The meaning of the symbols of kissing, snake and tongue seen in a dream.

sleeping boy


Meaning Husband Kissing And Tongue Looks Snake Tongue | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Kissing Snake Tongue

36 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about kissing, snake and tongue related.


See “serpent”...

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To dream of seeing your own tongue, denotes that you will be looked upon with disfavor by your acquaintances.To see the tongue of another, foretells that scandal will villify you.T...

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Symbolic of love, affection, and intimacy, Song. 1:1-2...

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For a woman to dream that a dead snake is biting her, foretells she will suffer from the malice of a pretended friend. General Interpretation of Snake Dreams To dream of snakes is...

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Snake Bite

(See Snake, Sting)...

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Snake Charmer

(Diphtheria, Quinsy, Tracer, Tracker) A snake charmer in a dream represents mixing with evil people, participating in a competition, or racing against one’s enemy.If a sick per...

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Adder Snake

A dishonest accountant...

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Restrained freedom to speak...

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Slip Of A Tongue

(Cutting remark, Oversight) A slip of one’s tongue, or to slip in a cutting remark in a dream may mean walking on a slippery surface, or viceversa.(Also see Slippery surface)...

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(Cucumber, Large cucumber, Squirting cucumber) Seeing or eating the large variety of cucumber known as snake-cucumber in a dream means blessed money, a good business, or buying a ...

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The Tongue

It symbolises his spokesperson and messenger. At other times it symbolises the soundness of his argument. Thus, if he sees his tongue as cut or short, it suggest that his argument ...

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(See Tweezers)...

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Garter Snake

A spiritual enemy that is harmless or easily resisted ...

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Grass Snake

Symbolic of harmless enemies ...

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Rattle Snake

Symbolic of strife, Isa. 59:5 ...

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Smooth Tongue

Adultery, Prov. 6:24...

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Snake / Serpent

See Poisonous Snake. More than anything else, this is a symbol of fear.It is also often a sexual symbol, and a symbol of wholeness, transformation, and rebirth, as in Ouroboros.A s...

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Kiss, Kissing

Symbol: A kiss repA:sents love, respect, friendship, unity, and forgiveness.Vision: Dreaming about kisses indicates unfulfilled love with a hint of eroticism. Dreaming you are ki...

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Tongue, Snake-like, Forked

Reptilian twinning/deception. ...

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Mouth / Jaw / Lips / Tongue

The mouth represents the devouring, demanding aspects of yourself; it can also signify your need to communicate about something that is upsetting you.If the mouth is open, this may...

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Types Of Snakes

King Cobra in dream meaning: A King Cobra could indicate that you are hypnotized by another person’s charm. Garden snakes in dream meaning: Garden snakes symbolize unfounded, ...

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Reptiles, Lizards, Snakes

Our basic spinal and lower brain reactions, such as fight or flight, reproduction, attraction or repulsion, sex drive, need for food and reaction to pain. This includes the fundame...

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Poisonous Snake

See Snake. Well-known symbol for a deceptive woman. Dangers in matters of the heart and erotic issues.See Enemy....

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Snake Colors

Snakes of different colors A black or dark colored snake may indicate that there is something ominous going on—or about to happen—in your life, as well as hint at potential p...

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Sick In Dream And Piece Of Tongue Fell Out

Positive InterpretationIn this dream, the sequence of falling ill and a section of the tongue falling out is quite symbolic. In some interpretations, illness in dreams can indicate...

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Snake / Snakes

If the Snake Bit You If a snake bites you in a dream, it may signify an improvement in your health or the healing of an emotional wound. Alternatively, the bite could represent cri...

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Interpreting the Future Based on Snake Dreams Dreams about snakes are often loaded with symbolic meanings that may reflect significant aspects of one's future. 1. C...

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A Guide on Interpreting the Symbolism, Hidden Meanings, and Various Interpretations of Snakes in Your Sleep Dreaming about snakes can have different meanings depen...

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Snake Turn Into Doll

Positive InterpretationDreaming of a snake morphing into a doll can symbolize an uncomfortable or fearful situation that eventually transforms into something comforting, familiar, ...

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\"dream About A Snake\"

Positive InterpretationDreaming about a snake, though alarming for many people, can have positive interpretations. The snake may symbolize wisdom, changes, and growth from a transf...

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Does A Snake Dream Mean Pregnancy?

General MeaningSnake dreams, in general, symbolize change, transformation, wisdom, and knowledge. However, they can also signal hidden fears, unaddressed conflicts, sexual energy, ...

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What Does Snake Appearing In A Dream Mean?

General MeaningDreams about snakes are quite complex and can depict many different feelings and situations. Snakes, in general, may symbolize danger, transformation, or knowledge i...

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Black Snake

General MeaningA dream involving a black snake often denotes the presence of dangers or issues in your waking life that are significantly affecting you at a subconscious level. The...

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Kissing A Goddess

General MeaningDreaming about kissing a goddess can be symbolic of an earnest longing for a profound connection with the divine, seeking approval, guidance, wisdom or protection. I...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation