Mayonnaise Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 4 Unique Sources About Mayonnaise

mayonnaise image


Dream Meanings About The Mayonnaise

To see or eat mayonnaise in your dream represents disappointment in your waking life. It may also refer to you being insulted and/or disrespected in some situation or relationship.


Dreams of mayonnaise symbolize that you are spreading it on thick, adding texture and substance to a situation or story, and/or embellishing the truth for a desired effect.


To dream of mayonnaise symbolizes hardship and distress that you are experiencing in life. It may also imply that someone is treating you with cruelty and contempt.


An additional benefit to one’s food of life; research each ingredient, i.E. Egg, oil, lemon, etc.; See “food”


1 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about mayonnaise related.


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