Thinners and weakness of the body denotes that not much good is to be expected from such a dream....
Read MoreIf there is anything to suggest any goodness in such a dream it means that if observer is in difficulty, Allah will remove if, if he is in debt, Allah will enable him to pay it; if...
Read MoreIf a person sees himself performing wudhu or ghusl with milk, wine, oil or any such liquid or fluid with which wudhu and ghusl are not valid, it means his worldly and religious pur...
Read MoreAs a species, humans have certain norms of behaviour, many of which we share with other animals. We tend to find a partner of the opposite sex and produce children. We care for o...
Read MoreAmber: Ancient wisdom, knowledge. Amethyst: Transition to spiritual awareness, higher knowledge, insight. Apple Green: Powers of healing. Apricot: Admiration. Aquamarine: Commu...
Read MoreThis is by no means a complete list of the symbolic meanings of each herb but it offers a good starting point.If a specific herb features strongly in your dream, you may want to in...
Read MoreIf you throw or catch something in a dream, you need to pay attention to what it is you are throwing and catching. Are you throwing something away, or catching something you need, ...
Read MoreArchetypes may appear in your dreams in the disguise of in-laws or step-relations. For example, your mother-in-law or stepmother may appear as the devouring mother, and your father...
Read MoreBuddhism and dreams The principle aim of Buddhism is to achieve liberation from the things that bind consciousness to what Buddhists see as the illusory concepts of the self and t...
Read MoreWe all have ambitions and strive to achieve our ideals of success in waking life. These ambitions often surface in our dreams in symbolic disguise.According to Adler, dreams are an...
Read MoreComputers are symbols of the brain and your thinking processes, therefore computer malfunctions or problems suggest errors in thinking, faulty logic or distortions in the way you a...
Read MoreTo dream it’s your birthday is a positive sign. You’re feeling on top of the world. You’ve emerged from a period of struggle and you’re about to get the recognition you des...
Read MoreThe symbolism in fairy tales speaks to adults as well as children, and deals with childlessness, sexual maturation, remarriage, jealousy across the generations, sibling rivalry, in...
Read MoreThe way in which a flag is treated in your dream may represent the feelings you have towards the country that flag represents.If it is dirty, burned, torn or trampled on, this may ...
Read MoreAccording to Jung, fish represent the deepest levels of the unconscious mind.He suggested that this was due to their cold-blooded nature and their early evolution on earth. Dreams ...
Read MoreIn Western astrology, every planet is believed to impart some of its characteristics to people born under the Zodiac sign that it governs, so if you dreamed of a particular planet ...
Read MoreBy the time a boy or girl reaches puberty, their sleep patterns and dreaming closely match those of an adult. Just like an adult, they spend about twenty-five per cent of the time ...
Read MoreWhen your dreaming mind conjures up fantasy images, you are being powerfully influenced by unconscious forces.According to Freud, fantasies develop in childhood in response to sexu...
Read MoreDreams that focus on the early stages of mourning after the loss of a loved one are often dreams in which the dead person is still alive and well, and continuing to participate in ...
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