sleeping boy


Little Girl In A Black Dress | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Girl Black Dress

48 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about girl, black and dress related.



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(See Boy, Virgin)...

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A dress implies submission; research details, such as design, length, color, fabric, etc....

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If one’s girlfriend appears one has the opportunity to express true feelings about her. ...

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Wedding Dress

see Marriage...

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Black Hole

In spiritual terms a black hole has the same connotation as the void or the abyss....

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To dream of seeing a well, bright-looking girl, foretells pleasing prospects and domestic joys.If she is thin and pale, it denotes that you will have an invalid in your family, and...

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Girl Scout

A very helpful and courteous person ...

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Wedding / Wedding Dress / Wedding Ring

A wedding can symbolize the sacred union between the spiritual and physical. In former times it was seen as a ritual that brought fertility to the earth. Within the human being the...

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Black Widow

1. Insecurities, often regarding relationships.2. Fem­inine power, often hostile in nature. ...

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Black Horse

The owner will acquire abundant wealth and tremendous happiness....

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Young Girl

If she is not known to him, she symbolises his current year. Further, if she is beautiful and healthy and she is seen speaking to him or giving him something or he sees himself hug...

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Black Cat

A black cat can symbolize evil or bad luck for many non-Christians and is a common dream symbol in many nightmares...

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Black Sheep

An outcast or misfit ...

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Dress (white)

To dream of a woman in a white dress or, if a woman, to dream of wearing a white dress, portends that you will be accused of some malicious gossip but will be proven innocent....

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Black And White

If your dream is all in black and white (with no color), you are experiencing an internal change. Your conscious and unconscious selves are merging to create a greater self. This i...

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Black Eye

To dream of having a black eye symbolizes your refusal to see the truth about something. This dream often suggests that the dreamer is experiencing emotional pain, possibly related...

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Black Ass

It means prosperity and becoming a leader in his community....

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Black Coin

Black coins that are counterfeit symbolise deception, lies and quarrelling....

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Black Coins Contained In A Bag

If a person sees himself as receiving black coins contained in a bag or pocket, it means a secret will be told to him which he will guard as a trust to his utmost ability....

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Black Colour

Black colour in all things is regarded as good and pleasant except in grapes. There is no good to be expected in them....

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Black Cow

It symbolises a good and prosperous year....

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Black Grapes

Black grapes, although in reality are excellent buit in a dream they do not augur well for the one who sees them.The reason being that Hadhrat Nooh (AS) cursed his son out of anger...

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Black Hair

If a woman sees herselfhaving a thick black hair in a dream, it means that she will marry a respected and a handsome looking husband.If she sees herself having a charcoal colored h...

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Black Mare

he will marry a wealthy woman....

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Black Mud

(See Sludge)...

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Black Or Red Raisins

They signify blessings, prosperity, livelihood and wealth....

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Black Pepper

(See Pepper)...

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Black Stone

(The corner stone of the Ka’aba, God’s House in Mecca) Seeing or holding the Black Stone of the Ka’aba in one’s dream means paying allegiance to the ruler, or it could mean...

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Donning Black Clothes

If it is a person who is in the habit of wearing black clothes, it means he will acquire steadfastness, power, wealth and soundness in all his affairs....

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Giving Someone Black Coins

A secret will be divulged to him....

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Herd Of Black Cows

It symbolises many prosperous years depending on how fat they are....

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Newborn Girl

It is deemed a better dream than a newborn boy. It symbolises joy and happiness for the one who sees her....

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Teenage Girl

(See Young woman)...

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White Mare With Black Spots

He will marry an exceptionally beautiful woman....

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Black Belt

An expert in spiritual warfare ...

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Black Widow Spider

A demonic spirit, Isa. 59:4-5 ...

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Black Bird

Unconscious drives; death; the negative aspect of mother. ...

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Dress / Clothing

An image of poverty. Symbolizes the role the dreamer plays in the world and how he presents himself—”clothing makes the man.” The type of clothing refers to the social standi...

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Little Girl

A little girl in a dream represents prosperity, wealth after poverty, and ease after a passing adversity. Seeing a baby girl of milk suckling age is even better in a dream. It mean...

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Ex-boy / Girlfriend 

It is very common for people to dream about ex-partners. Individuals that have been an important part of our lives continue to take up a part of our mind and heart.It is impossible...

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Black Person

Depends which skin colour one has.If white: one’s natural drives, feelings about coloured people; or if per­son is known, what you feel about them.If black or brown: one’s own...

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Friend—girlfriend, Boyfriend

Vision: If you are lonely and dream about a friend, it means you want to have a better social life. Meeting a friend: a warning to think before you act! Seeing a deceased friend: ...

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Black Crow (blackbird)

If you dream of seeing a blackbird in your dream, then the next few months will be tedious as you move along in a rut.If your dream is of a blackbird flying, and singing, then you ...

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Ebony (black)

Should you dream of dark ebony nights you will have much gloom in your future but if you dream of wearing ebony clothes this points to news of a grievous nature.To dream that you a...

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Dress, Articles Of

Chain: A chain belt, or similar anicle of dress, denotes union.Embroidery: Love that could grow to something wonderful.Fan: Pride, touched with vanityFeathers: White: a great sense...

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Necromancer (one Of The Black Arts)

Dreaming of a necromancer is a very bad dream and should be meditated on along with the whole dream.Dreaming of this necromancer practicing his black arts denotes there are evil pe...

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Black Board

Dreams of a black board signify a profound message for you. Consider the message written on the board.If it is a clean slate, then this represents that you have an open mind.If you...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation