The meaning of the symbols of little, sister, sleep and woma seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Today's Dream Interpretation


Dreaming About My Little Sister Me In My Sleep And Am A Woma | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Little Sister Sleep Woma

48 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about little, sister, sleep and woma related.


1. Love and nurturing.2. May mean unknown desires are emerging.3. Feminine aspects of self.4. Fear of growing old.5. If an old woman, laden with advice.6. If a woman is preg­nant,...

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See “relative”...

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To dream of sleeping on clean, fresh beds, denotes peace and favor from those whom you love.To sleep in unnatural resting places, foretells sickness and broken engagements.To sleep...

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Old Woman

If unknown, she symbolises the current year.If she is beautiful, the year will bring good fortune.If ugly, the year will prove a disaster....

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Sister In Law

To dream of your sister-in-law symbolizes attributes that the both of you may have in common. Also, contemplate the bond that you both share.If you are arguing with your sister-in-...

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(Bread) Holdingtwo loaves ofbread in a dream means the marriage oftwo sisters to one man, one after the other....

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Old Man / Old Woman

Carl Jung said that the wise old man is the “archetype of the spirit” and the “speaking fountainhead of the soul.” Dreaming about him may attempt to bring the dreamer into ...

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Brother / Sister

(1) If your brother or sister appears in a dream you have to decide whether the dream is saying something about your actual brother or sister and your relationship with him or her,...

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Old Man, Or Woman

To dream of seeing an old man, or woman, denotes that unhappy cares will oppress you, if they appear otherwise than serene.See Faces, Men, and Women....

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To dream of a step-sister, denotes you will have unavoidable care and annoyance upon you....

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Washer Woman

A washer woman seen in dreams, represents infidelity and a strange adventure.For the business man, or farmer, this dream indicates expanding trade and fine crops.For a woman to dre...

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Crown Seen By A Woman

If a woman sees a crown in her dream. It symbolises her husband.If she is unmarried, she will soon marry a very dignified, respectable and influential man....

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Marriage To One’s Mother, Sister Etc.

If a person dreams that he is marrying his mother, sister or any such person with whom marriage is forbidden is Islam-and such a dream is seen in any of the sacred months of Thil-Q...

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Marrying A Dead Woman

He will succeed in acquiring his pursuit regarding which he has lost all hopes....

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Turning In One’s Sleep

If one sees himself turning in his sleep and putting his face down, or resting on his stomach in a dream, it means that he will turn away from his faith and lose both his earnings ...

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Woman Acquiring A Spinning Wheel

If a woman dreams that she has acquired a spinning wheel, if she is expecting, she will give birth to a girl. Otherwise a sister will be born, if such a spinning wheel has a spindl...

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Woman Mounting An Ox

If a woman sees herself as mounting an ox it means she will marry a man if she is unmarried. But if she is married her husband will obey her and she will take advantage of his good...

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Woman With A Beard

This may be a reference to her husband who will enjoy a good reputation as a result of his high standing in the community....

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Woman With Male Generative Organ

If a person sees a woman with a male generative organ it means she will give birth to a son if she is pregnant in real life. Moreover, the son will grow up with good character and ...

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(See Courting, Yarn salesman)...

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Brother And Sister

A fight breaks out among brothers or sisters: fortune strikes • You go separate way with your brother or sister: you’ll have a bad quarrel with someone ...

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Sleep Rocking Ian

Oswald (as related in his book Sleep) observed active rocking in some children and adults during sleep. These rocking movements were very powerful, occur­ring at a rate of one per...

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Young Woman

(Teenage girl) A young girl in a dream represents an enemy however she may look. Seeing a well dressed and pleasingly adorned young woman in a dream means hearing pleasing news com...

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Active Sleep

During experiments to monitor the brain activ­ity of animals and humans while asleep, it was noted that the brain seemed to move through a series of levels of activity. In deep sl...

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Sleep Walking

Very common with some people, especially during adolescence or times of stress. Sometimes accompa­nied by hallucinations. Sleep walking is normal as an occa­sional event in child...

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Talking In Sleep

Most people who have kept a dog have witnessed it bark while it is obviously dreaming. Calling out during a disturbing or active dream is common to humans also. Some people sleep t...

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Bird Woman

A creature of myth, symbolic of excitement and temptation, the anima in her heavenly and at the same time animalistic role threatening and destroying. Also a symbol of the wise wom...

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Sister / Nurse

See Illness and dependency.The feminine side of the dreamer, the emotional side. According to Steckel and Freud, breasts....

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Woman (beautiful)

Success in love and / or business. Recognition for your efforts....

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Wise Man Or Woman

Dreams of a wise man or woman symbolize guidance, an enlightened message and connection to your inner crone, witch, grandmother, grandfather, sorcerer, goddess, or guru.See Prophet...

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Sleep Away

Buried memories....

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Lucidity, Awake In Sleep

Sometimes in the practice of deep relaxation, meditation or sensory deprivation, our being enters into a state akin to sleep, yet we maintain a personal waking awareness. This is l...

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Science, Sleep And Dreams

In 1937 through the use of the electroencephalograph (EEG) measuring tiny electrical brain impulses, Loomis and his associates discovered that the form of brainwaves changes with t...

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Age (old Man Or Old Woman)

Happiness and satisfaction have been reached. On one hand, you are fascinated by age, because it implies maturity, experience, and the ability to judge. On the other hand, it repre...

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Woman Priest

Concept of loving physical reality more than spirituality....

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Woman, (in Crimson)

Anger at physical reality....

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Woman, Older, Dead

End of egotistical thinking....

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Woman, Wrapped In Carpet

Abduction/control of logic....

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Step-brothers And Step-sisters

To dream about step-brothers and step-sisters suggests close male and female friends in waking life.If you do not have step-brothers and step-sisters in waking life, this may indic...

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The Nature Of Sleep

What is sleep exactly? Although we know that all creatures that live sleep, and although science has diligently studied sleep in many sleep laboratories around the world, sleep its...

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The Effect Of Alcohol On Sleep

Alcohol can have a significant impact on sleep and sleeping patterns. Under the influence of alcohol, the quantity of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep decreases and Stage 4 sleep inc...

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Journey Of The Soul: Mystical Experiences In Sleep

Dreams Beyond Dreams: Mystical Experiences Recalled as Dreams Not all dreams are merely dreams. According to author Stase Michaels, a dream serves as a bridge between our nightly ...

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Sleep Movements

Adrian Morrison at the University of Pennsylvania, investigating narcolepsy, a condition producing sleep in the middle of activity, found that a small area of the brain, the pons, ...

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Wise Old Man / Woman

(1) A Wise Old Man. figure mav appear in a man’s dream, a Wise Old Woman in a woman’s dream. The Wise Old Man may take various forms: for example, old bearded man, guru, priest...

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Our Brain Is Washed During Sleep.

A New Frontier in Sleep Science: Unveiling the Brain's Nocturnal Symphony Introduction Recent strides in the realm of sleep science have unveiled a captivating discovery that shed...

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The Hows, Whys And Whats Of Sleep And Dreams

The Balm for Weary Minds "Sleep is the balm for hurt minds, nature’s great second course." - William Shakespeare Sleep is an absolute necessity for our physi...

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