The meaning of the symbols of goat, head and cutting seen in a dream.

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Today's Dream Interpretation


Goat Head Cutting | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Goat Head Cutting

48 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about goat, head and cutting related.


To see a person’s head in your dream, and it is well-shaped and prominent, you will meet persons of power and vast influence who will lend you aid in enterprises of importance.If...

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To dream of goats wandering around a farm, is significant of seasonable weather and a fine yield of crops To see them otherwise, denotes cautious dealings and a steady increase of ...

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Though, according to Artemidorus. To dream of goats signifies no good, but is worst of all to navigators: yet, according to other authors.To dream of she-goats is a sign of wealth ...

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Vision: Cutting up food: your project will be completed successfully.If you cut yourself: the whole affair will end in failure—something you already knew beforehand.Depth Psycho...

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Mental anguish...

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Seeing, or being in, the beam of headlights is a sign that you can get what you want but you will have to focus completely on it and nothing else.If the headlights kept moving arou...

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1. A message is being conveyed to the wearer alone.2. A need or desire to focus, to exclude other diversions.3. Feeling and intuition, being in tune with one’s instincts. ...

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To dream of seeing rich headgear, you will become famous and successful.To see old and worn headgear, you will have to yield up your possessions to others....

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1. Aspect of self set aside, repressed until now.2. A mes­sage from the subconscious, usually about direction in life (in­scription).3. Long life ahead. ...

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Billy Goat

In a dream, a billy goat represents a person who has an awesome look, but makes stupid choices.A billy goat also means a great person of an extraordinary destiny. It also could rep...

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Shaving The Head

Dreaming of oneself as having shaved one’s head during the month of Hajj is a glad tiding that one will proceed for Hajj. But if such a dream is seen during any other month besid...

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Death’s Head

You may discover some hidden secret....

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Scratch Head

To dream that you scratch your head, denotes strangers will annoy you by their flattering attentions, which you will feel are only shown to win favors from you. ...

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1. A need or desire to seek assistance from a knowl­edgeable individual.2. Lessons needed to be learned.3. A ten­dency to be too hard on oneself. ...

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Kid (baby Goat)

1. Dreamer feels small and defenseless.2. Reckless or playful youth.3. Desire to be a kid again. ...

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Becoming A Goat

If a person dreams that he is transformed into a goat, he will acquire blessings and piety....

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Cutting A Limb

Cutting and separating someone’s limb such as the head, hand, feet means a quarrel is imminent between the one who does this and the person whose limb had been cut.The same is th...

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Cutting Off

(Amputation; Beheading; Cutting, Decapitation, Scission, Chopping off, Severing) Cutting off one’s hand in a dream signifies failure to perform one’s obligatory prayers or b...

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Cutting Remark

(Oversight) A slip of one’s tongue or to slip in a cutting remark in a dream may mean walking on a slippery surface in wakefulness or vice-versa.(Also see Slippery surface)...

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Dismembered Head

To see one’s head detached from the body without being struck suggest one of the following : that one’s leader or patron will break off his relationship with him; or the observ...

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Dyeing The Hair Of The Head

Dyeing the hair symbolises concealment and protection. Thus, if a person sees himself dyeing his hair it means that Allah will protect him from the evil consequences of what he int...

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Eating A Goat Or Its Limb

A Child of his will die in that place if it is eaten fresh, without cooking....

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Eating Half-cooked Meat Of A Goat

He will become prosperous....

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Eating The Head Of An Animal

This is a glad tiding that the one who eats this will be blessed with a long life and plentiful of wealth. And the head of a human being is regarded as better and more excellent.An...

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Eating The Innards Of A Goat

If a person dreams that he is eating any portion of the innards (such as the liver, fat, spleen, heart etc.) of a goat, it means acquiring wealth.The same is the case if the become...

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Eating The Raw Meat Of A Goat

Eating raw meat of goat or striking someone with such meat means he will slander someone or speak ill behind his back....

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Goat Hair

It is the same as wool in all respect....

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Goliath’s Head

(Arrogance; Deception; Defeat, Death, Giant, Mocking, Slingshot) Goliath’s head in a dream represents a perfidious man who entices people to engage in treachery, deception and...

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Head Cover

(Headdress, Scarf) If a religious Muslim woman sees herself without a head cover in a dream, it means that her husband has left her with the intention not to return to her again. I...

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Head Kerchief

(See Handkerchief)...

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Head Lice

(See Hair, Nit)...

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Head-cloth Or Odhni

A wife’s head-cloth (ie. Odhni, scarf etc.). izaar, or burqa represents her husband. Any excellence or defect seen in any of the above is a reflection of a similar excellence or ...

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(See Head cover, Head)...

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Headgear Or Topi

A topi symbolises wither a person’s capital, his brother, his son or his leader. Any excellence or defect seen in a topi bespeaks of similar excellence or defect in any of the ab...

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Limb Of The Goat Skinned

If a limb of the goat is seen as skinned then that person towards whom the limb is linked will die....

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Migraine Headache

In a dream, headache represents sins.If one suffers from a headache in a dream, he should repent for his sins, refrain from what he is doing, distribute money in charity, observe v...

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Mountain Goat

(Ibex, Oryx, Sasin, Wild goat) In a dream, a mountain goat represents a foreigner who will be passing by one’s town. Catching a mountain goat in a dream means receiving money f...

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Pounding One’s Head

Poundingone’s head, or smiting one’s forehead, or shaking one’s head in a dream means begetting a son at an advanced age....

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Removing The Hair Of The Head And The Beard Simultaneously

If there is anything to suggest any goodness in such a dream it means that if observer is in difficulty, Allah will remove if, if he is in debt, Allah will enable him to pay it; if...

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Shaking One’s Head

Shacking one’s head in a dream means begetting a son at an old age....

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Shaved Head

If a woman sees her head shaved in a dream, it means her divorce, or the death of her husband....

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Slaughtered And Skinned Goat Entering The House

If a person sees a slaughtered and skinned goat entering his house or any other place it means someone will die in that place....

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The Hair Of The Head

Hair symbolises a man’s wealth and assets or that of his employer’s....

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The Liver, Fat, Spleen Etc Of A Goat

The liver, fat, spleen hear and kidneys of a goat symbolise a person’s movable properties which he will remove or transfer from one place to an other....

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Wild Goat

(See Mountain goat, Oryx)...

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Goat / Billy Goat / Pan

This image symbolizes wild drives and urges and our sexual energies, with all their joys and troubles.See Buck. In addition, this is also a symbol for the outsider—the so-called ...

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See Bandana....

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To dream you see or have many she-goats, sheep, cows, and horses, signifies wealth and plenty....

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A to Z Dream Interpretation