The meaning of the symbols of pulling, fish, bones and teeth seen in a dream.

sleeping boy


Pulling Fish Bones Out Of Teeth | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Pulling Fish Bones Teeth

48 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about pulling, fish, bones and teeth related.


To dream that you see fish in clear-water streams, denotes that you will be favored by the rich and powerful. Dead fish, signifies the loss of wealth and power through some dire ca...

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An ordinary dream involving teeth often foretells unpleasant encounters with sickness or troubling people. Each scenario related to teeth in dreams can symbolize a range of misfort...

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To see your bones protruding from the flesh, denotes that treachery is working to ensnare you.To see a pile of bones, famine and contaminating influences surround you....

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1. Mortality (human bones, especially a skull).2. Secrets (as in “skeletons in the closet”).3. The simplest, most basic form, sometimes of a situation.4. Difficulty in busines...

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Doing something about a situation; positive action or expression of will. Being pulled: being influenced by some­one or something else; being influenced by aspects of your nature ...

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Pull / Pulling

At a certain stage of spiritual development, we can find ourselves being pulled in a certain direction. We may be compelled to do certain things without necessarily knowing where t...

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To dream of a fish-net, portends numerous small pleasures and gains.A torn one, represents vexatious disappointments. ...

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False Teeth

To see false teeth, or someone noticeably wearing false teeth, means that someone is putting up a false front in dealing with you. Check your business contacts carefully If you dre...

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Fish Market

To visit a fish market in your dream, brings competence and pleasure.To see decayed fish, foretells distress will come in the guise of happiness. ...

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Wisdom Teeth

Words of wisdom, unless decayed; missing means a lack of wisdom...

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A scheme is on foot to injure you; be on guard....

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Fish Tank

To see a well-stocked fish tank predicts luck in business and social affairs.To dream that you are cleaning a fish tank, suggests that you are changing your emotional expression in...

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Broken Bones

You are dreaming of a loss to the foundational integrity of some aspect of your life. Bones as foundational elements indicate that the essence of the stressor that is being express...

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Teeth Falling Out

Insecurity in Life Dreams about teeth falling out often signify feelings of insecurity in some area of your life. Teeth serve three essential functions: they help us nurture oursel...

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To dream of cross-bones, foretells you will be troubled by the evil influence of others, and prosperity will assume other than promising aspects.To see cross-bones as a monogram on...

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To dream of a fish-pond, denotes illness through dissipation, if muddy.To see one clear and well stocked with fish, portends profitable enterprises and extensive pleasures.To see o...

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A prize catch in the sea of life; exalted one; see “fishing”...

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The sword of the word, used to help others; see “knife” and “fish”...

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Carp (fish Or Action)

One needs to be more understanding of others. ...

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Animal Bones

(See Bones)...

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Fillets Of Fresh Fish

If the fillets, fat or skin of fresh fish is eaten or acquired by a person it means he will acquire wealth and assets from someone. Perhaps from some authority or woman....

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Fish Restaurant

(See Seafood restaurant)...

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Fresh Fish

If they are huge and many they symbolise wealth and assets from the one who acquires them.If small and many it means he will be afflicted with grief and sorrow.If one or two, they ...

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Long Teeth

If a person sees his teeth as long or white or beautiful, it means that he will witness certain conditions in some of his family members that will give him pleasure and satisfactio...

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Loose Teeth

Loose teeth implies that one of his family members will fall ill....

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Masticating Teeth

To see the teeth in the act of chewing suggest that one of his family members will fall ill....

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Salted Fish

Salted fish whether small or big symbolise grief and sorrow caused by a person’s servants, subordinates or brother....

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Stuffed Fish

(See Stuffed turkey)...

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Teeth In The Pocket

Pocketing the teeth or wrapping them in cloth or seeing them falling into the hand or keeping them in the house-any of these is a harbinger of a child, brother or sister being born...

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The Flesh, Skin And Bones Of A Crocodile

These symbolises wealth belonging to a person’s enemy. Acquiring any of these means he will acquire assets from his enemy....

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The Front Two Teeth-upper And Lower

They symbolise a person’s children, brothers and sisters....

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Fish, Sea Creatures

When we will to speak or move, uncon­scious physical and psychological impulses and processes oc­cur to produce the response. These deeply unconscious pro­cesses are often depic...

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Fish / Fisherman / Fishing

See Angel, Ocean. Living life from the depths of the soul and emotions, because fish live in the depths of the sea. Feeling like “a fish in water”—being in one’s element. O...

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Pulling Teeth

Something that you cannot or are not supposed to have.(“Getting the information is like pulling teeth.”)...

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Bones Ob Skeleton

To dream of ordinary meat Bones is a sign of poverty; but if you see a human skeleton, it is a sign of property coming to you under a will....

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Flying Fish

Deceitful associates and late hours hold especial danger; try to avoid both for some time....

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Fighting Fish

Dreams of fighting fish represents that you are afraid that if you allowed your angry feelings to surface, you would not know how to stop. You are feeling out of control with your ...

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Fish Bowl

Dreams of a fish bowl represent that you are revealing your true feelings, emotions and intentions seen. Perhaps you are feeling exposed, emotional naked and forthright....

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Gold Fish

Dreams of a gold fish represent the wealth and richness of your emotions and your inner life; recognizing the value of introspection and connection to the divine feminine within th...

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Teeth / Loss Of Teeth

Vitality, relatives, friends, and lovers; but this image also has a predatory and destructive side.See Vampire.As far back as Greek mythology, teeth were said to refer to children....

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Teeth {most Req. Word}

Teeth was the most requested dream word of all so here goes...If you dream of having false teeth this indicates that you will have unexpected help on a problem.To dream of rotten t...

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Brushing Your Teeth

To brush your teeth, foretells that some great struggle will be demanded of you in order to preserve your fortune.If you see a friend brushing their teeth, it may be a warning that...

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Fish Hook

Baiting a fishhook in a dream is a prediction of a passionate new love affair. However, if you dream of getting a fishhook stuck in any part of your body, this is a warning against...

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Loosing Teeth

This is a fear of survival dream. Without teeth we cannot eat. Big life changes are taking place such as leaving home for the first time; becoming pregnant, getting married or gett...

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Fish / Fishing

Large bodies of water often symbolize the unconscious, so any sea creature can represent a message from the unconscious or “diving” into the unconscious. Completely at home in ...

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Reptiles, Fish And Amphibians

According to Jung, fish represent the deepest levels of the unconscious mind.He suggested that this was due to their cold-blooded nature and their early evolution on earth. Dreams ...

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Fish Species

Individual fish species impart their own meanings to dreamers. Pay particular attention to the color of the fish as this will add to the interpretation; for example, a purple fish ...

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Teeth Falling Out Or Crumbling

This dream might have a physical origin in people gritting or grinding their teeth during sleep. Freud suggested that dreams of teeth falling out are related to fears of castration...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation