The meaning of the symbols of eternal seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Today's Dream Interpretation


Eternal | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Eternal

20 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about eternal related.


1- I’o dream of a fountain means that we arc aware of the process of life and ‘flow’ of our own consciousness. Because of its connection with water (see Water). it also repre...

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1. Financial success.2. Eternal life.3. A slow-forming, emerg­ing problem, previously unnoticed.4. Good fortune (to kill beetles or see them dead). ...

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The human sense of the eternal; the self; rigid views or emotions. Crystal ball: intuition; introversion. ...

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Dreaming of ivy harks back to the old idea of celebration and fun. It can also symbolise the clinging dependence which can develop within relationships.Because ivy has the symbolis...

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Interpreting numbers that we see in dreams may be difficult. Their meaning my be very personal, such as a reflection of financial concern or any other area of daily life represente...

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Things we, or our unconscious, treasures, our integ­rity or sense of wholeness, the lasting pans of our nature, even the eternal aspect of self or the essential core of our life.F...

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Enter / Entrance

1- An entrance in a dream has the same significance as a door (see Door), representing a new area of experience, or the new experience itself. Such a dream often signifies the need...

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Dreams of a wheel symbolizes wholeness, wisdom, integration of the whole of you, and your realization of the life/death/life cycle of life. This dream can also be about eternal lif...

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(1) Fire may symbolize libido, passion. Poking a fire may therefore mean arousing passion, and may be a symbol of the sexual act.(2) It may symbolize a fever, and the dream may act...

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Lillian, Lily

Pure in spirit, a light for others; eternal life...

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The end, a word used by god proclaiming his eternal sovereignty; see “alpha”...

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1. Creativity.2. Concern about eternal questions.3. Symbol of beauty. ...

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1. If the moon is full, it indicates that one’s life is full.2. To the degree that the moon is not full, one’s life is not full.3. If the moon is dull, partially covered with c...

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Distraction in a dream and especially during prayers means envy and desire to rip others of their property and particularly close friends or relatives.If one is distracted during h...

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(Goldsmith, Leather craftsman, or any craft using a hammer and a chisel.) An engraver in a dream represents knowledge and pursuit of the prophetic traditions. In a dream, an engra...

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(Murder, Suicide) Killing in a dream represents a major sin.If one kills himself, or commits suicide in fear of the consequences of his sins in a dream, it means that he is offerin...

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To dream of your family members can be an attempt to draw attention to your relationship with them, Jer. 12:6 NLT.If a dream contains relatives who are deceased it can be showing y...

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Eternal punishment, Matt. 10:28 ...

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Any part of a house usually represents a part of yourself (dreamer = house).The attic is the last thing built. Consider the details of the dream and try to figure out what your unc...

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The whole, infinity, Collective Unconsciousness.The circle symbolizes infinity, the circle of life and the eternal unknown. You, the dreamer, may have come to a greater degree of s...

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