Mushrooms Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 10 Unique Sources About Mushrooms

mushrooms image


Dream Meanings About The Mushrooms

(See Also: Vegetables)

Eating mushrooms among ancient Egyptians was a sign of rulership, as only the Pharaohs received this treat.

In Rome, an emblem of strength.

Metaphysics and / or the psychic nature coming to the forefront of your awareness. Shamans and medicine people have long known that some mushrooms produce visionary experiences. Additionally, they grow in dark, damp regions, equating with the fertile subconscious or Collective Unconscious.

The lunar aspects of the mushroom combine with fiery energy. Mushrooms are considered the child of lightning in folk tales. This provides a unique balance between conscious / logical thinking and the intuitive self. Consider if you have been heeding both voices equally of late.


Grown totally in the dark, mushrooms can denote a very challenging situation or relationship, especially if the mushrooms are poisonous.

If seen growing wild in the forest’s moist earth, then the dreamer’s creative ideas may be the solution to the potentially dangerous situation the dreamer is concerned about.


A dream of mushrooms growing forecasts the accumulation of wealth through intelligent speculation; to dream of picking the mushrooms predicts prosperity and protection; to eat them signifies an improvement in status due to influential social contacts.


Eating mushrooms in a dream means longevity, recovering of a sick person from his illness, marriage of an unwed person, acquiring knowledge, guidance, money or a job.

(See Also: Food)


To dream of eating them danger of death or personal sickness to the dreamer (Gypsy). Evidently an anxiety dream, expressed in the doubt of the mushrooms.


If you dream of mushrooms, you are experiencing difficulty in a personal relationship. This dream also suggests you are a person with a creative nature.


If you see yourself gathering Mushrooms, your ventures will be fortunate. But if you are eating them, then be cautious in your business affairs.


A fly-by-night type venture which exploits


To dream that you are gathering mushrooms, indicates that your lover, or partner in life, is not so fondly attached to you as vou wish. To dream that you are eating mushrooms, signifies that something of an unpleasant nature is about to happen.


lucky numbers: 01-06-21-26-35-40

collecting: take your profits from intel igent chances, a little at a time.

digging many from the earth: your potential y dangerous ventures wil be fortunate.

only one: a corporation wil be dissolved in humiliation and disgrace.

eating: big distinction with social life wil aid your finances.

business partners: be cautious in dealings with them, some are poisonous.

poisonous: large-scale money transactions draw out the worst.

sprouting: big advancement for healthy desires and natural haste in al your affairs.


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