The meaning of the symbols of hearing, train and sound seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Today's Dream Interpretation


Hearing Train Sound | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Hearing Train Sound

38 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about hearing, train and sound related.


To see a train of cars moving in your dreams, you will soon have cause to make a journey.To be on a train and it appears to move smoothly along, though there is no track, denotes t...

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(Human sound.See Voice)...

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(See Speaking)...

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Transportation guided by a rail, predestined movement, a chain of events and change...

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Train Station

Symbol: A train station is always a symbol of changes to come in your life or in interpersonal relationships.Vision: Arriving at a train station: a decision made previously was c...

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Hear / Hearing

Spiritually, hearing clearly suggests being able to understand what is being said or conveyed to us.To be able to hear is somewhat different to listening, which suggests assimilati...

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Influencing one’s life...

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Personal Trainer

Dreams of a personal trainer represents your higher self and that you are seeking discipline to stay on track with your physical, emotional, and spiritual fitness goals.See Life Co...

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Train Tracks

To see an obstruction on railroad tracks, suggests you have done something you’re sorry about.To walk along the rails, suggests you will gain much happiness by the skillful handl...

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If the sounds that you hear are loud, it is probably that your subconscious is trying to call your attention to a certain issue. The sound of a bugle, for example, represents a war...

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Knocking (hearing)

1. Message from the unconscious.2. Opportu­ nity (“knocking at the door”).3. Mystery or fear. ...

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Bear Trainer

(Circus, Hunter) A bear trainer is the one who hunts it, trains it, teaches it to dance and to obey his orders.A bear trainer in a dream represents a teacher who teaches good condu...

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Elephant Trainer

An elephant trainer in a dream represents the master teacher of children of noble families, a horse trainer, a sports trainer or a translator.(Also see Elephant)...

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Evil Sound

(Braying of a donkey)...

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Hearing A Voice

(See Invisible caller)...

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Hearing Board

(Cabinet, Council, Court, Inquisitional court) If one’s name is presented before a hearing board for review, and ifhe is nominated to fill a seat in any governmental department...

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Hearing The Athaan In Any Month Other Than Thil-hijjah

If the athaan is heard in any other month besides the months of Hajj it means he will impart the knowledge of Deen through discourses and lectures.The same applies to athaan heard ...

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Sound Of Animals

In a dream, the sound of a crowd means money beside other benefits.The bleating of sheep in a dream means distress and fear.The neigh of horses in a dream means might and honor.The...

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Sound Of Birds

(See Sound of animals)...

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The Faculty Of Hearing

It symbolises a person’s Deen. Thus, if a person sees his hearing ability increased it suggests that he will progress in matters of Deen. But if he sees it as defective, it sugge...

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Training Or Holding A Dog

Training or holding a dog so as to safeguard a certain thing means he will be helped by someone in attaining his goal. In this case the dog does not symbolise an enemy....

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Hearing Hymns

Messages console and uplift....

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Conductor (of A Train)

Control. Are you going in the right direction?...

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Platform (at The Train Station)

See Railway Station.The symbol for taking a trip and for waiting. Also, meeting other people....

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Train (on A Gown) / Veil

Something is dragging behind you.See Shadow.To take somebody in tow. But also dignity, splendor, and worship. Often this image refers to Bride. Sometimes it may suggest time is “...

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Tone, Sound

Vision: If you hear a tone: now is the time to “look inside” and discover vour true self.Depth Psychology: See Music, Signal. TongueVision: Someone is sticking his/her tongu...

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Tracks / Train Tracks

The journey of life can be likened to a complex, intricate path, molded and influenced by a myriad of factors. It resembles a winding road, brimming with unforeseen twists and turn...

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Train / Conductor

Enjoying contact and communication with others is not only a wonderful experience but also an essential aspect of human connection that can greatly enhance our lives. Whether it's ...

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Hearing Aid

Dreaming of assistance to hearing represents a desire to hear beyond the spoken words, and read between the lines. You are grappling with your difficulty in hearing or listening to...

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Senses (sight, Sound, Smell, Hearing, Touch)

If you dream that you are missing one of your five senses, it is a strong signal that you feel out of control in a real life situation. You may feel you don’t have the capability...

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Sound Barrier

To dream of breaking the sound barrier is a good omen. You are achieving positive changes in your life, including emotional growth and self-expression....

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Please see “Personal Trainer” or “Running Shoes”...

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Training Wheels

To dream about a bike with training wheels suggests that you are lacking self-confidence. You feel anxious about your ability to do something, or to get through a particular situat...

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Train Crash

A dream of a train crash could suggest the need for extreme caution concerning financial matters. It could also indicate an exaggerated sense of self-worth as a stumbling block in ...

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Train Derailed

1. Lack direction for God’s destiny....

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Train Model

1. Church not serious / immature;...

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