The meaning of the symbols of investigating seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Today's Dream Interpretation


Investigating | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Investigating

20 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about investigating related.

Oral Sex

This dream image connects to the integration of verbal qualities and power and communication issues in general. While some elements of sexual dreams are just that—sexual dreams e...

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1. Signal to contact someone.2. Police may be investigating one.3. Need to “wrap up” something. ...

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(Blow, Hit, Lash, Whip) To hit someone with a staff in a dream means bringing back to life something that died away or investigating the cause of a death or clarifying something....

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(Anchorman, Announcer, Newscaster) A broadcaster in a dream represents someone who brings news or conveys both true, as well as false stories. He also represents someone who is pu...

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In a dream, a floor cleaner represents someone who investigates people’s conditions and likes to help them. Cleaning throughout a farmland in a dream means seeking the company of...

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Piercing A Hole

(Boring) Piercing a hole in a dream means deception. Piercing a hole in a stone in a dream means investigating someone in authority. Piercing a hole in the wall of a citadel in a d...

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Inciting someone to research, or to impel one’s animal to drive faster in a dream means investigating the secrets of life after death, or explaining its meaning.(Also see Impel)...

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(Spoor, Tracing footsteps) A tracker in a dream connotes divulging secrets, exposing people’s private life, or he could represent knowledge, or a student who is investigating the...

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Vision: Dreaming about a bat: be less fickle and don’t take advantage of other people. Seeing several bats means you are worried about your debts, but business is slowly going t...

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Investigate / Investigation

Psychological / emotional perspective: Many people do not like to look too closely at their own emotions, but to be investigating a building, for instance, can suggest that we are ...

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If you are drunk in a dream, you are expressing a desire to avoid or escape some aspect of your life.If someone who appears in your dream is drunk, consider who the individual is t...

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(Abattoir) A slaughterhouse in a dream represents loss of lives, the return of souls to their Lord, bloodshed, skinning animals, or it could mean fetidness.A slaughterhouse in a dr...

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Sleep Movements

Adrian Morrison at the University of Pennsylvania, investigating narcolepsy, a condition producing sleep in the middle of activity, found that a small area of the brain, the pons, ...

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Psychological / emotional perspective: The image of a journey is a very potent one in dream work. Any time the idea of a journey becomes apparent, it is to do with the way that we ...

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Fingerprints are created when the unique pattern on the tips of your fingers mixes with oils that your skin excretes, leaving a mark that can be unequivocally tracked back to your ...

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Scuba Diving

The ocean represents our deep unconscious mind. Just as with the unconscious, there are realms of the ocean that are available for exploration if you are prepared properly to dive ...

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This is evidence of some underlying fear, shame, guilt, or stress. On a social level, sweat is sometimes evidence of inner stress. This can reveal the presence of guilt or panic th...

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(1) A door may represent an opening to a new phase of life or a possible new development - either in your external circumstances or in yourself.(2) It may symbolize an invitation t...

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To dream of a hero or heroine is an alert sign about the need to ask others for help in solving certain problems. However, if the dreamer is the hero, it makes clear the image of s...

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Universal Landscape: Collective escapism.Dreaming Lens: What kind of bar were you in? Was it a place known to you? Were there other people there? If so, did you know who they were?...

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