Key in door lock with open door Dream Interpretation

Key In Door Lock With Open Door Dream Interpretation: Analysis from 1 Unique Sources

sleeping boy

Today's Dream Interpretation


In dream analysis, doors often symbolize new openings or chapters, opportunities, or transitions in one's life. Dreaming about a key in a door lo

Positive Interpretation: In dream analysis, doors often symbolize new openings or chapters, opportunities, or transitions in one's life. Dreaming about a key in a door lock with the door open implies that you are ready and willing to take on new opportunities or challenges that may come your way. This can be a reflection of personal growth and indicates your readiness for significant, perhaps transformational changes. It's a sign that you have the tools (the key) and the pathway (the open door) to accomplish your goals successfully. Additionally, a key is a powerful symbol of freedom, this could mean that you are gaining control over your life. If you placed the key into the lock and opened the door yourself, it indicates that you are taking action in your life, forging your path, and are not relying on others to make decisions for you. You have come onto a situation where the solution is right in front of you, you have what's needed and you are ready to move forward. Negative Interpretation: Alternatively and on a slightly negative note, an open door with a key can also be indicative of exposure or vulnerability. Perhaps you feel as if your personal space is being invaded or someone is overstepping their boundaries. Just as doors can symbolize opportunities, they also represent personal boundaries and privacy. The lock being undone could leave a feeling of unease, as it suggests lack of control or security. The key is often symbolic of control and authority. If the key is not being used by you, this could indicate a loss of control or a lack of decision making in your life. It is important to take notice of who, if not you, has the key or who put it in the lock. These individuals or entities may represent those you feel are exerting inappropriate control over your real-life situations. Future Outlook: This dream predicts changes coming your way. As mentioned earlier, the key symbolizes problem-solving and solutions. So, you’ll likely find solutions to problems you’re currently struggling with. Change can be intimidating, but it is inevitable and often necessary for growth. Remember that you have the tools to handle whatever comes your way. This dream may signify that there will be or there currently is an opportunity to 'unlock' and it's important to pass through. The outcome or what was on the other side of the door can give a glimpse of what these new chapters of your life might look like and whether they would have a positive or negative impact on your life. Psychological Interpretation: Psychologically, an open door with a key can signify your openness to new experiences. It indicates that you are ready to confront whatever fears or inhibitions you have in order to push yourself forward along the path of personal growth. The presence of the key suggests that you possess a solution or an answer to a troublesome situation, whether you are conscious of this or not. Dreaming about the key in the door lock also reveals your feelings of security and control over your future. You are confident in your capacity to overcome challenges and make the necessary decisions to achieve your goals. This dream could also reflect your mindset about unlocking secrets, uncovering truths, or achieving a more profound understanding of yourself and others. If you are the one who placed the key, it shows your role in shaping your destiny and controlling your life's journey, underscoring your desire for autonomy and independence.


Sources and Authors

  1. Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]

48 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about key door, lock open and door related.


To dream of entering a door, denotes slander, and enemies from whom you are trying in vain to escape. This is the same of any door, except the door of your childhood home.If it is ...

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To dream of a lock, denotes bewilderment.If the lock works at your command, or efforts, you will discover that some person is working you injury.If you are in love, you will find m...

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One should be more open with feelings. ...

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Lock, Locked

Generally, the emotions or physical tensions we use to keep others from getting at us\ or to prevent our own urges or fears from being experienced; desire to keep something safe or...

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That particular door is an entrapment, i.E.A tempting opportunity or invitation to do wrong...

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Back Door

1. Change is on the way.2. Family arguments (family members entering).3. Secrets, especially lovers. ...

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Can Opener

Used to reveal that which is concealed, i.E. Secrets that have the potential of starting a lot of problems...

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1. A new opportunity.2. Inspiration.3. Desire to attain goals and realize new or full potential. ...

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Options under examination (see Buildings, Windows).An invitation to explore aspects of the self from the past, present, or those reaching to the future.Revolving doors: Going in ci...

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Open Door

An opportunity...

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(see Keys)Safeguarding something that you consider valuable or precious.Closing away negative portions of yourself, including bad memories, habits, and characteristics.Blockage or ...

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Lock And Key

According to Freudian analysis, a lock is commonly interpreted as a symbol of the female sexual organ with the key representing the phallus. A dream of unlocking a box of treasure ...

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Next Door

1. Neighbour;John 4:46...

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Door Bell

To dream you hear or ring a door bell, foretells unexpected tidings, or a hasty summons to business, or the bedtide of a sick relative. ...

