Please wait, your dream is being interpreted...


To read or write an epitaph in your dream, signifies much good to come from a secret friend. To read your own epitaph, signifies marriage with one now an entire stranger, of great ...


lf a man dreams his ears 'be fair and well-shaped, it shows he shall come to great renown; but if he dreams his ears are illfavored and deformed, it shows the contrary. S This drea...


To dream of earthworms, signifies secret enemies that endeavor to ruin and destroy us....


To dream of the execution of offenders, shows that you will be very suddenly sought after for relief, by some that are in very great want and extremitv....


-To dream you lose your eyes, is a very unfavorable omen; it denotes decay of circumstances, loss of friends, death of relations and miscarriage in love....


To dream of an earthquake, warns yon that vonr affairs are about to take a very great change. If Voti see many houses tumbled into ruins, then it will be much for the better; shoul...


To dream of a friend's elopement, signifies marriage against the wishes of your friends, and unhappiness. To dream of your own elopement, betokens entering into ruinous speculation...

Eclipse Of The Sun

To dream you see an eclipse of the sun, denotes that VOU will lose some male friend your father, if he be alive; and that you will experience some uneasiness by the means of some t...

Eclipse Of The Moon

To dream you see an eclipse of the moon, denotes that you will lose some female friend your mother, if she is living. You will experience great uneasiness on account of a woman; yo...


To dream of one elk, signifies loss of property and danger in your life. To dream of a drove of them, signifies that you will be forced to abandon your favorite projects in a matri...


To dream of an elf signifies a happy return of one long absent; presents of value may be expected after this dream, which also signifies marriage, with wealth, position and happine...


To dream of an elephant is a very fortunate dream; it denotes acquirement of riches. If you are in love, it denotes a speedy marriage with your sweetheart, and many children, chief...


To dream of elderberries augurs content and riches; to a maiden, they bespeak marriage; to the tradesman, success in business; to the farmer, good crops. ...


To dream you are buying or selling eggs, is a very favorable omen; whatever you are then about will succeed, whether it be love, trade, or getting a place. To dream that you are ea...


If you dream of seeing any friend portraved in effigy, he is a hypocrite, carrying a fair face over a false heart. Beware of him, especially in love matters....


To dream of eels, signifies to beware of slippery pursuits and uncertain speculations. If the eels escape you, you will be jilted in love; if you hold it, honor and married happine...


To dream of being in the Garden of Eden, signifies that every happiness will be yours, and you will become selfish and indifferent to the wants of others. If you pluck fruit, you w...


To dream you see an eagle soaring very high in the air,denotes prosperity, riches, and honor; to the lover it foretells success in love and happy marriage. To dream you see an eagl...


To dream of gathering dandelions is ominous of one to dream you see a large bed of them denotes that you have many new enemies forming, who will do you much injury in secret. If on...


lt is good to dream of daisies •in spring or summer; but bad in fall or winter....


To dream you stand on a dunghill ig a favorable omen. Tt is a sure forerunner of success in everything undertaken at this time. For a maiden to dream she is on a dunghill is a sign...


To dream you drink cold water is good; but hot signifies hindrances of affairs. To dream you drink wine with moderation is good; to drink oil signifies poison. To dream you are dri...


To dream of a dolphin, shows to seafaring men a wind from the place whence you dream he cometh. But to dream you see the dolphin out of water, signifies the death of friends....


To dream about this professed enernv to the human race denotes that many dangers will threaten you, all of which you will overcome; if you are in love, it forebodes that some one i...


To dream you are in a dairy, skimming the cream off the milk, and that your sweetheart partakes of the cream, denotes him inclined to luxury. But if he drinks the milk, it is a sig...


To dream vou are drunk is one of those dreams by which the dreamer is forewarned of that of which at present he knows nothing. It denotes that some person whom yet you do not know ...


ln dreams of debt, we are to take notice, that the debtor and creditor represent- life; wherefore, to the sick, the creditor urging and constraining is great danger, and receiving ...


To dream of death signifies a wedding; for death and marriage represent one another. For the sick to dream they are married, or that they celebrate their weddings, is a sign of dea...

Dead Man

To dream that you see a dead man, signifieth that he tnat dreams will be subject to the same passions and fortune as the party deceased had when alive, if he knew him. If any one d...


To dream you are in a very dark place, or that you are in the dark, is a very unfavorable omen. To dream you get out of darkness into light, denotes good to the dreamer. Expect, al...


To dream of talking with dead folks, is a good, auspicious dream, and signifies a boldness of courage and a very clear conscience. To dream a man is dead that is alive and in healt...


To dream you are drowning, or that you see another drowned or drowning, portends good to the dreamer. To the lover it denotes that your sweetheart is good-tempered and inclined to ...


To dream of these faithful and domestic animals has very different significations, according to the manner in which you see them. If they fawn and fondle upon you, then it is a luc...


To dream of deep ditches, steep mountains, rocks and other eminences, surely foretells danger and misfortune: expect thieves to rob your dwelling; that your children will be unduti...


To dream of dirt signifies sickness and dishonor. To dream you fall in the dirt, signifies that you will be treacherously dealt with....


To dream vou are playing at dice, denotes a portion of our time will meet with various fortune, sometimes rich, and sometimes poor. To dream that you are the winner, denotes fortun...


To dream you see deer in a park, denotes war and famine. To the lover, it foretells some very unpleasant dispute with your sweetheart. To the tradesman, it denotes trouble and a pr...


To dream that you are dancing at a ball, a wake, or entertainment, foretells that you will shortly receive some joyful news from a long absent friend, and that you are about to inh...

Cypress Trees

To dream you see a cypress tree, denotes affliction and obstruction in business....


lf you dream Cupid breaks his dart, your love will change. If he breaks his bow, you are likely to die an old maid....


lf you dream you hear the cuckoo ypur sweetheart will prove a coquette....


To dream of currants prefigures happiness in life, success in undertakings, constancy in your sweetheart, handsome children to the married,.riches to the farmer and tradesman....


To dream of cucumbers denotes recovery to the sick, and that you will speedily fall in love, or that if you are in love, you will marry your present object of affection. It also de...


To dream you are walking on crutches, is a very unfavorable omen; to dream you .see another walking on crutches, denotes that these things will happen to some friend....


To dream you see these emblems of rovalty, portends success and elevation to dignities, either in the church or State. For a maid to dream of a crown, shows she will marry a verv i...


To dream that you are crowing, or that you hear others crowing, denotes ill-luck, especially to lovers; but to dream that you hear pigeons crowing, is good, especially to the newly...


To dream you see a crow, signifies expedition of business. To dream you see a crow flying, is ill-luck : and if you hear them croaking unpleasantly, the dream is so much the worse....

Cross Purposes

To dream that one plays at cross purposes, signifies prosperity, joy, pleasure, health, and concord among friends and relations....


To dream you see a cross carried along, signifies sadness. ...


To dream of a crocodile signifies pirates or robbers at sea, or wicked persons of any sort like the crocodile....


To dream that you are crawling on the floor is bad; • but to dream that you are crawling on the roof of a house is good, particularlv to the lovers, as it is a sure sign they wil...


For a man to dream his flesh is full of corns, shows he will grow rich proportionably to his corns....


To dream you see fields of corn, or that you are among unthreshed corn, is a very favorable omen; it denotes success in business; to the lover it announces that vou will marry, hav...


Dream you're busy with a cook,And for a wedding shortly look....


To dream you see an unknown person of a brown complexion, is a sign of glory, honor, success, and despatch of business. If one dreams he sees a woman of a very brown complexion, it...


To dream you command any one, signifies troubles; to dream you see one command, signifies anger and authority....


To dream you have comforts of any one, betokens to the rich and happy, injury and mishap; but to the poor and afflicted, aid and comfort....


To dream you see one of these extraordinary ethereal substances, is ominous of war, plague. famine, and death; to the lover it forebodes an entire frustration of his hopes; to the ...


To dream about your companions, whether male or female, augurs that some unpleasantness is about to occur betwixt you and them: should the dream be about some accident happenmg to ...


For any person to dream of combing himself or herself, is good, both for man or woman, for it signifies to get out of evil times or affairs....


To dream of coals is a very unlucky omen; it denotes much affliction and trouble. To dream you see coals burning, if they are very clear and bright, is a good sign. To dream you se...


To dream of being in the bottom of coal-pits, signifies marrying with a widow; for he that marries her, shall never sound the depths of her policy....


To dream you are riding in a coach is a very unlucky omen; it foretells poverty and disgrace; if von are in love, your sweetheart will be idle and bad-tempered; if vou are in trade...


To dream of white clouds, signifies prosperity; clouds mounting high from the earth, denote voyages, the return of the absent, and revealing of secrets; clouds red and inflamed, sh...


To dream you hear the clock strike, denotes that vou will be speedily married, and that you will be moderately successful in life. To dream you are counting the hours, if in the fo...


To dream that you are climbing up a tree, denotes that you will be successful in life. To dream you are climbing up a very steep hill or place, foretells many difficulties in life,...


To dream of a church is portentous of evil. If you are in a church during divine service. you will be engaged in a lawsuit, or some quarrel which will go verv near to ruin you. If ...


To dream you see children. denotes success in your undertakings. To dream you see a child born, denotes a speedy marriage, and that you will be very happy with your familvù To dre...


To dream of a hen and chickens is the fo-rernnner of ill-luck; your sweetheart will betray you, and marry another. If you are a farmer, you will have a bad crop, and lose many of y...


lf any one dreams that he plays at chess with an acquaintance, it is a sign that he will fall out with somebody he knows; and if he imagines in his dream he wins, he shall be over ...


To dream of cherries, indicates disappointments in life, vexation in the married state, and slights in love....


 To dream of cheese is not in vain.In trade you will a profit gain....


To dream one hath cheeks plump, fat, and of vermilion tincture, is good to all especially to women; but to dream that you are lean, pale, and full of wrinkles signifies grief and h...


To dream of driving a chariot drawn by wolves, leopards, dogs, tigers, or such like beasts, is only good to such as have great enemies. To dream to be drawn in a chair by men, is g...


To walk in one, signifies to fall in the estimation of friends, and suffer from scandal. To meet a friend in a cave, signifies that you will marry beneath you, and be unhealthy. To...


To dream you gee caterpillars, signifies ill luck and misfortune by secret enemies....


To dream you see cattle feeding, denotes great prosperity and unexpected success; to a lover it foretells a happy marriage, with many children, and to the man it shows that his wif...


To dream of these domestic animals, is indicative of much trouble and vexation it denotes to the lover, that your sweetheart is treacherous; if you keep servants, they are unfaithf...


To dream of being in one, signifies that you will receive a legacy. To leave a castle, signifies desertion of friends and heavv loss. To view a castle from a distance, signifies th...


To dream of being tied in a cart, to draw like a horse or an ox, denotes servitude and pain to everybody; but to dream that you are carried in a cart or coach, the contrary....


To dream of carrots, signifies profit and strength to them that are at law for an inheritance; for we pluck them out of the ground with our hands branches, strings, and veins....


To dream of carrion, signifies sadness....


To dream that a capon crows, signifies sadness and trouble....


To dream of this first-born son of man, who was Adam's eldest son, is a very unfavorable omen. After such a dream, let the dreamer travel into another part of the country and form ...


To dream of letting birds out of a cage, denotes a speedy marriage. To a person in busmess it denotes success, and to a farmer it denotes good crops....


To dream you are playing at cards, is a sure prognostic that you will be in love and speedily married. If vou hold a great many picture cards your marriage will be the means of mak...


To dream a candle burns bright and clear, denotes a pleasing letter from your sweetheart • but if the candle's blaze gets dull, vou will be disappointed. To dream you see a candl...


To dream that one makes them, signifies joy and profit; that vou will thrive in all vour undertakings. To dream of cakes without cheese, is good; but to dream of both signifies dec...


To dream of bright buttons is always good; if rusty, it portends to misfortune; if covered, sadness; if a man dreams he has lost all the buttons off his clothes, it is a sign he wi...


To dream of business signifies that an unknown friend desires to enter partnership with you. After such a dream marriage is sure to be happy....


To dream of seeing butchers is, in general, a very unlucky omen; it always foretells some injury to the dreamer. If you see them cutting up meat, some of your friends will be hange...


Heavy burdens signify that you will have to labor for another person's support; if you cannot bear the burden, many persons will depend upon you; if it is supportable, you will be ...


For a man to dream he is burned signifies (according to the interpretations of the Persians and Egyptians) that he shall be rich, honored, and respected; but if he imagines that he...

Burning Fire

To dream of a burning fire denotes great anger and contention. If you succeed in extinguishing the fire you will triumph over your enemies. If you are not successful in extinguishi...


To dream of burning doth implyA sudden danger ripe and nigh ;Of all escapes, you then beware,For though fate threatens, it may spare....


To dream a burial passes by,News of the living doth imply....


To dream you are pursued by a bull, denotes that many injurious reports will be spread of your character. If you dream the bull gores you, or tosses you, then expect shortly to los...


To dream of being amongst buildings, denotes that you will change your present place of residence, and that you will make many new friends in life; if you are in love, it foretells...


To dream you see your brother, denotes a speedy marriage in your family, and that the dreamer will be long-lived; if you are in love, it is a favorable omen....


To dream of eating broth is a good sign, and signifies profit and gain....


To dream you are crossing over a bridge is a good omen it denotes prosperity through life and success in love. To dream you are passing under a bridge, indicates that you will neve...

 brewing And Baking

To dream of brewing and baking is the sign of an ill housewife, who lies dreaming in bed, when she should be at work and doing her business....

Briars And Brambles

lf you dream you are passing through places covered with these things, it portends troubles : if they prick you, secret enemies will do you an injury with your friends, and unfavor...


To dream you see a great quantity of loaves of bread, denotes success in life. To dream you are eating good bread, denotes that yon will be shortly married. To dream the bread is m...

On The Color ;

if green, he will be deceitful; if blue, he will prove affectionate; if pink, his love will not be lasting; if yellow or white, he will quicklv improve marriage....


For a maiden to dream ghe gets a new bonnet, gives promise of a new lover, but Mother Shipton says that much depends...


To dream that you are on the water in a boat, provided you are in company, denotes prosperity and success in your undertaking. • If you dream you are in a boat alone, it is a bad...

Blowing The Fire

To dream you are blowing the fire, indicates to the lover, that your sweetheart IS very angry with you....

Blossoming Of Trees

To dream you see all sorts of trees blossoming, is a sign of joy, comfort, and recreation....

Blindman's Buff

To dream that one plays blindman's buff, signifies joy and pleasure....


To dream of being blind is a certain sign that you repose your confidence in some person who is your bitter enemy; it denotes also that your sweetheart is unfaithful, and prefers a...


To dream you are bleeding, denotes loss of goods and character, and that your sweetheart will not marry you. To dream you see another bleeding, indicates that some person who prete...


To dream of a bishop denotes some coming important event in your religious life. Communion signifies fame. To be denounced signifies misfortune in love. Confession signifies the ex...


To dream of one's birth is good for him that is poor; but to him that is rich, this dream signifies that others shall rule over him against his will....

Bird's Nest

To dream you find one is a good sign. To dream you find one without eggs or birds, shows you will meet great disappointments....


To dream vou catch birds, signifies profit and pleasure. ...


To dream of the death of near relatives betokens a wealthy and desirable marriage in the family. If you are present at the deathbed and suffer great sorrow, you will soon marry; if...


To dream you hear the bells ringing denotes a speedy marriage, and that you will receive some very good news. ...


To dream of beggars is rather unfavgrable, especially to lovers, and persons in business. To dream they beg alms of you, and that you refuse it, denotes misery, want, -and a prison...


To dream you see any one beheaded, is a good omen if you are in love, you will marry the object of your affections  if you are in prison, you will speedily gain your liberty....


To dream of eating beets, signifies freedom from trouble, and expedition of business; because they make the body soluble....


To dream they sting you, denotes loss of good character; and if you are in love, of your sweetheart. To dream you see them at work, is a very lucky dream it forebodes great success...


 To dream a bear thy steps pursues, A cruel foe some mischief brews....


For a man to dream he has a long beard, denotes good fortune; if he is in trade, he will thrive; if he is in love, he will marry the present object of his affections, who will brin...


To dream you are eating beans, always signifies trouble and dissension....


To dream you see a battle in the streets forewarns you against secret enemies, who will endeavor to harm you if you are in love, your sweetheart is false to you. ...


To dream of a bath is a very unpropitious omen; expect after it to experience manv hardships and much sorrow. If you are in love, your sweetheart will experience many crosses and l...


For a man to dream of baskets is evil it denotes decay of business to a merchant, and want of employment to a mechanic, and loss of place to a servant; but if a woman dreams she re...


To dream of a basin, signifies a good maid; and to dream you eat or drink therein, shows you have a love to the servant maid....


To dream of a barn, and that you see it well stored with corn, denotes much good; i' foretells to a man that he will marry some rich woman; to a maid, that she will marry a man who...


Dream you join the festive round,And joy and pleasure will abound....


To dream of bacon denotes the death of some friend or relation, and that enemies will endeavor to do you mischief in love, it denotes disappointment discontent....


To dream yon see your back, betokens some uneasiness; for the back to be broken or hurt, shows you will be scoffed at by your enemies; yet to dream of the backbone, signifies healt...


To dream of a bachelor, if he be young, have a care in all your actions, or you will be deceived; but, at the same time be candid and generous in all you do. If he be old, then ill...


To dream you have a babe is good. That you nurse a babe, wealth and happiness. That one dies, misfortunes. That you desire to have one, future fortune and prosperity....


