Pet Dream Interpretation

Pet Dream Interpretation: Insights from 14 Unique Sources

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Pet Dream Meaning

Pets are an important part of many people’s lives and when a pet from your past or present features in your dream, your unconscious may be reflecting your feelings about that companion be they affection, regret, comfort or loss. If, however, you don’t have a pet in your waking life and you dream of one, this may represent someone in your life who is feeling vulnerable and needs your emotional support. Another interpretation for pet dreams is that the animal depicts an aspect of your character. In your waking life you may not be aware of your deep need for affection and attention but this need will show up in your dreams when a pet appears. It is a symbol of your natural drive to give and receive love.

If you own a pet in your dream, your unconscious is drawing your attention to your ability to look after someone or something more vulnerable than yourself. It is also a symbol of unconditional love, and being sensitive to the distress and needs of others. Alternatively, it may also represent an aspect of your character or personality that you feel you should use in a particular situation.

If a woman dreams of baby pets, this may signify her desire for children; if adults of either sex dream of baby pets, it may be relating to their feelings of dependency and how they feel about not being fully in control.

If children dream about pets, this may similarly refer to their feelings of being dependent, but will generally represent their desire for unconditional love from their parents or carers.

If the pet you dream about is familiar to you, the interpretation will very much rest on the nature of your relationship with that particular pet.

Dreams in which you are caring for your pet or shopping for pet supplies show that you are paying attention to your emotional needs or making sure you get what you need. But if a pet appears starving, uncared for and without food or water, this suggests that you are not taking enough care of your own basic needs for affection and attention. Perhaps you are too busy and have forgotten your needs, or perhaps you are so wrapped up in caring for the needs of someone else that you have neglected your own. To dream that you are saving the life of your pet suggests that you are successfully acknowledging certain emotions and characteristics represented by the animal. The dream may also stem from feelings of inadequacy or feeling overwhelmed. Dreams which feature pet shows or competitions can suggest pride in your achievements and emotional confidence, Strange and unusual pet

In general, when dreaming of strange or unusual pets that would most typically be found living in the wild, any negative associations with that particular animal, insect or reptile are replaced by positive associations. For example, the general associations with wild rats are extremely negative but if you dream of a pet rat, the associations are quite different. Pet rats in dreams suggest vulnerability, instinctive intelligence and the caring feelings. In dreams, wild snakes conjure up images of worries, fears and poisonous words and deeds; but if you dream of a pet snake, this can indicate healing and enlightenment.

Any exotic or unusual pet is like a small part of untamed nature and in dreams they can represent personal growth, untapped creative energies and a sense of new-found respect, wonder, curiosity and excitement about life and the adventures it sends your way. Take the Madagascar hissing cockroach, for example, which is kept by some people as a pet. The very name sends a chill up the spine of some people but those people who keep such cockroaches as pets are fascinated at the elaborate rituals these creatures have developed to defend territory, produce offspring or simply to identify themselves. So if a hissing cockroach or any other scary creature-turned-pet such as a tarantula or Bengal tiger appears in your dreams and you are happy to care for it, this is a sign that you are conquering your hidden fears.


but they can also suggest the potential for arrogance.

Animals symbolize the untamed and uncivilized aspects of yourself, so to dream that you are fighting or struggling with your pet suggests that you are trying to reject or hide your need for affection and companionship in waking life. To dream of talking pets suggests that you are listening to some form of superior or mystical knowledge. What the animal is saying to you will usually be some form of wisdom, particularly if the pet is very old, like a tortoise.

Alternatively, a talking pet denotes your potential to be all that you can be.


Pet Dream Meaning

To see your pet or someone else’s pet in your dream, may represent your talent for self-control and holding your temper. Alternatively, this dream can also represent a need for more love and acceptance from others.

It is common when a person is infatuated with someone.

If you dreamed about a pet who has died, this is your subconscious mind’s way of mourning the loss.

If the pet died a very long time ago, part of you may be wishing to go back to that time, when things may have seemed simpler.

To dream of eating your pet suggests that you are scared by your own animal feelings and desires. It may also represent your wish to have certain animal qualities - such as gracefulness, boldness, and so on.

For more meanings, see “Pet Food” and “Pet Store”


Pet Dream Meaning

See Animals

1- Whereas in the waking state we mav not be aware of our need for love and affection, when a pet appears in a dream we are reacting to a natural drive in ourselves to give or receive love.

2- On a subliminal level we may be aware that someone else has control over our liv es. We can only- do what is expected of us. Conversely, if we own a pet in a dream we perhaps need to question our ability to look after something or someone more vulnerable than ourselves.

3- Unconditional love which is without dependency often comes from our pets. They are often sensitive to our immediate emotional distress or pain.


Pet Dream Interpretation

Our natural drives and feelings—such as procreation or desire to be ‘petted’—which have been house trained’ or caged, depending on dream.

The dream will indicate what one is doing with this side of one’s nature. Feelings of being like a pet, only being able to do what the person you are dependent upon wishes; receiving or giving affection. Baby pets: if in a woman’s dream, may signify her maternal drive, her desire for children; one’s own dependent self and feelings.

See animals.


Pet Dream Meaning

If we have a pet that we are close to, then a dream about this animal can simply be a reflection of our everyday life experience. Alternatively, a tame animal such as a pet can represent our animal drives, though they tend to represent a domesticated version.

This dream could represent a desire to be treated like a pet—to be “petted”— or to have someone else become dependent on us like a pet.


Pet Dream Interpretation

Dreams of a pet represent an adored, loveable, and innocent aspect of yourself. Perhaps you are feeling that you have domesticated your animal nature. Also, this dream can represent your attitudes and feelings about responsibility, caring and protecting, and the sacrifices you make in order to care for the vulnerable yet wild aspect of yourself.

See Dog, Cat, Bird, Fish.


Pet Dream Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: On a subliminal level, when dreaming of pets we may be aware that someone else has control over our lives. Conversely, if we own a pet in a dream we perhaps need to question or recognize our ability to look after something or someone more vulnerable than ourselves.

Pet Dream Meaning

Pets will offer us unconditional love and acceptance without question. In many ways this is a lesson in spirituality. In being sensitive to our immediate emotional distress or pain, they can be of comfort. It has been recognized also that they frequently channel healing energies.

Pet Dream Meaning

Material aspects: Whereas in the waking state we may not be aware of our need for love and affection, when a pet appears in a dream we are reacting to a natural drive in ourselves to give or receive love.

Pet Dream Interpretation

1. Love and acceptance, usually unconditional.

2. Steadfast, lov­ing affection and companionship.

3. Return to simple pleasures, a more innocent time.


Pet Dream Meaning

1. Responsibility;(Something you are feeding);

2. Friend. Gal. 4:8-9; 5:16-21; 2 Pet. 2:1Also see dog and cat.


Pet Dream Meaning

Self-chosen responsibility; something which nurtures us.

See specific animal.


Pet Dream Interpretation

Represents someone of like character; research the color, attributes, etc.

Pet Dream Meaning

To dream of having one denotes protection by friends (Gypsy).

Sources and Authors

  1. Category: The Element Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  2. Category: My Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  3. Category: Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  4. Category: A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by [Back to dream]
  5. Category: Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  6. Category: Strangest Dream Explanations by [Back to dream]
  7. Category: Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  8. Category: Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  9. Category: Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  10. Category: New American Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  11. Category: Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by [Back to dream]
  12. Category: The Dream Books Symbols by [Back to dream]
  13. Category: Dream Dictionary Unlimited by [Back to dream]
  14. Category: The Fabric of Dream by [Back to dream]

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