbolise a person’s movable properties which he will remove or transfer from one place to an other....
Read MoreDrinking such milk means he will be afflicted with fright and terror....
Read MoreIf a person dreams his mare as being stolen or dead, the same will happen to his wife.If he sees any defect in her the same is to be expected with regards his wife....
Read MoreIf a person sees his weapon as stolen or snatched from him or broken or ruined it denotes the weakening of his power and strength.The same is the case. Where the weapon is given aw...
Read MoreThreading a needle as long as it is not used for sewing also symbolises a dutiful wife....
Read MoreIf a man sees himself as threading a needle and sewing the clothes of people it means he will counsel them. Some interpreters say it is a message for him to reform and put right hi...
Read MoreSeeing a turtle in a protected environment or sanctuary means that the people of that place appreciate and honour Islamic knowledge....
Read MoreIf a person dreams of himself as holding or possessing water contained in a dish or bowl and he is conscious of himself as being in a state of tuhr (ie. Ceremonial purity) or on a ...
Read MoreIf a person sees himself as wearing any of the above then ther is some goodness to be found in such a dream though little...
Read MoreThe person who loses the duel in the dream will gain victory and live prosperously in real life. It could also mean that the loser will gain more land than the winner....
Read MoreSymbol of fertility and well- being, also a phallic symbol. Here it is usually a question of how productive you are—what has grown inside you, what you want to harvest.Astrology:...
Read MoreBeing subjected to changes, or Letting Go. Similar to Abyss, Brook / Stream, and sometimes Parachute, only in more playful terms.A wilted leaf means troubles.A green leaf means rej...
Read MoreThat which is unconscious and from which inner treasures need to be brought to light. According to Freud, symbol of the vagina....
Read MoreDepth Psychology: The hands of a clock are interesting because of the numbers at which they point.See Clock and the chapter “Numbers in Dreams.”...
Read MoreDreaming of a necromancer is a very bad dream and should be meditated on along with the whole dream.Dreaming of this necromancer practicing his black arts denotes there are evil pe...
Read MoreArriving home, touching down and so on – indicates the successful completion of our aims....
Read MoreSeeing the hands of a clock in detail or hearing the sound they make almost always produces a feeling of distress. The dreamer is obsessed with the passage of time. Perhaps you lac...
Read MoreIf you dream of cheating on your boyfriend, it means you will be entangled in a situation that is not in your best interest, perhaps even illegal. You may have behaved in a way tha...
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