The meaning of the symbols of public, figures seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Today's Dream Interpretation


Meeting A Public Figures At School | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Public Figures

34 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about public and figures related.

Public Speaking

Being in front of a large audience and speaking may mention that you are overcoming your fear of public speaking.If the microphone is not working, it could suggest that there is a ...

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To dream of figures, indicates great mental distress and wrong. You will be the loser in a big deal if not careful of your actions and conversation. ...

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Public exploitation...

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Authority Figure

Might depict what has arisen in your life out of relationship with father, one’s relationship with authority, a view of how one uses power or authority. ...

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Public House

Social, free and easy side of self; alcohol depen­dency. ...

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Authority Figures

(Such as teachers etc.) - see Individual Entries and also see Authority Figures in People Section...

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Dwarf, Malformed Figure

A pan of our personality left un­developed or not integrated.For instance we may have musi­cal ability which was suppressed by the need to bnng up children. Also a pan of self ma...

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Notary Public

Vision: Dreaming about a notary public means official business in the near future; it also might refer to a big family affair or even an impending inheritance.See Lawyer....

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Cloaked Or Hidden Figure

This is a powerful archetypal character aspect and a messenger from the unconscious, often thought of as the archetype of death. This image has its essence in anonymity and may the...

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To dream of a publican, denotes that you will have your sympathies aroused by some one in a desperate condition, and you will diminish your own gain for his advancement.To a young ...

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Hair Of The Armpits, Public Hair And The Moustache

If the hair is small or few, it symbolises steadfastness on Deen and Sunnah.If the hair is plenty is symbolises wilaayat which is bereft of Deen....

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Public Bath

(See Bathhouse, Turkish bath)...

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Shadowy Figure

Example: A shadow thing came very quickly up the stairs, along our corridor and into the bed­room, over to the bed to bend over me. I felt fear as I never felt it before and I sta...

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Administrator / Public Servant

Often appears in a dream when you are suffering from lack of self-worth. Also addressed here is the dreamer’s “responsibility to govern,” which means facing the problems and ...

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Self-portrayal or lack of it, depending on whether, in the dream, you have an audience or you are the public.Folklore: Social advancement....

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Public Transportation

A limited but sensible way of moving about collectively, not individually.See Train....

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Father, Father Figure

Vision: Your father (or a father figure) is a symbol of your need for safety and security (particularly in women’s dreams).For women who change partners frequently, the dream is...

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Figures Or Numbers

This omen is a difficult one to judge, as the importance of the dream depends upon the Figures involved, and these again depend upon the circumstances of the dream. As a rough guid...

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Dreams of a publicist symbolize your inner advocate and champion. This dream is revealing your healthy -esteem and belief in yourself, which is the winning formula to true success....

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Authority Figures Such As Judges, Teachers Etc.

Our concept of authority first develops through our relationship with our father or father figure. Depending on how we were treated as children, our view of authority will be anyth...

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Esoteric Figures

(Astrologers, magicians etc.) Any character within our dreams who appears to have knowledge of magical practices or similar types of knowledge is usually our first introduction to ...

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Hero Or Any Heroic Figure

In today’s world the hero has taken on many guises, particularly in psychological parlance.For many people their own heroic figure, from footballer to successful businessperson, ...

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To dream of a multitude of unrelated figures is a forerunner to the discovery of some previously hidden rivalry or opposition; however, you will be better able to combat it in the ...

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Hidden Figure

The hidden figure in a dream always relates to a quality, character aspect, or skill set that has not yet revealed itself to you. Often a specter of fear, the hidden figure should ...

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Farting Or Burping In Public

To dream that you accidentally fart or burp in public, suggests that you are being passive-aggressive. You need to express your feelings in a more direct manner....

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Father Figure

For some people it was the father who was the ultimate arbiter of discipline and authority when growing up and any appearance of your father in your dreams may remind you of punish...

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Public Lovemaking

In this dream you find yourself making love in a very public place; such a dream suggests that you feel your private life has been made public in some way or that people are specul...

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Public Toilet

1. Slander;2. Gossip;3. Church, ministry, business, or household whose sin is exposed publicly (possibly about to be exposed by media). Prov. 6:16-19;...

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Historical Figures

Historical figures typically represent the kind of person you would like to be or could be, as people in dreams often represent aspects of yourself of which you may be unaware. The...

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Biblical Figure

According to Jung, the figures of Adam and Eve play a positive role in the unconscious mind as they are symbols of the ’self affirming ego’. Together they are seen as the sourc...

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Being Naked In Public

Dreaming that you are in a public place and suddenly realize you are naked often evokes feelings of shame, embarrassment, or horror. However, some individuals remain untroubled by ...

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Naked In Public

Dreaming of being naked in public can carry various meanings, often depending on the emotional reaction of the dreamer. Here are some interpretations of this common dream symbol: ...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation