Symbolic of being assembled with people of similar interests or activities...
Read MoreIt is reported that a person came to Imaam Muhammad bin Sireen (RA) and said: “O Imaam! I dreamt that I was proclaiming the athaan!” The Imaam interpreted the dream thus: “Yo...
Read MoreIt is narrated that Rabee’ah bin Umayyah bin Khalf came to Hadhrat Aboo Baker As-Siddeeq (RA) and said: “ O khaleefah of the Messenger of Allah, I saw a dream last night.I saw ...
Read MoreMight depict what has arisen in your life out of relationship with father, one’s relationship with authority, a view of how one uses power or authority. ...
Read More(Such as teachers etc.) - see Individual Entries and also see Authority Figures in People Section...
Read MoreWhen information is hidden in a dream it is most likely that at this stage we have not progressed enough spiritually to be able to handle it....
Read MoreA spiritual truth is seldom provable but is one that has been given credence through belief over time or through subjective observation.It is something that, for most people, they ...
Read MorePositive InterpretationFinding a hidden lamp in your dream can indicate that you are going to discover something important or resourceful in your life that has been hidden or unnot...
Read MoreDreaming about jumping off a two-story balcony in an inner tube float and gently floating down to the ground floor is a fascinating and layered experience. This dream reflects a un...
Read MoreIt was said to Imaam Ja’far (RA) that a person dreamed that rain was falling particularly on his head. He said: “A very sinful person has been this dream. Hasn’t he heard thi...
Read More(Boy; Enemy; Power, Snake, Troves, Unjust ruler, Woman) Ifthe treasure one discovers in his dream is hidden by a previous generation, it means receiving an inheritance, lawful e...
Read MoreA pan of our personality left undeveloped or not integrated.For instance we may have musical ability which was suppressed by the need to bnng up children. Also a pan of self ma...
Read MoreThis is a powerful archetypal character aspect and a messenger from the unconscious, often thought of as the archetype of death. This image has its essence in anonymity and may the...
Read MoreThis is a universal dream about previously unknown or hidden resources.A house or home of any kind represents the dreamer’s sense of self.If you discover a room that you didn’t...
Read MoreDreaming about a powerful figure can be a fascinating and thought-provoking experience. Such dreams often stir up feelings of awe, fear, or inspiration, and they can serve as a ref...
Read MoreIt is reported that once, while ImaamMuhammad Bin Sireen (RA) was having his lunch,a lady came to him and informed him that she had seen a dream. When he asked her to relate it she...
Read MoreA man once came to Hazrat Imaam Ja’far (RA) and said.”I saw myself as if I were embracing the moon”.The Imaan asked:. “Are you a bachelor?” He answered in the affirmative...
Read MoreIt is related that while the mother of Imaam Shafi (RA) was expecting him(ie. Imaam Sharfi’) she saw in her dream as if the planet, Jupiter, left her body and descended on Egypt ...
Read MoreLevel of awareness, level of physical presence....
Read MoreThe symbol for your inner screen, the soul, which is a mirror of your internal and external situation. You are asked to look at what is playing on the stage of life....
Read MoreSee Attic, House.Awareness and perspective.A frequent symbol when your life is too one-sided and you are engaged intellectually either too much or too little. According to Jung, th...
Read MoreUntruthfulness, “spinning a yarn,” or thoughts and feelings that are taking shape very slowly.See Thread.Folklore: Prosperity. In folk tradition, dreaming about spinning a yam ...
Read MoreExample: A shadow thing came very quickly up the stairs, along our corridor and into the bedroom, over to the bed to bend over me. I felt fear as I never felt it before and I sta...
Read MoreVisiting a True Value hardware store may suggest a search for intrinsic value. It may also indicate a search for tools or skills that are valuable for your work....
Read MoreVision: Your father (or a father figure) is a symbol of your need for safety and security (particularly in women’s dreams).For women who change partners frequently, the dream is...
Read MoreIf you dream of the north star or a compass that is pointing at true north, then this represents that you are on track with your goals and your highest destiny, and you are connect...
Read More(Astrologers, magicians etc.) Any character within our dreams who appears to have knowledge of magical practices or similar types of knowledge is usually our first introduction to ...
Read MoreIn today’s world the hero has taken on many guises, particularly in psychological parlance.For many people their own heroic figure, from footballer to successful businessperson, ...
Read MoreTo dream of a hidden passageway, indicates hidden power and your desire for inner exploration and self-discovery. Something needs to emerge from your unconscious - and when it does...
Read MoreIf you dream of watching the credits at the end of a movie, you may feel that others are having more fun than you. Or, you may suspect that someone else is getting the “credit”...
Read MoreIf you dream of a bad guy from a movie, you are either considering or indulging in a dangerous passion or vice. Give it up and find a new, healthier interest!...
Read MoreIf you dream about a character from a movie, this is probably a sign that something from your unconscious mind is about to emerge or be revealed. It may also represent memories, im...
Read MoreThe hidden figure in a dream always relates to a quality, character aspect, or skill set that has not yet revealed itself to you. Often a specter of fear, the hidden figure should ...
Read MoreFor some people it was the father who was the ultimate arbiter of discipline and authority when growing up and any appearance of your father in your dreams may remind you of punish...
Read MoreHistorical figures typically represent the kind of person you would like to be or could be, as people in dreams often represent aspects of yourself of which you may be unaware. The...
Read MoreAccording to Jung, the figures of Adam and Eve play a positive role in the unconscious mind as they are symbols of the ’self affirming ego’. Together they are seen as the sourc...
Read MoreYou may have dreams that appear to predict the future. Whilst many of these dreams can be easily explained, there are a few that seem impossible to explain and which might therefor...
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