Magic, another world, self, reflection.It is a symbol of vanity and superficiality. You may be concerned about your image and the way you present yourself to the world. Some say th...
Selling is all about persuasion and buying is all about acceptance. Selling is about persuading people to have things they did not know they needed, so you need to bear that in min...
lucky numbers: 01-17-19-40-41-43asking for a: wil soon receive relief from pains and a complicated project. permission: wil be promoted above your capabilities. giving: have contai...
lucky numbers: 10-11-25-40-45-55artillery: have difficulty persuading others to your long-standing viewpoint. being chased by a: are stimulated to face torment with record speed. s...
lucky numbers: 09-10-16-19-21-30being at a sarcophagi: your search for meaning, and not finding it, has caused depression. empty, an: put a different slant on your rejection of the...