The meaning of the symbols of fi seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Today's Dream Interpretation


48 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about fi related.


Fire is favorable to the dreamer if he does not get burned. It brings continued prosperity to seamen and voyagers, as well as to those on land.To dream of seeing your home burning,...

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To dream that you see fish in clear-water streams, denotes that you will be favored by the rich and powerful. Dead fish, signifies the loss of wealth and power through some dire ca...

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To dream of dead corn or stubble fields, indicates to the dreamer dreary prospects for the future.To see green fields, or ripe with corn or grain, denotes great abundance and happi...

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To dream that you engage in a fight, denotes that you will have unpleasant encounters with your business opponents, and law suits threaten you.To see fighting, denotes that you are...

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Fingers have their own language; see “fingernails” and “pointing”...

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To see fireworks, indicates enjoyment and good health.For a young woman, this dream signifies entertainments and pleasant visiting to distant places. ...

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Controlled “heat” means one’s control over the fiery trials of life are in order; see “fire”...

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To dream of seeing your fingers soiled or scratched, with the blood exuding, denotes much trouble and suffering. You will despair of making your way through life.To see beautiful h...

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The substance of hopeful plans which will be developed...

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Attempting to “catch” the desires of one’s heart, i.E.A salesman seeking clients, a minister winning souls...

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If you are fighting your relatives in a dream it is symbolic of shame and disgrace, Prov. 19:26. If you fight other people it symbolizes bitterness and anger towards them ...

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Figs, signifies a malarious condition of the system, if you are eating them, but usually favorable to health and profit if you see them growing.For a young woman to see figs growin...

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To dream that you encounter a fiend, forbodes reckless living and loose morals.For a woman, this dream signifies a blackened reputation.To dream of a fiend, warns you of attacks to...

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To dream that you see a file, signifies that you will transact some business which will prove unsatisfactory in the extreme.To see files, to store away bills and other important pa...

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To dream of a fisherman, denotes you are nearing times of greater prosperity than you have yet known....

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Reveals the motive of intent; research distinguishing details, i.E. Color of polish, length, etc.; See “pointing”...

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To see a fire-engine, denotes worry under extraordinary circumstances, but which will result in good fortune.To see one broken down, foretells accident or serious loss For a young ...

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1. Reverse: feelings of loss—usually material, often in business matters.2. Communication between aspects of self or level of consciousness.3. Entering a new phase of a relations...

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A fig tree represents a good harvest or increase in children for one who eats from it in a dream, or it could represent a wealthy person who benefits his community. Even his enemie...

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To dream of a fist is symbolic of aggression and anger, Ex. 21:18 ...

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To see a fireman in your dreams, signifies the constancy of your friends.For a young woman to see a fireman crippled, or meet with an accident otherwise, implies grave danger is th...

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Fertile fields, a dream of prosperity; barren fields, disappointment (Gypsy); a symbolical dream....

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Light, extending kindness and help. As in Spark, here it can also mean spark of the soul....

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To dream of having fits, denotes that you will fall a prey to ill health and will lose employment.To see others in this plight, denotes that you will have much unpleasantness in yo...

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Evidence of immorality...

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Use caution with anger; relieve anger constructively. ...

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Firewood in a dream means slander and backbiting. Ifone puts two or three logs to burn in the fire in a dream, it means that an argument will take place or that an exchange of roug...

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Forest Fire

Disaster, judgment, Ps. 83:14, Jer. 21:14 ...

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To dream of seeing fingerprints, if they are not your own, suggests that you are missing someone or something. You may also be involved in a confusing relationship, in which you ar...

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To dream of a fiddle, foretells harmony in the home and many joyful occasions abroad.See Violin. ...

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To dream of hearing a fife, denotes that there will be an unexpected call on you to defend your honor, or that of some person near to you.To dream that you play one yourself, indic...

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To dream of figures, indicates great mental distress and wrong. You will be the loser in a big deal if not careful of your actions and conversation. ...

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To dream of the firmament filled with stars, denotes many crosses and almost superhuman efforts ere you reach the pinnacle of your ambition. Beware of the snare of enemies in your ...

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To dream of a fish-net, portends numerous small pleasures and gains.A torn one, represents vexatious disappointments. ...

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Jubilee, the celebration of emancipation and restoration...

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1. Good luck and prosperity.2. The ability to realize dreams and ambitions. ...

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1. Tremendous good luck—usually regarding financial affairs, often social.2. Difficulties in business, often due to one’s own doing (to cut a fir tree down). ...

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1. A phallic symbol.2. Repressed hostility or fear toward an individual.3. Issues regarding personal safety.4. Goals and ambitions (target practice). ...

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1. Higher self; quelling or balancing passions.2. Danger in the offing.3. Expression of a need for rescue, often emotional. ...

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Filing Cabinet

Symbolic of storing events, situations, or memories...

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Authority Figure

Might depict what has arisen in your life out of relationship with father, one’s relationship with authority, a view of how one uses power or authority. ...

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Fishing Rod

Being dependent on somebody, or wanting somebody to depend on you, often with sexual undertones (the happy hooker).To reach for something way down deep (Water). Quiet and contempla...

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Authority Figures

(Such as teachers etc.) - see Individual Entries and also see Authority Figures in People Section...

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See fish...

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Fish Market

To visit a fish market in your dream, brings competence and pleasure.To see decayed fish, foretells distress will come in the guise of happiness. ...

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Potter’s Field

To see a potter’s field in your dreams, denotes you will have poverty and misery to distress you.For a young woman to walk through a potter’s field with her lover, she will giv...

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Prize Fight

To see a prize fight in your dreams, denotes your affairs will give you trouble in controlling them. ...

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