sleeping boy


Losing Clothes | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Losing Clothes

48 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about losing and clothes related.


To dream of seeing clothes soiled and torn, denotes that deceit will be practised to your harm. Beware of friendly dealings with strangers.For a woman to dream that her clothing is...

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something A lost opportunity; forgetting something which is important. Depending on dream, might also suggest actual, or feelings about, loss of virginity; loss of health, losing a...

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Wedding Clothes

To see wedding clothes, signifies you will participate in pleasing works and will meet new friends.To see them soiled or in disorder, foretells you will lose close relations with s...

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Wrinkled Clothes

Problems that need to ironed out...

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Clothes That Are Jointed

Joined clothes, if they are soiled, means the one who wears them will become poor and needy....

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Dog Ripping The Clothes

If a dog is seen attacking and ripping a person’s clothes it means that his enemy will humiliate him.The humiliation will be equaled to the extent of the clothes it had ripped....

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Donning Black Clothes

If it is a person who is in the habit of wearing black clothes, it means he will acquire steadfastness, power, wealth and soundness in all his affairs....

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Donning Clothes Of Various Colours

He will soon learn about the unpleasant things said about him. He will also be overwhelmed with fear. As a result of this he will become popular amongst the people...

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Donning Feminine Clothes

If a man sees himself as donning feminine clothes it means he will experience tremendous fear, destitution and helplessness after which it will disappear by the will of Allah Ta’...

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Donning Green Clothes

A pleasant dream for both the living and dead since green is the colour of the people of Jannah....

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Donning Red Clothes

Donning of red clothes is suggestive of a person’s popularity....

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Donning White Clothes

A very pleasant dream suggesting goodness and success in all matters....

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Donning Yellow Clothes

It suggests sickness and anxiety. But there is no harm if this colour is seen in a long coat such as a jubbah or achkah....

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Embroidered Clothes

Wearing white embroidered clothes means the attainment of the world as well as Deen. Also power and Fame....

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Hanging Clothes

(Spread, Unfold) To hang a garment in the sun to dry in a dream may indicate that someone will shortly arrive from a long journey....

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Losing A Fight

(Defeat, Depression) Losing a fight in a dream means joy. Losing a fight in a dream also could mean vanquishing one’s enemy if they are compatible. Otherwise, the winner of a fig...

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Losing Sight

(Blindness) If one sees in his dream as though the world is totally destroyed and that he remained alone therein, it means that he may lose his sight....

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Old Clothes

Seeing old clothes means the viewer of such a dream has a short life span....

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Patched Clothes

A heap or stack of patched clothes symbolises extreme poverty and indigence....

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Sewing The Clothes Of One’s Wife

If a person sees himself as sewing the clothes of his wife using needle and cotton then it is not regarded as a good dream.If the needle happens to break, his affairs will be disru...

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Soiled Clothes

Such a dream is not a good reflection on the Deeni and worldly life of a person....

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White And Clean Clothes

Donning white, clean clothes reflects a favourable condition of the person who wears them....

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Wife Donning The Clothes Of Her Husband

This is a good and pleasant dream....

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Wife Wearing The Military Clothes Of Her Husband

The interpretation of such a dream is linked with either her husband or one who guards her.The same dream could mean that either she will benefit from the good qualities of her hus...

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Woollen Clothes

Donning of woolen clothes means acquiring of material wealth in abundance. Clothing made of hair (such as camel’s) or cotton wool or just cotton means acquiring of wealth to a le...

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Dirty Clothes

Symbolic of sin and dead works, Isa. 64:6...

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Sowing Clothes

Symbolic of a good wife or an industrious person, Prov. 31:22 ...

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Stripping (clothes)

Being open and refraining from pretense, as in Bareness, Naked. Enjoying fully the sensuous beauty of yourself or somebody else. Do you want, no matter what the subject, actually i...

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Clothes Hamper

As the place where dirty clothes arc stored, the hamper may signify having to pick up any of the negative thoughts you have left scattered around the house....

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Losing One’s Car

Not being able to find your car may represent losing your connection to your body, reflecting that you frequently may be too spaced out and ungrounded. Not having a car in a dream ...

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Lost And Losing

For a woman to dream she has lost her wedding-ring, signifies she has but small love for her husband; but if she dreams she has found it again, it is a sign her love is not wholly ...

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Mourning Clothes

Vision: Wearing black mourning clothes: you have a tendency to be depressed, pessimistic, and melancholic. Wearing white mourning clothes: you are on a spiritual journey and will ...

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This may be considered a dream of contrary.If wealthy people dream of plenty of Bedclothes, it is a warning of loss of money. But if the dreamer is poor, or only moderately well-to...

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Losing Or Lost

This omen depends largely upon the nature of the article Lost, apart from being an obstacle dream, indicating difficulty ahead, unless you soon find the missing article.It is a sig...

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Moth-eaten Clothes

Someone near to you is in trouble of which you will soon hear, but may not be able to assist....

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Rent Clothes

To dream of holes in your clothes is a bad sign of losses in your fortune, but should you be mending them in your dream you will soon make good your losses....

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Dressing (clothes)

Dreams of getting dressed symbolize that you are suiting up and showing up in life, preparing to present yourself in a way that represents the image you show to the world. You are ...

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Baby Clothes

To see baby clothes in your dream suggests that you need to outgrow old ways of thinking and expressing yourself. You have outgrown them and it is time to move on....

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Clothes Hanger

To see a hanger in your dream, suggests that you are getting the hang of some situation or some task.If the hanger(s) were empty, your dream may mean that you are just hanging in t...

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Clothes Line

To dream that you are hanging up clothes on a clothesline, suggests that you are clarifying your thoughts and elevating yourself to a new state of awareness....

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Clothes Peg

To dream of using clothes pegs suggests that you are trying to get your thoughts together, probably about a relationship. You may be feeling anxious about a particular relationship...

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Switching (bodies / Places / Clothes)

If you dream of switching places (swapping minds/bodies) or switching clothes with someone, it symbolizes that you are trying to understand that person better. You may envy somethi...

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Weight - Losing Or Gaining

If you dream of losing weight, it symbolizes that you are no longer being weighed down.A burden has been lifted off your shoulders.If you get too skinny in your dream though, it ca...

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Queen, Losing Composure

Release of control from one internal program to another....

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Losing Things

When this dream occurs review what are the truly “precious” and “important” things that you want to take with you and decide what you can safely let go of to allow space fo...

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Losing Weight

The symbolism is similar to CLARIFICATION, given its allusion to purification, discarding all that is waste or negative. Also, depending on the particular case, it represents the d...

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Washing Clothes

Washing may represent some kind of inner cleaning in which you get rid of attitudes and habits that are holding you back.If you are washing clothes in your dream, this symbolizes a...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation