The meaning of the symbols of making, love, ex, private, part and tear seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Today's Dream Interpretation


Making Love With Your Ex And His Private Part Tear | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Making Love Ex Private Part Tear

33 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about making, love, ex, private, part and tear related.


To dream of loving any object, denotes satisfaction with your present environments.To dream that the love of others fills you with happy forebodings, successful affairs will give y...

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To dream that you are in tears, denotes that some affliction will soon envelope you.To see others shedding tears, foretells that your sorrows will affect the happiness of others,...

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Love Letter

1. Truth and happiness.2. A positive message from one as­pect of self to another or one level of consciousness to the next. ...

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Love Seat

(See Couch) 260...

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Part / Parting

Recognizing that there is a part of something rather than a whole signifies that spiritually we have not seen the whole picture. Parting suggests division, as in the parting of the...

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Tear / Tears / Torn

Tears can represent hurt or compassion, and it is often this latter meaning that applies spiritually. Experiencing compassion in a dream can make us more aware of the necessity for...

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Tear Gas

1. Self-expression, likely a protest, is met with hostility.2. Feeling unable to “breathe,” suffocated and in need of some personal space, likely in a relationship. ...

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If you dreamed of tearing up something that doesn’t belong to you, you will have a period of bad luck.To see or find something of your torn up is a good sign, meaning you will ha...

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Tearing garments is something that, in many religions and cultures, is a symbol of pain or humiliation. This dream portends slander and abuse.If others are tearing your clothes, it...

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Body Parts

The parts of the body all have meanings based on the basic functions of those parts.The feet represent feeling grounded, while the toes are about maintaining balance.The legs conne...

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Love For The World

(See Elephant man, Love)...

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Love Poems

(See Courting, Poet)...

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Making Additions To Salaah

And if a person sees himself making additions to the Salaah (Such as performing five rak’aat or observing three sajdahs instead of two) then it implies that he has either questio...

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Merry Making

Merry making means grief and grief means merry making.Restriction : It symbolises firmess and steadfastness. And restrictions are of various types.Restriction in the Majid: Restric...

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Tearing Down One’s Shirt

To tear open one’s garment in a dream means divorce....

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Baby Love

Completely dependent upon the loved person for one s needs, physical, emotional and social. Great anger, jeal­ousy or pain if the loved one relates to anyone else. Wants to be alw...

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Love, Love Letter

Vision: Dreaming about being in love with someone: you can almost count on being disappointed.If someone else is in love with you: a person will be of great service to you.See Adm...

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Crush (love Interest)

If you dream that you have a crush on someone then you will come to realize that you are not truly in love, but in like.If the person you have a crush on is younger or older then y...

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A love affair in which you will be greatly interested. Several others know more about it than you think; be circumspect....

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Private Eye

See Detective....

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I Love You

If you dream of saying “I Love You”, you will achieve happiness and contentment the moment you learn to take a realistic approach to life. However, if in your dream you express...

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Making Out

To dream of making out often means the dreamer will realize something important that can help them to achieve success in real life. It can also mean that someone you know is not te...

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Private School

To dream about private school, represents the value you place on knowledge and education. You believe that you are always learning and not just in the classroom.If you are currentl...

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In Love

Its interpretation is often literal. This dream recreates exactly the same situation as in real life.It is very common during adolescence. Almost always it reflects joy, awakening ...

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Love Triangle

To dream about a love triangle suggests you are dealing with issues of power and jealousy in your waking life.If you dreamed about about your boyfriend’s (or crush’s) ex-girlfr...

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Chest (body Part)

If the person who dreams of the chest of a woman is a man, the image could indicate his need for tenderness and understanding. However, if a woman has this dream, it could be a sym...

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Making A Scrapbook

If you are making a scrapbook in your dreams, or looking through one, this is about making memories. Are you taking the time to treasure the uniqueness of each new day in your waki...

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Loss Of Body Parts

Because the body often represents the self, loss of body parts or injuries to your body in dreamland can symbolize the emotional pain of losing parts of yourself. A dream that some...

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Nowhere To Make Love

In this dream, you and your lover undertake a fruitless search for privacy and are constantly frustrated. This isn’t so much a dream about sex but about the difficult forces or o...

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Falling In Love

If you dream you’re falling in love, then you’re yearning for some kind of connection. If you’re already in a relationship, then you could be craving the closeness you first ...

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Symbols Of Love

Love can be expressed in many ways in your dream and almost any symbol can be associated with it. Dreams of adopting or looking after a child, person or animal are often strongly a...

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Making Life Easy On Yourself

Unveiling the Essence of Self-Discovery If you truly know yourself, then the symphony of life harmonizes effortlessly. One-on-one relationships become a dance o...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation