The meaning of the symbols of nail, right, foot seen in a dream.

sleeping boy


Foot Nail Cut | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Nail Right Foot

27 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about nail, right and foot related.


Painfully restrictive in the flesh; a surety bond if used as a means of attachment...

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1. Analytical, logical and rational thinking.2. Correct action (as in “do the right thing”).3. Justice served, goodness. ...

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To see nails in your dreams, indicates much toil and small recompense.To deal in nails, shows that you will engage in honorable work, even if it be lowly.To see rusty or broken nai...

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Feet in dreams represent a person's foundation and uprightness, as they support one's ability to stand and move forward. They are closely tied to financial standing, work, and pers...

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Nail Polish

Symbolic of beautifying yourself ...

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Rabbit’s Foot

Symbolic of false hope ...

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Acrylic Nails

To dream of having your nails polished could represent your desire for style and charisma.If the nail snaps, you may be attempting to stay away from a situation or duty....

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Cloven Foot

To dream of a cloven foot, portends some unusual ill luck is threatening you, and you will do well to avoid the friendship of strange persons. ...

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To dream of crossing a clear stream of water on a foot-log, denotes pleasant employment and profit.If the water is thick and muddy, it indicates loss and temporary disturbance.For ...

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Nail File

Something needs to be smoothed out. Vanity. According to Freud, male genitals....

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Feet / Foot

see Limbs in Body...

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Foot / Feet

For some cultures, to dream of the feet may symbolize divine qualities since the feet are considered the holiest part of the body. They signify taking responsibility and are the an...

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To dream of soiled finger-nails, forbodes disgrace in your family by the wild escapades of the young.To see well-kept nails, indicates scholarly tastes and some literary attainment...

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See “pompous”...

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Foot Pain

(See Body); Pain)...

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Human Rights

(See Destruction)...

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Righteous Men

(See Scholars, Shepherd)...

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Nail, Toenail

Vision: Finding a nail: your wealth will continue if you are more careful with your money. Putting a nail in a wall: you will learn that telling the truth is to your advantage; yo...

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Foot Or Leg

Beware of treachery if someone trips you up with his or her foot....

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Nail Polish Remover

To dream abuot nail polish remover suggests that you are feeling guilty or regretful about something that you’ve done. You may be worried about how other people will interpret yo...

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Righteous People

(Companions of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, Followers, Successors) Seeing God’s blessed people and His righteous ones, or any of the early companions of God’s Messenge...

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Left, Right

Left: if we are right handed, the left represents the less dominant or expressed side of oneself, or the parts of our nature we try to hide or suppress.If we write or knock in a na...

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Road, Third On Right

Superconscious mind....

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Nail / Nails

A dream of hammering nails predicts that you will, in fact, by dint of hard, slogging effort, be able to achieve something you thought beyond your reach.To see shiny and/or new nai...

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Left And Right

You may have a dream in which left and right become significant.If this is the case, bear in mind that if you are right-handed, the right hemisphere of the brain is thought to cont...

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Hand And Foot Injury

Hands can symbolize the whole pattern of your life and a dream of an injured or disabled hand may refer to some inability to perform a task in waking life, a task which may or may ...

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Nail Clippers

1. Getting rid of sin, (the flesh);2. Careful not to hurt the person; Gen. 2:7; Luke 6:27....

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A to Z Dream Interpretation