The meaning of the symbols of light, dark, color and shaving seen in a dream.

sleeping boy


Meaning Of Light And Dark Color Shaving | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Light Dark Color Shaving

48 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about light, dark, color and shaving related.


If you dream of light, success will attend you.To dream of weird light, or if the light goes out, you will be disagreeably surprised by some undertaking resulting in nothing.To see...

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Each color has a specific meaning that is important and should always be researched accordingly...

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To dream that you are being shaved, portends that you will let imposters defraud you.To shave yourself, foretells that you will govern your own business and dictate to your househo...

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To dream of darkness overtaking you on a journey, augurs ill for any work you may attempt, unless the sun breaks through before the journey ends, then faults will be overcome.To lo...

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First off you must explore the feeling you get from the particular color being show to you.Have you preconceived thoughts on certain colors?You have to take this into account.If yo...

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Light Bulb

To be in the dark and then have a light bulb turn on is symbolic of God showing you that righteous living will illuminate your situation, Isa. 58:9-10...

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Dark / Darkness

That side of the personality where chaos may reign, and where, unless some spiritual understanding can be attained, is seen as dark. Also darkness is full of mystery and part of th...

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Northern Lights

1. Indicates a wealth of energy, vitality.2. A sudden inspiration, awareness, often in relationships. ...

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Light Switch

If you dream of turning on a light switch, you will receive thanks for doing something nice.If you turned off the light switch, you are due for a vacation or a break from your resp...

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Traffic Light

To see a traffic light in your dream, suggests that you feel you are being held back from pursuing your goals. You may also feel pressure to succeed or else be left behind.If the t...

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For a sailor to see a beacon-light, portends fair seas and a prosperous voyage.For persons in distress, warm attachments and unbroken, will arise among the young.To the sick, speed...

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Violet (color)

1. Faith, gentleness, peace and serenity.2. Communi­cation and happiness in intimate relationships. ...

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Shaving The Head

Dreaming of oneself as having shaved one’s head during the month of Hajj is a glad tiding that one will proceed for Hajj. But if such a dream is seen during any other month besid...

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Traffic Lights

Traffic, stress, order, an indication of needing to understand the signs of the times, or to establish these signs. Green light: idea, insight, understanding. Red light: repressive...

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Red Light

Dreams of a red light signify “stop,” do not proceed.A red light can also be a sign of prostitution, and the message to beware of the temptation to sell yourself out with regar...

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Beams Of Light

You are focusing your thoughts to create more penetrating energy in your life. Light is energy in motion. We generally think of it in terms of that which illuminates and makes thin...

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Infinite wisdom from god...

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A picture is a memory of substance, and the water implies a blessed memory; see “water”...

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Amber (color)

1. Fear that one’s child might be abducted.2. One is receiving a warning to slow down. ...

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Green (color)

1. Virginity.2. Birth.3. Dissatisfaction.4. A new ex­perience or fear of new experiences.5. One feels at home in a healthy outdoor environment.6. “Green light” to go ahead on ...

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White (color)

1. Purity.2. Truth.3. Cleansing.4. Religious experi­ence or revelation. ...

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(See Maroon)...

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Jewel Light Of The Father’s Eyes

In a dream, it means one’s sons or daughters....

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Light Given Off By Fire

To burn a fire in the dream and see people being guided by the light of such a fire implies that the person who had enkindled the fire will, through knowledge and wisdom, become a ...

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Dark Path

An evil place or the way of the wicked, Ps.35:6...

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Orange (color)

The color orange corresponds to the second chakra and, at times, may be associated with our reproductive system.The second chakra is said to be responsible for our reproductive hea...

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Shaving, Shaver, Razor

Vision: If you are shaving: don’t let others talk you into something; people are playing games with you.If someone else is shaving: deception is underfoot—someone is about to ...

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A light shining out of the dark, or a flashlight beam, shows that you will finally find the truth in a situation or the answer to a personal problem that you have been searching fo...

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Gas Or Lamp Light

This concerns your love affairs or domestic happiness.If you dream that the light is bad, then your interests will suffer accordingly.If the light goes out suddenly, expect a catas...

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Lantern, Traffic Light

Vision: According to ancient folklore, a lighted lantern stands for an impending, sorrow-filled event.A blinking traffic light is always a warning to be careful.If you or someone ...

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Saw, Wood Shavings

Vision: Seeing or working with a saw: someone is out to humiliate or irritate you. Hearing someone use a saw: you are in need of a break—your nerves are irritated. Watching some...

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Green Light

Dreams of a green light represent that all lines of traffic have opened up for you and the universe is motioning you to go forward with your dreams.See Green....

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Shaving Of The Head

interpreted upon 5 sides: pilgrimage, travel, glory, high standing, peace, on account of the AllMighty’s Saying: {[they are] shaving their heads and shortened, not afraid}. As fo...

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Christmas Lights

To dream of Christmas lights represents your spiritual feelings about the Christmas holiday. It also symbolizes hopefulness for the future and insights into family affairs....

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Neon Lights

To dream of bright neon lights signifies your big ambitions and goals. It may also foretell the sudden solution to a longstanding problem....

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Night Light

If you dream about a night light, you have understanding and insight about a situation that was once confusing to you. You have the answers within you....

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Orange (the Color)

If your dream strongly features the color orange, you have a lively and outgoing nature. You will have a fascinating life with broad horizons and many interests....

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Shaving Cream

To see or apply shaving cream in your dream represents the character and personality your portray to others in your waking life. It’s possible that you are trying to change your ...

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Strobe Light

To see a strobe light in your dream, suggests that you are presently experiencing some stress in your life. You are having trouble seeing a situation clearly, or finding the answer...

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Color, Bright

Problems becoming evident or exposed. ...

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Dark House

No awareness of Soul-Personality. ...

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Overweight Color Guard

Weight down by protecting the old way of thinking. ...

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Arc Light

See Light, etc....

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Other Color Associations And Trigger Words

Amber: Ancient wisdom, knowledge. Amethyst: Transition to spiritual awareness, higher knowledge, insight. Apple Green: Powers of healing. Apricot: Admiration. Aquamarine: Commu...

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Wing Color

If you are flying with white wings, this dream could represent the expansion of your awareness and the unfolding of your higher self.If your wings are black this could indicate the...

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Bird Color

The colors, as well as the general interpretation for birds, are significant here. For example, black birds represent one’s shadow side and white birds one’s open, expressive a...

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Color Connections

When remembering the colors in your dreams, it is important to recall if the colors were bright and vivid, or muted and faded, as the strength of the colors may be linked directly ...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation