The meaning of the symbols of fr seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Today's Dream Interpretation


48 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about fr related.


To dream of seeing fruit ripening among its foliage, usually foretells to the dreamer a prosperous future. Green fruit signifies disappointed efforts or hasty action.For a young wo...

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Spiritually unclean person who jumps to wrongful conclusions, enjoys gossip, speaking words that kill the spirit...

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To dream of friends being well and happy, denotes pleasant tidings of them, or you will soon see them or some of their relatives.To see your friend troubled and haggard, sickness o...

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To dream that you are defrauding a person, denotes that you will deceive your employer for gain, indulge in degrading pleasures, and fall into disrepute.If you are defrauded, it si...

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To dream of catching frogs, denotes carelessness in watching after your health, which may cause no little distress among those of your family.To see frogs in the grass, denotes tha...

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To dream of seeing frost on a dark gloomy morning, signifies exile to a strange country, but your wanderings will end in peace.To see frost on a small sunlit landscape, signifies g...

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The label or reputation describing the picture, i.E.A gold frame implies financial security; see “photo”...

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For a woman to dream that her face is freckled, denotes that many displeasing incidents will insinuate themselves into her happiness.If she sees them in a mirror, she will be in da...

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Our dreams are full of symbolism with their messengers being all different types of people.It is very common to dream about our friends. These are individual that are emotionally v...

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Put on hold for a later date; research the frozen item...

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Good connections, power, and secrets, Are you searching for your own principles or your own significance ?...

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Date (fruit)

1. Prosperity, abundance.2. Unions or partnerships form, though not necessarily with the dreamer.3. Success in professional matters. ...

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1. Feelings of long-repressed anger coming to the surface.2. A feeling that dreams and desires are unattainable, especially if the frustration is sexual.3. Plans have gone awry. ...

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(See Manumission)...

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Front of body, house, etc.: the more public or ex­pressed part of one’s nature, or attitudes used to meet the world’; a ‘front’ or facade, used to create an impression, th...

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Adornment of additional favor; see “frayed”...

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Spiritual fruits are love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; research individually...

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1. The flow of forward progress, the ability to realize goals and ambitions.2. A lack of inhibitions, sense of “freedom.” ...

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1. Weight, a burden or obligation, usually emotional.2. A feeling that positive change is in the offing, often in profes­sional or business affairs. ...

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1. Passion and sensuality (person or language).2. Love (lan­guage, speaking french).3. Misunderstanding the nature of a relationship (not understanding the language). ...

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(Alarm, Shy) A fright in a dream means sickness or stress.If a sick person or one who is suffering from stress is seized by fear in a dream, it means that he will recover from his ...

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Frying Pan

Domesticity, as with all symbols that have to do with food and eating.According to Freud, as with everything that can be put on top of the stove, a sexual symbol....

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also see Border1- To dream of crossing a border or frontier from one placc to another represents making great changes in life, actively instigating a change from one state to anoth...

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A freezer may mention frozen feelings of fear. Keeping things frozen represents the preservation of your ideas or resources until you are ready to use them. On the other hand, a fr...

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A pleasing new acquaintance is predicted by dreaming of a sweet odor....

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It is an omen of domestic happiness if a man dreams of seeing his wife or children frowning.The same is true for a wife....

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Friend / Friendship

A friend is someone we have special feelings for; friendship is much valued in spiritual work. We can continue on our spiritual search in the knowledge that we are being supported....

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To dream that you are frightened at anything, denotes temporary and fleeting worries.See Affrighted. ...

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Oil represents the holy spirit; fried food is spiritually prepared; see “food” and “oil”...

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(See Foam)...

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(see Arithmetic, Calculators, Numbers)...

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(see Baking, Cake, Eating)Glossing over the surface of a matter without really digging down to get the full story.The little serendipitous bonuses in life, like the icing on a cake...

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Picture Frame

Straightening a framed picture may signify that you need to balance out a concept in your mind.A picture frame may suggest the need to set a framework or explain the penmeters of y...

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Dreams of something fragile symbolize that you are feeling vulnerable, as though you could easily break. Interestingly, your sensitivity can also be the source of your greatest str...

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See Frozen....

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Fraction / Fragment

Any fragmentation perceived from a spiritual perspective suggests that integration has not yet taken place or has broken down. We have only partial information available to us....

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Freeze / Frozen

When something appears frozen in dreams it has been rendered immobile and usually requires some spiritual effort to free it from its rigidity....

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Frozen Food

A dream of frozen food represents something that has been suppressed, rejected, or denied....

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(See Feebleness)...

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(Incense) In a dream, frankincense represents the occasion for which it is burned.(Also see Incense)...

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(arb. Jumu’a, the sixth day of the week.) Recognizing Friday, the sixth day of the week in which the believers gather for their congregational prayers in a dream means receiving ...

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(Knitting one’s brows, Scowling) Frowning in a dream connotes a misfortune....

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Frying meat or eggs or fish, etcetera in a dream means separation or turning away from someone or something. It also means satisfying one’s needs, attaining one’s goal or ident...

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Playing Frisbee may comment on tossing ideas through the air with a partner, perhaps about a creative project....

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French Fries

Dreams of French fries represent little habits and an unhealthy indulgences that start off small but can accumulate over time and become harmful and even addictive. As in every tre...

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French Kiss

Dreams of a French kiss denote a passionate connection and romance.The use of the tongue in a kiss represents a deep, unspoken communication of affinity and desire.See Kiss....

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Dreams of being frigid denote emotional and sexual defensiveness, protectiveness, and that you are not feeling safe. You are hiding your wounds and fears behind a glacier of defens...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation