Mosquitoes Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 6 Unique Sources About Mosquitoes

mosquitoes image


Dream Meanings About The Mosquitoes

Symbol: Mosquitoes, flies, and snakes are representations of the devil.

Vision: If mosquitoes are buzzing about your head: you are too generous and others are taking advantage of you; also you might have a troublesome visitor. Getting bitten by a mosquito: the friends you selected turned out to be bad company. Things will get unpleasant, but your regrets are too late.

The people you invited will bring much stnfe into your house.

Depth Psychology: See Flies, Insects.


Mosquitoes attacking your body might arrive in a dream as a response to negative influences in your environment. They may point out that someone is feeding on your life force and leaving a swelling imtation.

A mosquito may appear to advise that you stop letting others suck your blood.

(See Also: Insect.)


1. Small things that saps the life out of you; Lev. 17:11

2. Parasitic; John 12:6;

3. Irritation; Deut. 25:18.


It is good Uick to dream of k filing one or more of these pests.


Persecution from petty enemies (Gypsy).


lucky numbers: 05-16-31-33-35-46

being bitten by a: restrict inviting those with enmity into your home.

bite, of a: irritation may spread disease if scratched.

flittering around your head: your generosity is being exploited.

killing: wil undermine opponent’s venture, as he has undermined yours.


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