(Bond, Connection, Liaison) To have important connections in a dream means compelling one’s enemy to retreat or to accept one’s conditions.To have strong relationships in a dr...
Read More(Adultery; Coitus; Fornication; Hugging; Instinct; Lesbian, Molesting, Sexual drive, Sleeping together, Sodomy, Tribadism) If a man sees himself having sexual intercourse with a...
Read More(Breach, Break, Enmity, Rift, Cutting) Enmity among relatives and rupture of relations in a dream means straying away from God’s path, heedlessness, paying a penalty, or it c...
Read More(see Bride, Engagement, Groom, Marriage, Parents)These dreams frequently relate to real-life scenarios in which the relationships in the dream mirror those from waking hours. If, h...
Read MoreThe wish or need to be able to communicate with someone on a very intimate level can translate itself into intercourse in a dream.If intercourse is interrupted we may have inhibiti...
Read MoreOften when we are ready for a new relationship, or have begun a new relationship we dream about our exes. This causes many people distress as, even though it is only a dream, you c...
Read MoreThe Oedipus complex is one of Freud’s best-known and most influential theories in the realm of dream interpretation. The term refers to a group of largely unconscious ideas and f...
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