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Door Prize

An exceptionally desirable reward will be behind that “door of opportunity”...

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Pried Open

Using force to get control; a warning of presumptuous inquiry...

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Screen Door

Sorts out undesirable people from entering one’s life...

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Knocker (door)

1. Asserting ideas or desires.2. Reaching for help from someone behind the door.3. Female sexual symbol. ...

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Umbrella (open)

1. Protection from emotional onslaught.2. Higher aspirations. ...

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Closing The Door

If a person sees himself closing the door of his house it means he will divorce his wife....

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Dislodged Door Or Doorframe

If the door or doorframe of one’s house is seen dislodged, it means the lady who owns the house or the landlady will die....

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Displaced Door

A displaced door is a hint that the head of the household will die....

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Squeaking Of The Door

In a dream, squeaking of the door means an evil caused by a guard, or a fight between husband and wife, or it could mean divulging a secret.(Also see Screeching of a pen)...

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Gap / Opening

Female sexual organ, or a symbol of obstacles....

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Lock / Padlock

This is the image of inner, psychic tension between openness and retreat (isolation), between risk and security....

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Lock / Sluice

A symbol for regulating the level of Water, meaning the emotions. Here the level of the water is adjusted to the needs of the traffic, and in that sense it raises the question of t...

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Open Hearth

See Fire. Domesticity, protection, as in Parents’ House, as with symbols of Cooking, Baking, Roast.According to Jung, transformation process in alchemy; something wants to transc...

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Houses Next Door

Anything that is next to us represents something close to the boundaries of our consciousness.For instance, if you live next to a mansion in a dream it might suggest that you alrea...

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Opening Ourselves To The Dream

Understanding Dream Interpretation: Jungian Theory and Symbolic Meaning The Way Station In this dream, I find myself in a rest area, like a way station, possibly along a highway ...

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Door Falling

A door seen falling indicates that the beholder will first become ill then regain his health....

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Door Lintel

(See Doorstep, Threshold)...

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Door Post

(Doorjamb) In a dream, a doorjamb or a door post represent the sire of the house or his bottler.If the door post is removed in a dream, it means dismissal of such a person from his...

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Opening A Closed Or Locked Door

If the house whose door is being opened is known to him it means he will marry.If not, it means his Dua’s will be granted....

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Someone Sitting On A Dislodged Door

If a person sees the door of his house displaced or dislodged and another person sitting on it, it means he will sell his house and his wife will marry someone else....

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Louvered Doors

Louvered doors allow the air to circulate. They close out your vision but not other senses. Louvered doors in a dream may represent the ability to sense an opportunity without seei...

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Vision: Seeing a locked door: poor conduct needs to be replaced with positive actions—it is the only way to avoid standing in front of a locked door in the fiiture. Unlocking th...

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To dream that you are making use of the Back-door instead of the front entrance of your house is a warning of some coming change in your fortunes. This may be for good or for evil,...

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Door Mat

Dreams of a door mat represent that you’ve been allowing people to walk all over you. You are afraid of saying “No” for fear that you will not be loved. Low -worth has you pu...

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Lock Jaw

Dreams of lock jaw represent anger or stress clamping your jaw shut, or that you are not trusting your true expression. Your subconscious mind is giving you permission to ask for w...

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Zip Lock

Dreams of a zip lock bag signify your desire to keep a secret sealed, or to preserve your true feelings. You might feel that you need to zip your lips until you feel safe to expres...

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Garage / Garage Door

To dream that you are in a garage, represents a period of boredom in your life. You may feel that you have no direction or guidance toward achieving your goals.If you dream of open...

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Locked Door / Locked Window

The meaning of a locked door or locked window depends on which side you were on in the dream.If you were locked in, you may expect a change of location in your life.If you were loc...

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Revolving Doors

Revolving doors suggest that you are literally moving in circles and going nowhere. You may feel that your opportunities and choices lead to a dead end....

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Sliding Doors

To dream of a sliding (glass) door is a warning against over-confidence. There is still work to do before you achieve your goals....

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Revolving Door

A dream featuring a swinging door is telling you that the rut in which you are traveling is leading you nowhere; marshal your assets and consider a new start, or if that isn’t pr...

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Door / Doorway

Doors may have a variety of different meanings—meanings that can usually be ascertained depending on how the door is disposed in a dream. An open door indicates a new opportunity...

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