Manuscript Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 7 Unique Sources About Manuscript

manuscript image


Dream Meanings About The Manuscript

To dream of manuscript in an unfinished state, forebodes disappointment.

If finished and clearly written, great hopes will be realized.

If you are at work on manuscript, you will have many fears for some cherished hope, but if you keep the blurs out of your work you will succeed in your undertakings.

If it is rejected by the publishers, you will be hopeless for a time, but eventually your most sanguine desires will become a reality.

If you lose it, you will be subjected to disappointment.

If you see it burn, some work of your own will bring you profit and much elevation.


Dreams of a manuscript denotes your awareness that you are the author of the story of your life.

If you don’t like the direction it is going, you can right/write it. You are realizing that the power to have the life of your dreams is in your hands.


A dream in which a manuscript is featured portends a disappointment concerning some current plan or project, unless your work normally involves manuscripts, in which case the dream has no significance except in the event of some unexpected factor.


1. Need to “tell a story,” reveal inner thoughts and memories.

2. Symbol of one’s persona or hidden self.

3. Accep­tance or rejection, depending on how manuscript is interpreted by others.


Vision: Seeing a manuscript means you are unsure what to do, but it would be a mistake to postpone a certain task much longer.


If you dream of having your manuscript rejected by a publisher, it augurs success in the profession of writing.


See Also: ink, paper/ parchment and writing


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