Rejection Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 7 Unique Sources About Rejection

rejection image


Dream Meanings About The Rejection

To dream that you are rejecting something indicates that there are feelings, ideas, people or situations in your waking life with which you feel you cannot cope or want to be rid of. Your dream may be suggesting that there is a great deal of clutter in your life that you need to reject or dispose of; this clutter can be old habits, worn-out opinions, or old objects and clothes. Does your self-image or your wardrobe—or both—need a makeover? Alternatively, you may be refusing to accept a situation that is being imposed and forced upon you.

To dream that you are being rejected signifies a lack of self-belief.

If you dreamed of your partner leaving you, this reflects feelings of insecurity about the strength and consistency of their affection for you in real life.

If you do the leaving, however, your unconscious is alerting you to negative emotions that person arouses in you. It may be, however, that your dreaming self rejected your shadow; a quality within yourself you dislike.

If you dream of losing a treasured object, item of jewelry or even a pet or childhood toy you value highly, it may be a warning that someone or something in your waking life is draining you. This may be something within yourself—perhaps your possessive nature—but it may also be referring to your talents, and whether or not you are making enough use of them.



(1) Rejection in a dream may be a symbol of suppression or repression, the action by which we trv to get rid of anything in our psyche - usually a desire - that offends our moral sense or brings with it a threat of

punishment. Try to identify with what is rejected, as well as with the rejector in the dream; and give the rejected emotion or instinct an appropriate role in your conscious life. (On repression / suppression)

(2) Bear in mind that, if in the dream it is you who are rejected, it may well be you who are doing the rejecting. In cases of self-rejection it is usually the ‘conscience’ or super-ego - introjected social conventions and attitudes - that does the rejecting, and often the victim is sexual desire. The rejection may have started in early childhood, where the offending action or - more likely - desire was almost certainly quite natural and innocuous and does not at all warrant the punishment and disparagement you have meted out to yourself.

See Also: Ab, onment.


You may not want to accept an influence or situation that has been imposed on you in real life.

If you are rejected, the dream reveals that you have hidden feelings of underestimation or that you have distanced yourself from your environment due to lack of confidence. Sometimes this is produced in the sexual plane. According to Freud’s studies, you are the one that rejects yourself: your conscience does not integrate sexual needs of the subconscious. In this sense, it would be as though you were punishing yourself.

Some oneiric oracles believe that the meaning of this dream is the reverse. Generally, rejection foretells successes.


In this kind of dream trusted friends or allies end up betraying you or murdering you.

If you are prone to this kind of dream, the chances are you are extremely loyal, kind, helpful and unselfish in waking life and your dreaming mind is urging you to say ‘no more’ in an attempt to try and put your own needs first for once.


To dream of being rejected, represents a lack of self-worth. You need to gain confidence in order to gain the acceptance you want from others.

To dream of rejecting someone, means there are feelings or situations you want to be rid of.


1. Low self-worth, self-rejection.

2. Refusal to accept a certain situation or aspect of another person.


Rejection in a dream may suggest that there are feelings or situations the dreamer wants to be rid of.


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A to Z Dream Interpretation