To dream of an aunt, betokens wealth and friends....


To dream you attend an auction is, on the whole, unfavorable. If you purchase, expect loss of property. If you only attend, you are sure to meet with a heavy deprivation of friends...


To dream that you are speaking with them, shows hindrance of business, and that a man shall have little success in his affairs....


To dream you see jackasses, is a good sign. To dream vou are riding on an ass, is the forerunner of some foolish quarrel. To dream that you are driving an ass, denotes that you wil...


To dream of an assassin is a warning not to be neglected. Shun all pretending friends, lend no money, be ever on your guard, and you may escape destruction, which ia planned for yo...


For persons to dream they ascend toward the skies is favorable; particularly so if the clouds appear bright....

Armed Men

To see them in your dream is a good sign, and denotes one void of fear; to dream you see an armed man fly is a sign of victory; to see men come in arms against you, signifies sadne...


To dream your arms are withered is a certain sign that you will decay in health and fortune. To dream they are grown strong, signifies that some unexpected success will attend you,...


To dream of apricots denotes health and prosperity, a speedy marriage, dutiful children and success in love....


To dream of apples betokens long life and success, faithfulness in your lover, and riches by trade....


To dream you see a ghost, hobgoblin, spectre, and such kind of things, is of a very unfortunate nature; it denotes vexation and disappointment; if you are in love, it is a certain ...


Nothing more demonstrates the events that are about to happen to you, than dreaming of wearing apparel; but almost every color has a different interpretation, and must depend on it...


To dream of unsatisfied hunger, signifies disappointment in your favorite plans. Satisfied hunger, if the imaginary repast be bountiful, signifies that you will inherit a large for...


To dream you have seen or had anythincr to do with them, signifies malicious, weak, strange and secret enemies; also a malefactor and deceiver....


To dream of these industrious little insects, hath a variety of interpretations, and depends upon the manner in which you dream of them; if you see them running about, it denotes t...


Dreaming of domestic animals signifies the happy return of absent friends, peaceful domestic relations, and reconciliation of quarrels. Wild animals signify secret enemies, of whom...


To dream that you are angling, betokens much affliction and trouble in something which you desire to get....


To dream that you have been provoked to anger, shows that you have powerful enemies....


To dream you see an angel is good, but to speak with or call upon them is evil....


To dream you see one, signifies great assurance and certain hope....


To dream you uncover or discover an altar, betokens joy and gladness....


'Tis good to dream thou'rt left alone,A friend thou hast on the highest throne....


To dream that they are begged of you, and you deny to give them, shows want and misery to the dreamer; but to dream that you give them freely is a sign of joy and long life....


To dream one sees or eats almonds, signifies difficulties and troubles....


To dream of the atmosphere has a variety of interpretations, and depends entirely on the different appearances it has. If you dream the sky is clear, of a fine blue, calm and seren...


To dream you have an ague, denotes nothing very particular, more than that you are in danger of becoming a drunkard and a glutton. To dream your sweetheart has an ague, is a lucky ...


To dream that you receive obstruction from him, shows that you will despatch your business quickly....


To dream of your admirers, ensures the realization of your wishes....


To dream you are bidding adieu to your friends, portends sickness and misfortune....


To dream you see this father of men, this inhabitant of Paradise, who was betrayed by Eve into sin, is a happy omen. If he looks pleasant be sure you will succeed in whatever you u...


To dream that you are sent on an errand, signifies great loss to the married; to the lover it denotes success to his pursuits, and that he will shortly marry a very amiable and acc...


To dream that you fight with them, signifies distraction, especially if the person so dreaming be sick....


To dream of acorns do not sliffhtIt promises both strength and might....


To dream that an accident occurs to you, portends great success; if you see an accident to another, beware of false friends....


lf you dream that you accept or are accepted by a lover, or one able to promote your welfare, betokens that you will have little chance of having your wishes gratified, and ought t...


To dream that you fall into an abyss, denotes illness to yourself that you will lose the attention of your lover that your husband or wife is unfaithful that your friends will dese...


To dream that you are abused and insulted, is a certain sign that some dispute will happen between you and some person with whom you have business; therefore, after such a dream yo...


To dream of any absent friends,Good news of them, or ill, portends ;But, if at thy bedside they seem,Their deaths, perhaps, may solve thy dream....


To dream of abortion, signifies that ill-luck has been overcome, and that prosperity is in store....


That vou find yourself in a strange abode, foretells sudden and unlooked-for change in your fortunes; but, if refused admittance, or ejected, that danger is In your path, but may b...


To dream of seeing or hearing anything that causes great abhorrence, signifies the most successful issue of all your undertakings....


To dream-some one is abetting you in your wishes or schemes, means tlààt you will fail m that which you desire or are attempting....

Abbess Or Abbey

To dream you see either an Abbess or Abbey, signifies some insidious person is grossly deceiving you. If you are in love, see well to the companions of your lover to avoid the misc...


To dream you abandon your lover, wife, or husband, is a sure proof of increased affection for you; but if they abandon you, that some event is about to occur that will require grea...

Dreaming Of Horses

Horse Symbolism Horse Colors Horse Actions Additional Interpretations Freedom and Power Sexual Energy Strength and Endurance Journey or Tra...

Dreaming Of Snakes

Snakes in Dreams Negative Associations with Snakes Positive Associations with Snakes Symbolism of Snakes Interpretation Based on Culture Psychological Inte...

Dreaming Of Seeing An Apple

Dreaming of Seeing an Apple Dreaming of Eating an Apple Dreaming of Picking Apples Dreaming of Seeing a Rotten Apple Dreaming of Seeing an Apple Tree Dream...

Interpreting Dreams About Teeth Falling Out

The General Meaning of Teeth Falling Out Dreams: Teeth falling out dreams are among the most common and can carry various interpretations across different cultures and dream analy...


Dreaming of dogs depends on whether or not the dog is known to us. If known, the dream can represent happy memories. If unknown, the dog may represent qualities of loy...


If you dream of a dog, it may symbolize your animalistic nature. Perhaps you haven’t fully embraced your primal instincts. A dog frothing with rage could indicate a rep...


Introduction Dreams about houses are common and can have different meanings depending on the specific details of the dream. The house in the dream is often seen as a reflection ...


Dreams about houses are a common occurrence and can carry various meanings depending on the specific details of the dream. The house is typically seen as a reflection of the dreame...


A dream about drowning can be interpreted in multiple ways. Firstly, since water is a metaphor for feelings, it usually means that the dreamer is afraid of being overwhelmed by pow...


Dreams about money can represent abundance, power, and success, but also reflect our relationship with ourselves and others. Receiving or losing money in a dream may indicate finan...


The snake is a complex and multifaceted symbol that can represent a variety of meanings depending on the context in which it appears. In dreams, the snake often carries symbolic si...


Dreams about babies can have different meanings depending on the context and the dreamer's personal life. Generally, a baby in a dream represents new beginnings, innocence, and pur...


The Symbolism of Trees in Dreams Trees are powerful symbols in dreams, representing essential concepts such as life, growth, and wisdom. Their deep connection to nature and their ...


If you are being handed an apple in your dream, it could be a symbol of temptation. Pay close attention to the apple and the person offering it. Is the apple fresh and as it should...


lucky numbers: 07-13-21-36-50-57going to the, alone: are humiliated and your instincts confined. with family: good hopes if the future wil al ow. friend: do not confide your secret...


lucky numbers: 08-17-25-49-50-53of any sign of the: wil have a big fortune in the future. children’s: wil be greatly loved by the children. family’s: riches. own sign: wil win ...


lucky numbers: 08-14-28-50-51-52buying a: desire to develop an easier relationship with someone. stuck, a: social embarrassment in opening and closing remarks. unzipping own clothe...


lucky numbers: 02-15-19-32-35-37buying: your future wil be built on a firm foundation. articles made of: avoid speculations in gold. handling: you participate in too many amusement...


lucky numbers: 16-24-30-31-36-49walking: business wil suffer due to your inability to commit. children: wil go out of your mind; forget control, use gentle nudging. friends: avoid ...


lucky numbers: 03-04-07-36-39-40being in a: wil be molested for achievements causing a great hazard. on fire: your passion, not your intel ect, wil achieve your goal. coming down i...


lucky numbers: 04-12-20-32-42-47divorced people dreaming of the: wil marry a rich man or rich woman. married person: unusual wealth. unmarried: good choice of husband or wife. wido...


lucky numbers: 05-08-15-18-23-43being attacked by a wild: your honor is in danger from a venture with little credibility. mother, with her young: disagreements with friends wil dis...


lucky numbers: 02-07-17-31-33-50being a, zealot: wil fight for your cause to the detriment of the world. not: peril and misfortune when you let sentiment rule your decision. others...


lucky numbers: 09-14-17-29-32-42aged person dreaming of: remembering a younger aspect of your life. woman: wil have a devoted husband. being: a positive change lasts as long as you...


lucky numbers: 01-08-17-30-41-43hanging garments, a: try to develop your own personality. having a, on shoulders carrying two pails: punishment and slavery. of a gallows: are influ...


lucky numbers: 21-26-28-29-36-46meditation: a family member is in need. yogi, a: must turn your attention to spiritual things. ...


lucky numbers: 11-14-15-16-24-34hearing children: many family quarrels over minor issues. hideous yells: worry wil be smoothed away. noisy: wil have peace and money. others: wil ha...


lucky numbers: 14-16-28-30-35-37baking with: wil receive money under strange circumstances. bread with: abundance wil rise out of your creative spirit. buying: unusual wealth from ...


lucky numbers: 12-17-22-30-31-40at social events: are unfitted to fil your position; find one more appropriate. at the office: pick a realistic career goal and request better venti...


lucky numbers: 10-21-29-30-37-43balling: can easily extract yourself from a trap. buying: a present from a recently developed friendship that must remain secret. man dreaming of: w...


lucky numbers: 24-25-31-44-46-48being in a: an unwelcome friend wil visit you. friend’s, a: persecution. neighbor’s, a: must rely on your own efforts. having an untidy: wil hav...


lucky numbers: 06-13-23-28-30-33being on a: realization of your own ambitions. of a: connections wil bring you good luck. owning a: do not depend on anyone else for your funds. sai...

X Ray

lucky numbers: 08-22-25-32-42-47having a favorable, report: an important and very beneficial event to come. unfavorable: others are not fooled by your confident facade. having own,...


lucky numbers: 02-08-27-28-36-46deporting a foreigner: loss of a faithful friend. disliking: family quarrels. having hatred for: happiness. insulting: a mystery wil be solved. man ...


lucky numbers: 04-22-24-32-37-46addresses: remember friends and spy on your enemies. agenda, an: infirmity from a blunder in scheduling. another: renege on the contract; are not pl...


lucky numbers: 06-14-28-37-39-48clothes, in: wil have smal disagreements, but the total stil stands. elderly man with: loss of friendship through incorrigible comments. middle age:...


lucky numbers: 09-12-14-19-27-40losing at arm: a col eague is out to deprive you. of a, match: disputes over a difficult problem. losing: bow out of the controversy and restrain yo...


lucky numbers: 09-24-30-32-40-42beautiful flowers, of a: high hopes and wel -deserved honors. being crowned with a: unconscious guilt for a lack of sympathy. crepe paper, a: wil ha...


lucky numbers: 01-21-24-38-39-44being wounded: a new opportunity to advance yourself at work. accident, in a: tel the loved one that they hurt you. another: take extra care when dr...


lucky numbers: 04-11-12-31-19-40being on plants: wil receive unexpected money through holding on to old friends. destroying: are blindsided by an acquaintance’s betrayal. on own ...


lucky numbers: 05-17-21-38-41-47discussing the, situation: wil be molested by enemies. going bad: wil be double-crossed by someone nearby. end of the, the: a part of your past is b...


lucky numbers: 05-08-09-14-17-39being at: a mountain of past experience has molded your views and actions. your family: financial gains. your help: realization of high ambitions. c...


lucky numbers: 07-12-17-27-41-47buying: prosperity and success. clothes: loss of a friend. lamb’s: are a very kind and easygoing person. making material from raw: wil suffer from...


lucky numbers: 24-27-30-40-48-49broken trees in the: pleasant social activities. burning: affliction. clearing in the, a: a reprieve from uncertainties. getting lost in the: expect...


lucky numbers: 02-07-15-19-29-30being cut by a, burr: withdraw from unpleasant people. buying: are in need because your efforts are not rewarded. carving a, piece: wish to share yo...


lucky numbers: 14-25-33-34-36-40accosted by a, being: envy destroys honor. amorous, being: you demand too much with your confidence and decisiveness. approached by a, being: wil be...


lucky numbers: 04-08-35-44-45-48being attacked by a: secret enemies seek your destruction. chased by a: friends save you from scandal. frightened by a: are so anxious that you wil ...


lucky numbers: 09-15-22-35-45-46being in contempt as a: insecurity in your affairs. false: wil go to prison, and if not behind bars, then beyond your sight. being a, in court: fals...

Wishing Well

lucky numbers: 04-28-37-41-47-48dropping money into a: choose friends careful y; listen to criticism gingerly. making a wish over a: a fortune for those who feed you. of a: two adm...


lucky numbers: 12-19-24-32-36-38being sapient: confusion in business affairs when what is wise isn’t practical. person giving advice: are being deceived into believing because it...


lucky numbers: 09-12-13-16-22-29being at an office of, machines: money wil come easily from outside sources. machine being broken: have many enemies who would sabotage your efforts...


lucky numbers: 11-14-22-32-35-36barbed, being caught in a: reword your stern defense to waylay your opponent’s fears. climbing over a: leave enemies to their own devices. electri...


lucky numbers: 15-21-29-31-41-49being sick during the: relatives are envious of your lack of emotional involvement. farmer dreaming of a severe: good harvest wil be renewed each ye...


lucky numbers: 02-11-12-14-28-46barrel of, having a full: you fret and stew with no cause or consequence. bottle of, a: feasting, prosperous times and consequent friendships. broke...


Lucky numbers: 10-19-26-34-48-49 Common Interpretations Back of your home, at the: Disputes between sisters turn malicious. Blocked window: A determined denial of sight or p...


lucky numbers: 04-10-24-27-35-42changing directions: untrustworthy people surround you, but you make the decisions. married people dreaming of a: untruthfulness between mates. swee...


lucky numbers: 05-06-07-08-18-29battling with the: rapid success of your own hopes, if you face difficulties head on. blowing: are forewarned, litigation wil take untiring energy a...


lucky numbers: 02-03-08-22-27-34farmer using a: are in the grip of a deceitful person. yourself: control of your life sometimes has to be artificial y manipulated. lifting a heavy ...


lucky numbers: 03-06-08-14-41-42creeping: forsaken love; wil be consoled by faithful friends. making baskets out of, branches: approaching money. of, trees: a rival wil take the af...


lucky numbers: 22-25-33-47-51-52bequest being made in own favor, a: to inherit money requires tact and diplomacy. from an unknown person: financial gains. canceling a bequest: wil ...


lucky numbers: 02-18-19-20-28-48inhabited only by wild beasts: everyone, no matter how threatening, has a purpose in your life. of the: wil have a festive occasion in your home. un...

Wild Beast

lucky numbers: 18-27-28-34-41-42being attacked by a: get past the adversity to live a long life. being pursued by a: disgraced by a friend’s offense. cage, in a: enemies wil fail...


lucky numbers: 02-18-20-32-41-46man wearing a light-colored: several women refuse you, and your partner unfairly judges you. dark-: wil be loved best by women who induce you to mak...


lucky numbers: 04-19-25-29-35-37afflicted, being: rapid success in business, to your detriment. arguing with your: wil have a quarrel lasting several days. beating her husband: a l...


lucky numbers: 01-10-20-24-38-45marrying a rich woman: your cherished desires wil crumble to emotional sorrow. aged, young girl: unconscious desire to be emotional y alone while am...


lucky numbers: 02-05-17-24-32-35baking: expect favors from others to deal with responsibilities you deem weighty. dreaming of expecting a baby: are driving yourself toward shattere...


lucky numbers: 03-05-09-30-43-44painting a room: limit your responsibility, accept your ascent from darkness. room, in a: aspire to an al -inclusive perfection of mystical il umina...


lucky numbers: 04-05-20-38-40-49calling attention by: wil lose in prospective ventures to others, who treat it as a game. children: wil participate in a joyous event of comedic int...


lucky numbers: 08-27-34-38-48-49children, to: make your intentions and rules clear. friends: are being deceived by advice coming from one with ulterior motives. others: they are en...


lucky numbers: 07-18-24-30-47-48being offered a drink of: wil sacrifice friends to your selfishness. buying: wil have debts and difficulties, but pay them with il icit schemes. dri...


lucky numbers: 03-12-16-22-24-44devastation caused by a: discovery of a disposition not in accordance with your wishes. losing property in a: your emotions are running away with yo...


Dreams: In-Depth Analyses and Research

Common Types Of Dreams

In the realm of dreams, nothing is beyond exploration. We open ourselves to experience every facet of our being—our fears, frustrations, suppressed memories, uncharted territorie...

Age And Dreams

Sleep patterns vary significantly across different age groups, with people generally sleeping less soundly as they age. Stage 4, or deep sleep, almost disappears among the elderly....

What Are Precognitive Dreams?

The Fascinating and Mysterious Phenomenon of Precognitive Dreams Precognitive dreams are a fascinating and mysterious phenomenon that has captivated people throughout history. The...

Animal Dreams

Dreams of Animals: A Historical Perspective Humans have been dreaming about animals for ages. It has been speculated that some of the ancient cave paintings of animals may perhaps ...

A to Z Dream Interpretation