The meaning of the symbols of got, big, injury, leg, blood and flowing seen in a dream.

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Today's Dream Interpretation


I Dreamt Of How I Got A Big Injury On My Leg And Blood Was Flowing? | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Got Big Injury Leg Blood Flowing

45 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about got, big, injury, leg, blood and flowing related.


Blood-stained garments, indicate enemies who seek to tear down a successful career that is opening up before you.The dreamer should beware of strange friendships.To see blood flowi...

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If you dream of admiring well-shaped feminine legs, you will lose your judgment, and act very silly over some fair charmer.To see misshapen legs, denotes unprofitable occupations a...

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To dream of an injury being done you, signifies that an unfortunate occurrence will soon grieve and vex you.See Hurt....

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1. Mobility and support.2. Independence, self-sufficiency.3. Admiration for others. ...

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In spiritual terms a legitimate act is one that has been sanctioned by a higher authority....

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Favor paid for by another’s life sacrifice...

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Injure / Injury

Spiritually, an injury or scar may suggest that something negative and harmful has occurred, which is an external force rather than internal. We may not have dealt with it as well ...

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Blood Stone

To dream of seeing a blood stone, denotes that you will be unfortunate in your engagements.For a young woman to receive one as a gift, denotes she will suffer estrangement from one...

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To dream that you are a member of a legislature, foretells you will be vain of your possessions and will treat members of your family unkindly. You will have no real advancement....

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Accepted as legitimate...

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(See Garden herbs, Lentil, Sprouts)...

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To dream of legumes denotes petty fights and minor setbacks....

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To dream of practising legerdemain, or seeing others doing so, signifies you will be placed in a position where your energy and power of planning will be called into strenuous play...

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Payment for betrayal; debasing one’s religious morals for self-gratification, i.E. Thirty pieces of silver, drug- dealing money...

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Unproven, but accepted...

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Seal (legal Papers)

Something adhering or final in one’s business dealings and relationships. ...

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Blood Disease

If one is presented in his dream with red unripened dates, then they represent some type of blood disease where the red cells exceed the white cells in number.(Also see Dates)...

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Blood In A Cup, Bowl Or Tray

This symbolises sickness and the spending of one’s wealth on some woman. Some say spending it on onseself....

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Blood Ties

(Debts, Veins)...

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Blood, Pus Etc. Without Any Wound

Bleeding without any wound means he will acquire unlawful wealth. Similarly, pus or blood gushing forth from a fountain in the body and such pus or blood staining his body also mea...

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Drawing Blood From The Vein

It implies a person losing part of his wealth to the king or authorities....

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Inflicting Injury

In injury is inflicted on someone, the injured person will be harmed by the one inflicting the injury and he will be humiliated to the extent of the wound....

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Legal Guardianship

(Custodian, Trustee) If one receives instructions from a...

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(arb. Faqih, Religious scholar, Scholar, Theologian) A legist in a dream represents intelligence, awareness, knowledge and seeking to study different branches of religious knowle...

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(See Garden herbs, Lentil, Sprouts)...

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To Be Stained With Blood, Dung Etc.

If the body is seen stained with blood, dung, excreta and all that issues from the body, it symbolises unlawful wealth owned by him or it means he will receive haraam wealth in the...

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To drift, not wanting to control anything, similar to River and Water. Are you living your life? Or are you swimming with the tide?...

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Injury / Wound

Feeling of hurt and being injured, vulnerable and weak. Often a reference to old injuries that want to be healed....

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Bandy Legs

To dream of having bandy legs is a prediction of an improvement in your business affairs....

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Frogs’ Legs

A dream of eating frogs, legs is an indication of an inheritance and the pleasant culmination of a love affair from a source that has been hitherto unknown to you....

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Right. Legs

Symbol: Legs are a symbol of a steadfast person and of the “road of life.’’ It is important whether you are dreaming about the Right or the Left leg.Vision: Running on heal...

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Foot Or Leg

Beware of treachery if someone trips you up with his or her foot....

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Two Legs

interpreted upon 7 sides: living, age, effort, wealth, strength & travel, woman....

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To wear leggings in your dream is positive, meaning you have the support of those around you.To see someone else wearing (or putting on) leggings relates to some romantic situation...

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To dream about playing with Lego foretells family happiness.To dream that you are made of Lego means you are searching for comfort and security. Or, you may feel like someone is to...

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Wooden Leg

Shaky Future. ...

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Facial Injury / Facial Deformity

A dream of a face is likely to be about the image you present to the world, so a swollen face may refer to self-importance and a blemished face to a character weakness or defect. A...

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Hand And Foot Injury

Hands can symbolize the whole pattern of your life and a dream of an injured or disabled hand may refer to some inability to perform a task in waking life, a task which may or may ...

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Myth And Legend

One amazing aspect of dreaming is that it can introduce you to ancient mythological figures of whom you thought you knew nothing. Jung put this well when he said that The great one...

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Blood Pressure

1. Opposing the Holy Spirit (high blood pressure);2. Missing spiritual intimacy (low blood pressure); Lev. 17:11) Isa. 40 30-31;...

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Blood Transfusion

1. Salvation2. Spiritual life renewed. 1 John 1:7; Lev. 17:11....

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The Holy Grail Legend

Said to be the cup from which Jesus drank at the Last Supper and which caught his blood at the Crucifixion, the Holy Grail is a symbol of spiritual perfection. Of all the knights o...

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Dreaming Of A Dead Elder Brother Selling Chromium Selling G Chromium White Humming Bird About Wedding Again I Was Drinking Blood Tonic In A Dream Dog

Positive InterpretationThis dream seems packed with powerful symbols. Dreaming of a dead elder brother simply implies that you miss or value the wisdom your elder brother might hav...

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