To dream that you are a captive, denotes that you may have treachery to deal with, and if you cannot escape, that injury and misfortune will befall you.To dream of taking any one c...
To dream of gold, denotes great prosperity and much pleasure derived from sight-seeing and ocean voyages. Silver coin is unlucky to dream about. Dissensions will arise in the most ...
From a mythological point of view, the image of the maze is closely tied to the Greek hero Theseus and to Ariadne, who loves him. As legend has it, in order to slay the virgin-devo...
The Snake is often called a worm, a symbol of the lowest stage of the animal kingdom, often indicating bad conscience or troubles, usually with a sexual connotation.According to Ju...
1- When man was less civilised than he is now; his animal nature was closer to the surface. It was possible for him to see and identify patterns of energy or spirits both in himsel...
Life force, fertility, energy, passion; also anger, uncontrolled emotions. Lowest vibration in visual color spectrum. May mean you need energy.See Color....
The floors of a building represent the levels of the dreamer’s consciousness. The attic is spiritually, and the lowest floor, the unconscious. The floors that are in between mani...
This musical instrument is responsible for keeping rhythm by expressing the lowest notes of the audible sound waves. Any musical instrument is ultimately a symbol related to the de...
The Letter AFirst letter of the alphabet. The corresponding letter of the Greek alphabet is alpha. Alpha and omega, the last letter of the Greek alphabet, symbolize the beginning a...
lucky numbers: 04-11-29-33-38-40buying a: are cherishing new business ventures of questionable intentions. clean, a: wil have plenty of money to move into a better neighborhood. di...
lucky numbers: 03-08-10-26-32-37being in: wil risk your reputation in unearned pleasure. and very sick: wil have many debts to pay before you reach the blissful heights. indigent, ...
Universal Landscape: Unconscious negative beliefs.Dreaming Lens: Were you in a dungeon? Were you under threat of being taken to a dungeon? Was the dungeon yours? Did you know to wh...
Lucky numbers: 03-11-14-17-25-33
Avenue stretches in the distance: A project will extend for decades.
Strolling down the avenue: Focus on the path you have chosen.