1. A excellent omen for prosperity and health.2. Sexual allure and fertility.3. Difficulties lie ahead (to see a spoiled pomegranate). ...
Read MoreBlack grapes, although in reality are excellent buit in a dream they do not augur well for the one who sees them.The reason being that Hadhrat Nooh (AS) cursed his son out of anger...
Read MoreSeeing oneself eating the fruits of Jannah or giving it to someone else is an excellent dream for the fruits of Jannah symbolize utterance of virtue, excellence and benevolence....
Read MoreThis is a glad tiding that the one who eats this will be blessed with a long life and plentiful of wealth. And the head of a human being is regarded as better and more excellent.An...
Read MoreIf a person dreams that he is eating any portion of the innards (such as the liver, fat, spleen, heart etc.) of a goat, it means acquiring wealth.The same is the case if the become...
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